The article I have chosen to edit is ATP-binding motif

The following are ideas I have for the direction of my edits:

Firstly, I would like to edit the opening paragraph by using the information that has already been stated as an outline, however I would like to rewrite these ideas by using the appropriate sources to make it a stronger opening.

I would like to add a new heading titled "History". Within this section, I would like to state how the APT-binding motifs were discovered, why they were discovered, and by who.

Another new heading I want to add is the "Function" heading. I will talk about the six different APT-binding motifs, the Walker A, Q-loop, Signature, Walker-B, D-loop, and H-loop, and what the function of each motif is.

I would like to also add a third new heading titled "Structure". Here I will briefly describe the structure of APT and explain the different amino acids that are involved with the binding motifs.

Another aspect that I think will be extremely important within my article will be the use of pictures. I plan to use the pymol application (or another similar application) in order to have visualizations for some of the binding motifs that will be described.