journal entry 1


today i learned how to properly use wikipedia and format correct citations formats

citation Practice


Text Octavia Butler was a shy child citation [1] Govan, Sandra Y. “Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel.” MELUS 13.1/2 (1986): 79–96. Web. < >

Journal entry #10


Today i learned to edit secondary sources and to recognize important passages .i also learn to summerize Journals in order to group coinsiding information from various authors.

journal entry 2

what i learned today paraphrasing and summarizing. Basically what to keep ,what to Quote and what to paraphrase 

when gathering information from readings.

Journal #3


October 5,todayI learned how to revise paragraphs,form proper body of paragraph and to write a thesis statement .i also learned to paraphrase articles.Celavie97 (talk) 20:31, 5 October 2015 (UTC)

Journal entry #4


Today i summarized readings for research paper and chose reading for research assignment .and completed reading of Govan pp.79 - 84

Journal entry #7


Today i learned about presentation on readings for research assignment 5 . also review on a preview of topics and writing Research Paper Proposal.



Today we worked on our first draft for the Wikipedia page we read articles and summarized them in groups so we could best optimize and sharpen our research skills.

Research Assignment#5

  • Butler was the first to write about black female protagonist.
  • Black women characters were not stereotypical
  • Woman were "Uncanny"with strong powers that contrasted what abilities black women usually had in sci-fi.
  • Anyanwu is a spiritual healer that has the power to heal people and herself,which are abilities that other African American Literature don't have.
  • Butlers characters have supernatural capabilities but those abilities didn't not lead them out of slavery ,disease,and near death experiences.
  • Butlers healers donot depend on other sources of power ,or do they need other bodies around to help them into the healing process
  • Its not a well written thesis.It repeats itself.The conclusion is where the main points are spoken about and that's all you really need to read.

Research Assignment 1


Octavia E,Butler was a black American female writer ,who was born on June 22,1947 in Pasadena ,California. Octavia was the only child of Laurice and Octavia Margaret Guy ,she was name after her mother.Her father died when she was seven and she was raised with her mother and grandmother. Octavia was fortunate to have grown up in a racially diverse environment which allowed here to acquire cultural and ethnic exposure. While going to work with her mother a house maid for white people in the times of racial segregation Octavia would also experience what her mother would endure such as being made to enter the house through the back door and being spoken to in a

disrespectful manner directed to or at her mother in her presence. Another advantage Octavia had was that her mother brought home books and magazines for her to read that were being thrown n the trash by her mothers white employers.Being that Octavia suffered from Slight dyslexia and a severe case of shyness reading became her love and ultimately her life. Growing up Octavia was kind of a recluse not really socializing with other kids, she grew to be about six feet tall and would often be teased and ridiculed for being tall. She also made the Pasadena library her safe haven from the bulling she would spend hours writing In a "BIG PINK NOTEBOOK." Her first interest in reading were fairy tales ,but soon her interest shift to science fiction where she remained. She read books like Amazing and The Magazine of Fantasy.

When Octavia was ten she asked and received a type writer from her mother A Remington typewriter. At twelve she convinced her self she could write better then the writers of "Devils Girl from Mars. She had know idea of a black women writers struggles which could of played a part in her success.Negros can't be writers" was mentioned to Octavia at the age of thirteen by her aunt hazel. This made her unsure of herself , moving forward with her passion in becoming published.Octavia's mother urged her to be a secretary because it would provide a steady income Octavia worked meaningless jobs so she can continue to write at night and early mornings. She also attended Pasadena city college at night. She won a writing contest while attending college winning a total amount of fifteen dollars in prize money. This is also when she got her idea for best selling books "Kindred."

