
Name: de Guenin

First name: Cécile

Nicknames: Chewbaka, Cilou (pronounce "Ceeloo"), Cécilou (pronounce "Ceyceeeeloo" _Yes, hard to pronounce french)

Country: France

Location: Essonne (91)

Birth: 15/11/1985

Curriculeum vitae: bachelor degree in French Literature, Paris

Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Taking photos, Studying art, Studying Astrology, Reading, Watching some authors films, ans, well, Speaking English...

Interests in Literature: Favorite period : Nineteenth century

Favorite authors : Shakespeare (Noooooo ?), Nabokov, Tennesse Williams, Tony Morrisson, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and some frenches : La Fontaine, Montaigne, Montesquieu, Hugo, Marot, Chrétien de Troyes (this one inspired himself from Wace), Sand, Dumas fils, Eluard (surrealist), Desnos (surrealist), Du Bellay, Ovide

Favorites passages in the Bible (in a purely literary concern) : the last psalm, Exodus, the hymn of the hymnes (Ooh, Mumy, I don't know the exact translation...) and I find VERY FUNNY the Apocalypse !

Interests in Art: Favorite periods : Nineteenth Century too (Europ), Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century (Italy-Renaissance), Sixteenth/Seventeenth Century (Italy-Baroque), also primitive art in general (maybe except Africa) and ancient Greek Civilization and ancient Roman (is the phrase exact ?) Civilization

Favorite artists : Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Sandro Boticelli, Mucha (Art Nouveau)

Favorite movements : my God there is plenty of ! Romantism, Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionism, The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of course (I just forgotted it), Neo-Impressionism, Orientalism, Art nouveau, Fauvism, Realism, and Symbolism

Favorite sculptor : the barrocco Bernini ! I love him !

Interests in Movies: favorite realisator : Clint Eastwood

Favorite films : the French Firelights (with Sophie Marceau. But I think it is also an english film, isn't it ?), Girl with a pearl earring, Gattacca

Music preferences: LOOVE Evanescence, also like Bob Marley, John Lennon or the 1980's Disco, or also songs in pan pipes. My records are quite heteroclites

Well, please tell-me if I have made some grammar errors !