This is mostly a place for me to add and delete ideas, for a new page or category or major edit or some research I need to do.

If you wish to leave a comment or message, please do so at my talk page.

Pages I'm watching closely


Things to mention to Aston, James, David...


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Current conversations & small projects


lih. wiki ekonomi partai hijau...

3 February 2006 University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute (*Cloth filter)

Things to do on my page


*todo box: - stole from User:MarkGallagher

pages to check


& to double check. & user pages that haven't responded?

Check every so often: next MARCH 06


Other sites to check, related to Wikipedia:

Replies a long time coming - check again MAY 06


Check in July 06


Conversations that have pretty much petered out




Definitely (issue resolved, or not important to me):

Pages that seem to need personal unverifiable knowledge


a lot of the fruits & other foods.

Appropriate technology

  • overlaps with sustainable technology, alternative technology, and usage sometimes reflects confusion or melding of these concepts.

Often will be more sustainable by virtue of lower resource use. however, this is not necessarily the main intention.

check Technology

Giardia needs more work:

Treatment of drinking water for Giardia typically involved some form of high efficiency filtration and/or chemical disinfection such as chlorination or ozonation.
it's important to realise that the Luddites acted not because of a philosophy of voluntary simplicity, but because the new automated looms threatened their livelihoods. In a society with no social welfare system, this meant that they faced desperate privation - and their fears were realised when automated looms took over and skilled hand-loom weavers and their families endured awful poverty and even death by starvation.

Mention also Ted Turner, and the question of whether it is a suitable and necessary solution to environmental issues.

Add to category



"Appropriate technology"

or click:



Engineers Without Frontiers - non-US still in existence?



I have a dilemma with Category:Appropriate technology advocates. Organizations such as Engineers for a Sustainable World and Engineers Without Borders don't necessarily talk about appropriate technology on their websites, so I can't justify putting them in that category. Yet, by virtue of being engineering based and dealing with development at a village level, this is a focus in reality. (I know it's a focus for Engineers Without Borders (Australia), having just been to their website.

A partial solution is to link to Appropriate technology for developing countries - Organizations from the article on the organization. However, organizations such as Engineers for a Sustainable World still don't show up in the category. Hmmm. : a Buffalo University publication:

Kelly Miller, a sophomore environmental engineering major and president of ESW, is currently working to amend this problem and find a reasonable solution for the university. The club, a local chapter of a national organization, formed after a group of UB engineers attended a national convention at Stanford and were inspired to develop a chapter of their own.
The group now hopes to apply the ideas of the national organization in the local UB area.
"The national organization promotes developing sustainable technologies for third-world countries as well as domestic issues," Miller said. "We're focusing on domestic energy issues right now, mainly biodiesel."
the so called Fujishock had devastating social consequences. - research or [citation needed]

look into the criticisms section in Hernando de Soto (economist). Any assessment of the impact of the reforms? - history


edit Australian Bangladeshi Community Grameen Support Group Microfinance needs its own article; +more info on Investment Groups



Bangladesh dairy cooperative lifts farmers out of poverty

Milk Vita, independent of aid for 10 years, expanded milk production, improved cow care and set an example for private dairies



Stirling Solar Disk



Foundation Center or check email with subject Land Use Impacts on Transport, 7 January


Happiness research


Jeremy Bentham and nonsense upon stilts


Natural rights is simple nonsense: natural and imprescriptible rights, rhetorical nonscnse, -- nonsense upon stilts. --Anarchical Fallacies, excerpted passage at

+see Jeremy Bentham



When living in East Java, locals referred to those of traditional Javanese beliefs as Kejawen. Is this the same as Abangan? This page (Indonesian language) says they are the same and so does Religion a Necessity in Indonesian Politics, though I thought they were different.


  • praying at graves
  • hari baik
  • slamatan
  • burying placenta, twin spirit in tree

Comments by a learned Indonesian friend:

In my opinion "abangan" and "kejawen" are not the same. "Abangan" means people who admit that they are Moslems but never practice Islam (do not perform Islamic prayers, fasting, pilgrim, etc.). They are also often called "Islam KTP". KTP is the abbreviation of Kartu Tanda Penduduk (ID card), meaning that they write Islam as their religion for the purpose of having KTP (remember that in Indonesia, it is unlawful to be an atheist). Actually, "abangan" derives from the Javanese word "abang", which means "red". I do not know why Indonesian people associate the Moslems who do not practice Islam with "red" color. But, as a matter of fact, this is the way Indonesians distinguish "not good moslems" from "good moslems". For "good moslems" or people who obediently practice Islamic rules, they are often called "ijo" (javanese word of "hijau" or green). That is why most Islamic political parties in Indonesia use Green as the color base for their party symbols.
"Kejawen" are everybody (could be Moslems, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc) who still perform Javanese ways of life or believes. For example, people who still believe "hari baik" (fortunate days) to move in to their new house, or "hari baik" to get married, or choose their spouses based on their "weton" (Javanese birthday), are called "Kejawen". As a matter of fact, many good Moslems, Christians, Hindus, etc also perform "Kejawen", although for conservative Moslems, performing "Kejawen" can be regarded as "syiriq" (do not trust Allah). Kejawen derives from the word "Jawa" (Java).
I hope my explanation can be useful for you. --Dec 19, 2005

and later:

Unfortunately, until now I do not know any publication that you can rely on to support what I had written in my previous email. I based my opinion only on what I learn in my family, my society, various newspaper articles, things like that. I will let you know soon if I can find any good sources related to "abangan" topic. --Dec 19, 2005


edit suggests the terms are different. This site is interesting as a starting point for research, but personal so not verifiable.

Franz Magnis Suseno? Refer his book, primarily about abangan.

Personal interest


Music to look up


Tomorrow never comes until it's too late. only wednesday...



"I'd eat shit if it made me look (cool/good)" MurderCapital cigarettes.



Add term Javanism to article.

Alternative economics - role in economy of non-profit org's, collectives/coops?

Wikipedia:WikiProject Environment Wikipedia:WikiProject International development

Personal interest


Topics I want to learn about: