Chrispus Peter is an IT Professional based in Nairobi Kenya.He is also a Symbolism Graphic Designer, having designed several government symbols including the coat of Arms and flags of County Governments of Kitui and Taita Taveta among others. Besides that, he is a poet,Song Writer and a Vocalist in African Contemporary Stage performances. His full names are Chrispus Mwambanga Peter. Born on 25th December,1986 at the Kenyan Coast and raised at Mdundonyi Village,Wanganga Sub-location,Iriwa location,Wundanyi Sub-county,Taita Taveta county.

His roots are however not well known but his father is said to be from the Digo tribe of the South Kenyan Coast or Northern Tanzania.He speaks more than 4 languages including The Kitaita,Kikamba,Kiswahili,English and some Spanish.

He studied at Baghau Primary School on his preliminary studies and later joined Kanyaa Primary School for his upper-primary studies. He later Joined Kitui High School in the early 2000 and later joined the Multimedia University of Kenya for Tertiary Studies where he studied Telecommunication Engineering and Computing systems to the advanced level.

In 2008 he stated an IT Company to offer IT Solutions,Print and Web publishing to the local market.He later left his company and opted to work for several IT firms in Kenya including the Computer Society of Kenya to raise fund for business as employment has never been into his mind. In 2010,He went back to his company and registered it to the State of Delaware as Binare Inc. to have international presence and kicked started it in a new notch.He is now the President and Data Architect of Binare Inc., an IT and Publishing, Company registered in the state of Delaware at the United States of America.