Template table


These templates are used for creating user template tables like those used on this page.

Template Usage
{{User:Chovain/Template/template table begin}} Place at the beginning of a table of templates
{{User:Chovain/Template/template table row}} Creates a row in a template table. The first parameter is the relative name of the template. The second is the description.
{{User:Chovain/Template/template table end}} Place at the end of a table of templates
{{User:Chovain/Template/template}} Like {{Tl}}, but uses relative paths. For example, {{User:Chovain/Template/template|Xxx}} produces a template-format link to a subpage called Xxx.

Suggested citations table


I made these for Talk:Tomboy. Feel free to reuse them.

Template Usage
{{User:Chovain/Template/suggest citation begin}} Place at the beginning of the table.
{{User:Chovain/Template/suggest citation}} Create a row. The parameters are the same as {{cite journal}}, with an extra "details" field for comments/discussion.
{{User:Chovain/Template/suggest citation end}} Place at the end of the table.


Template Usage
{{User:Chovain/Template/Flag}} Display a flag in the top right hand corner of the page. This is meant for userpages.
{{User:Chovain/Template/block log}} Display a pseudo-internal link to a block log. 1: username; 2: link text
{{User:Chovain/Template/symbol}} Display the symbol with the given unicode value. 1: hex value of character


Template Usage