Professor Serge MIRANDA Dept of Computer Science, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Serge Miranda is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNSA), France, a position he has held since October 1983 after a PH-D in Toulouse University (France) and a Master thesis at UCLA (Univ.of California, Los Angeles). Serge Miranda has authored or coauthored more than 100 publications and published six successful French books on databases (15 Editions).

He founded MBDS master degree the highest French University graduate degree devoted to data base and mobiquitous systems with important financial involvement of industry partners to prototype mobile information services of the future..

Several innovative wireless information cell phone- centrics services with communicating objects(RFID, NFC, captors, sensors,..) were performed at MBDS in the area of m-payment, digital campus, health (elderly people), travel/tourism, sustainable economy (fair trade, NFC posters for illiterate, etc...) .MBDS opened formal university “subsidiaries” with formal education agreements in Morocco, Haïti, Tunisia and Russia ( and for TV broadcasts ).

He is presently president of the multidisciplinary foundation DreamIT of the University of Nice( which was launched on December 2009 around the MBDS kernel with the same bottom up innovative approach. DreamIT foundation is leading innovative projects in Morocco (m-payment, NFC against illiteracy), Tunisia (m-tourism), India (Financial inclusion in rural areas), Haïti (reconstruction of MBDS facility, m-government, traceability for Coffee fair trade, ..), Russia (digital kremlin in Astrakhan) and France (NFC digital Campus, mult-sense memory case for Alzheimer prevention, m-toursim, m-arts, ..).

On March the 21st 1998, he was decorated (“Chevalier Ordre du Merite”) by Senator Pierre Laffitte, founder of Sophia Antipolis Science park, on behalf of the Ministry of Industry of France for recognition of his original contribution between higher education and industry.