Octavia patterned her writing after white male writers out of default because she had no help or criticism of her work the writing industry had been dominated by white men. Success did not come easy for her. She impressed a teacher at the writers guild at UCLA. she sold two stories to a Robin Scott Wilson ,the director of clarion. Her work was also published by him as part of he 1971 Clarion Anthology. She worked for five years on a series of books that would be known as the "Patternist Series." Octavia wrote "wild Seed "In 1980.Butler travelled to the Amazon rain forest and Andes to research "Xenogenesis Trilogy" She worked on Novels that made her a success. Octavia is first women to win The John D and Catherine T, Macarthur award which came wit a 295,000 dollars. Upon her mothers death ,Octavia purchased a home for herself in Lake Forrest Washington. She started writing Parables towards the end of her career ,but stopped stating the work of writing these parables were exhausting and she no longer continue writing them and chose to take on lighter writing subjects. Octavia Butler died on February @4,2006 at her home in Lake Forest Park ,Washington at the of %8 years of age an accomplished writer and a credit to all the subservient workers and all not just only black women but people with special learning abilities.

Research Assignment 2

  • main theme slavery
  • Butlers best novel
  • Doro over 4000 years of age
  • Anywanwu over 300 years old
  • power struggles between Main characters

But in Wild Seed ,a different sort of book , my characters could be powerful enough to move some what outside the ugliness of antebellum U.S history even though they live through it. Teir struggle is more male -female a lc di.WWild Seed , Chapters 1-4

Wild SEED contains several characters ,but the main characters are Anywanwu the protagonist in this story an immortal shape shifter and healer, she can changed her race, gender.Then the next main character would be a Doro the antagonist he an immortal over 4000 years old. He lives through the bodies of others by taking over peoples bodies and must keep doing so to survive and human bodies can only live for so long before Doro needs a new one. He can control people with his super natural powers.This novel is set in Africa. Anyanwu lives as an old women, she ha many children.Doro lures Anyanwu from here safe home with false promises of immortal children and a better life in the new world.Doro is Obsessed with Anyanwu powers he wants to use her and her powers for his own plans Anyanwu is interested in Doro"s plans of immortal children. Doro is abusive towards her. Anywanwu is the more powerful Immortal.

Research Assignment#3


'Connections,links,and extended Networks: Sandra y,Govan "Homage to tradition; Octavia Butler

  • Butlers novels difficult to find ,but she still established a new voice in Science-Fiction.
  • Homo Superior (Psionically enhanced human-beings
  • Reshapes Afro-American and African cultural values
  • Slave ,Narratives the first black autobiographies have great deal in common with our understanding of the attributes of historical novels(Marion Starling).
  • Issac Asimov's foundation series model precursor.
  • Male dominantcy
  • No submission by Anywanwu to male oppression, Doro.
  • Super human fantasy

All in all Anywanwu understands that Doro must kill to survive. Doro learns to respect her and treat his people better.

Research assignment#4


Holden, R.J. “‘I began writing about power because I had so little’: The Impact of Octavia Butler’s Early Work on feminist Science Fiction as a Whole (and on One Feminist Science Fiction Scholar in Particular

  • Holden j,Rebecca 2013 on feminist Science fiction
  • Anywanwu was motherly and nouturing women.she wanted eutopia for her children and people
  • Unfavorable reaction towards technological advancements.
  • Male and female power struggles Conquered.
  • Identity Struggles.
  • Themes of genetic engineering and human cyborgs
  • Gender roles between main charecters.

Research assignment #5

  • Eugenics is described as improving the human population by controlled breeding to in crease the outcome of a desirable birth characteristic.
  • Eugenics is instrumental in the process of producing super-human eutopia

Wild Seed Chapters 1-4


In these first few chapters we are introduced to Doro a 4,000 year old immortal who is evil and can take over anybody he chooses, ultimately killing his host.Anywanwua 300 year old witch is good .She can heal her self and others .She is also a shape shifter that can take human or animal form.This story begins in Africa.When Doro meet s Anywanwu ,But soon he convinces her to join himin his Seed village were he promises her protection and longevity for her children, and that they would building a eutopia for their super human babies.During their journey aboard the slave ship she soon discovers at Doro is mean and cruel and the people(slaves)are frightened of him.Doro claims ownership of her family Ok0ye and Udenkwo who he has plans of breeding . .In these chapters we are introduced to Doro favorite son and friend Issac.Doro possibly interested in Anywanwu for her special healing and shape shifting powers but rather marry her off to his son Issac in hopes that they will produce a special child,but only after he does.

