
Pompus4real, otherwise known as, pompus or sometimes referred to as, 'pomp', is a new and up-and-coming composer who continues to show his musical talents as shown through his YouTube, Twitter and Soundcloud posts. Some of his most noticeable pieces of work are the following. 1. HOOPZ 2. 1HP 3. Aero 4. James Smith 5. Jersey Beat 1, 2.

These are songs highly liked by the public and pompus4real has taken note of this. Pompus will be continuing to posting his compositions and will compose more symphonies as he progresses through his journey of being one of the best composers out there. His friends are; IDFB-B0y, Controlide, mirroah, Cath, Jacoblmao, maybemicro, Panlishous and many more people.