I am using this User Page as an introduction and a self training site. Please bear with me an allow me to expand and improve my ability to contribute to this prodigious site.

High Level Technology Innovator


I have been involved with high levels of technology innovation and development for many years. I am an accomplished trouble shooter. At one time my employer had me going to locations with problems and working on systems that I had never seen before. Using the available documentation and evaluating the existing functional operation of the systems, would then evaluate and resolve the problems that the location was having. I have been a concert violinist, an emergency room nurse, a turbine mechanic, a marine electrician, a semiconductor engineer, a programmer, a 2nd and 3rd level software support engineer, a telecommunications engineer and architect, a data network engineer and architect, a computer/data systems engineer and architect and a remote infrastructure monitoring and management engineer and consultant. All through these different industries and roles, I have utilized the ability to work with process patterns within each technology. I was told that this talent was referred to as "technical patterning". I have attempted to find any relevant information on that talent, but found only vague references to a correlation musical talent and the ability write good code for esoteric programs in very complex programming languages. It appears that this is a very little know and documented talent. To some extent, "talents" in themselves are not very well documented. My first article "Technical Patterning" was an attempt to remedy that lack of documentation.










Innovative Contributions to Industries


Temporary Work Space for User Page Colnel_b


Technical Patterning


The content of this page was improperly deleted from my user workspace. Please do not do so again. I lost a lot of information and experience when this page was deleted. I consider it very disrespectful of me and any others that might be trying to improve their value to this site.


Technical Patterning is the talent or skill of translation between verbal (symbolic) and non-verbal processes at a technical level. This can most often be associated with musicians who play music (non-verbal process) by “reading” sheet music (symbolic or “verbal”). This is also associated with software programmers who write code (“verbal” or symbolic) to achieve specific results in a computer (non-verbal process); sometimes referred to as “composing” software. Technical patterning is bi-directional, referring to both the “doing” of something (non-verbal) based on “reading” documentation (verbal) specific to a process, such as “reading” sheet music to “play” the music; or creating documentation specific to the “doing” of something, such as “writing” sheet music for a musical score to be “played” by others.

Technical patterning is not to be confused with use of the word “patterning” in the medical field, which refers to the repetitive movement of limbs etc to retrain the human brain functionality after a cerebral accident of one sort or another.

The “non-verbal” aspect of technical patterning may be applied to any repetitive or recursive process that is the “doing” or “performing” of something, even though it may be documented and described by some method. The above example of playing a specific piece of music is an example of a non-verbal process in the context of technical patterning. This may be applied very widely to include such things as business processes, data processes, trouble shooting, and sports, as well as music and computers performing specific application processes.

The “verbal” aspect of technical patterning may be applied to the writing of documentation of some sort that is specific enough so that others, or something, may perform the same task or process in the specifically intended way. The above example of writing a musical score is an example of a verbal process in the context of technical patterning, even though it uses a written language made of specific marks on lines to represent the “notes” to be played. This may also be widely applied to include such things as business processes, data processes, trouble shooting, and sports, as well as music and computer application software composition.

Technical patterning as a talent is seen by the high incidence of software programmers and other types of technical designers, who also play one or more musical instruments. This is talent that is not well understood, and as of this writing, is not very well documented. Very few people that do not have this talent recognize the specific role that technical patterning has in the performance of tasks or processes by those that do have the talent. This writer has only come in contact with a few organizations that use the talent for technical patterning as a requirement for job placement, primarily for software development and programming.

The talent and skill of technical patterning is often recognized by programmer also playing a musical instrument. A “test” of some sort may also be used to show the talent for technical patterning. The test would show the ability of a person to take a previously unfamiliar description of a task and perform that task specific to the description without prior training. The test could also be to create a new specific task process based on the process functionality with the description of a related task process.

The talent or skill of technical patterning may also be recognized in those that have a history of successful technical or artistic innovation. It requires a high level of technical patterning talent and skill to come up with an innovative idea and then to document that idea in a way that others can understand and relate to it so that it will come into use by others. People that are successful innovators in business and technology are often those who display a high level of talent and skill of technical patterning. Technical patterning as a talent can also be recognized in those individuals that perform well trouble shooters or problem solvers in very widely disparate disciplines or industries.