Wild Seed chapters 5-6


Anywanwu grand Children are forced by evil Doro to marry and breed against Anywanwu wishes,but she ulitimateley goes along with it Doro is her husband and she can't disobey his wishes it would've angered him. Doro does this as a tyrant with threats of death.Anywanwu discovers Doro Must take bodies in order for him to survive.Anywanwu discovers Issac's power during a huge storm out at sea on the ship.We also find out that in animal form Doro cannot sense Anywanwu presence ,this is when she transforms into a dolphin for the first time. Doro is fearful of this. He orders Issac to watch her every move.They become close with one another.Eventually Doro forces them to marry.

Wild Seed chapters 7-10


At the point we are forwarded Fifty years. Anywanwu and Issac have had many children together,they love and care for one another.Although Issac has powers he is not an immortal and must be kept alive by Anywanwu healing power.Nwekye Anywanwu's daughter is going through transition.At this time Doro's has sexual relations with her.Nwekye wanted him as well.This is a first for Doro who has never slept with any of Anywanwu children before,But he felt as though Nwekye could be a better Anywanwu,in case he had to kill her.Nwekye goes through transition but she couldn't handle the process and goes insane and critically wounds Issac as a raction Issac kills her and dies moments later with Anywanwu unable to assist him for he to badly injured.In fear Anywanwu runs away escaping Doro anger over the deaths.she transforms into a animal and flees for her life with plans of never returning.

Wild Seed,Chapter 11 -Epilogue


In this chapter 1840 lousiana Doro finds Anywanwu again after 100 to 150 years later she has been living as a white man Edward Warwick once married to a white woman . Doro missed Anywanwu very much to his own surprise wanted to see her once again.Doro lost alot of his people through war. (1812) .The people he chose to breed the most promising people . Doro has been trying to recreate a better Nwekye by mixing Anyanwu african and american desendents , with some success,but without Anyanwu the desendents would die or not live very long.Doro ateentions were back on tracking down Anywanwu with good leads he finally finds her home from stories her neighbors have told him of a supernatural black dog a kind of werwolf.A dog that has been shot numerous times but yet still lives.Doro heads to the house of the Dog.At the house he encunters a boy (Steven) with deformed arms.Doro found this boy highly sought after for his purposes. Doro knew this boy could be Anywanwu's offspring from the story the boy tells him about what happen to his arms and the boy tells him a unbelievable story about his arms and how they will grow back normal in a few weeks Doro was sure now that this was Anywanwu son. Doro also realizes that Anywanwu was more successful in breeding than he was. Anywanwu reveals herself to Doro as she been standing a few feet from him in animal form a big black dog ,most likely so he wouldnt sense her til she was ready. He asks her to change into human form because he said he couldnt talk to to her in animal form and she does .She dresses as a man , but keeps her woman form.They speak and Doro admitts to her that she has been more successfull than him in breeding after meeting her son Steven he liked his control he was alot like Anywanu a healer but nuch slower in doing so. Doro wants to know who is stevens father and she tells him a slave man from Africa a mind reader who has long passed away from unknown causes.A man she loved and wished was still alive.Instead of killing Ayanwu he tries to seduce her again.Anyanwu is skeptical of Doros true intentions.Once again Doro has plans for Anywanwu and her children ,but takes a kinder approach. He offers to bring suiters for her children,he tells her he will bring Steven a woman,Anywanwu begs him not to turn Steven her son into a monster. Helen Anywanyu 11year old daughter is raped by Joseph a man brought in earlier by Doro for breeding purposes and is also beaten by steven for earlier attempts is killed by Anywanyu .Doro returns Anywanyu and him are involved again ,she bores him another child .she wishes to die and tells this to Doro and causes emotion from him he cries and begs her not to kill herself a night passes as Doro weeps and Anywanyu still lives by morning.This changes Doro and makes him good to her and her people and his servants.Although he still kills others.Anywanwu moves and changes her name to emma Anywanwu.

Citations Practice


Govan, Sandra Y. “Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel.” MELUS 13.1/2 (1986): 79–96. Web. < >

  1. ^ Butler,octavia E "positive Obsession Bloodchild and other Stories New York Seven Stories,2005