Common Jezebel at Raiganj Wildlife Sanctuary

Cheyenne Lotus Garland - Atlanta born Southern Girl.

Graduated in 1993 from Lithonia High School.
She traveled after graduation Floria, North Carolina, etc. to find herself.
She settle in Florida with her love interest and best friends.
They created a tee shirt business called "The T-Shirt Factory and Distribution Center."
Though a lucrative business, Cheyenne Found herself bored with the business and relationship.
She decided it was time she be true to herself and write, seeing how this is her one true love. 

First she tested her hand at article writing on places like That was okay, but not her hearts desire.

Cheyenne would go on later to turn her poetry into a video blog on This brought her clear enjoyment.
Unfortunate circumstances prevented Cheyenne from posting her videos, so she joined a site called
Fanstory allow writers, artist and musicians to display their work, and have other review, rate and comment. 
In a very short period of time Cheyenne has went on to have four poems with a blue ribbon recognized status,
as well as a "All Time Best" award.
Cheyenne is now working on writing her first book, in which she has and will not disclose details.
However, she hopes she grabs the hearts of many readers, and prays the words God gives her helps many souls

find their way, as she is also trying to find hers.