• Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, Part II by Marc Prensky. (dead link)
    • Digital Literacy Contest A competition of digital literacy skills which libraries host for their patrons.(dead link)
      • Global Literacy HotChalk articles about digital literacy around the world.(dead link)
      • Digital immigrants: Accrding to [null Ahn, Juyeon] & [null Jung, Yoonhyuk] a Digital Native is someone who has grown up with technologies. For example, a pager, the first cell-phone, and an oversized cube computer. They also have different undertsandings of digitcal use. While digital immigrants, who have been exposed to digital technology later in life. (Prensky, 2001) states, "digital natives” indicates the young generation born after the 1980s, “digital immigrants” desig- nates the parent generation of DN. Because DN have been growing with diverse digital technologies, they are inclined to adopt and be favorable to emerging technologies." Ahn, J., & Jung, Y. (2016). The common sense of dependence on smartphone: A comparison between digital natives and digital immigrants. New Media & Society18(7), 1236-1256. doi:10.1177/1461444814554902

Digital visitors and Digital residents needs to be expanded on Melissa made this suggestion, and I offered to help with that section since she will be working on a different section, but I'm having some trouble finding articles for this particular topic.

Digital Ciizenship: There are nine components to digitial citizenship and the first one is, digital access meaning, understanding that not everyone has the same oppertunities as you may have with technology. Second is, digital commerce which is using the internet or you mobile phone to purchase things you need or like. Third is, digital communication which is being able to comunicate with others through technology. Fourth is, digital literacy and that is teaching/learning the use of technology. Fifth, Digital etiquette is a set of rules to follow so that it makes it easier for others to use the internet. For example, makign sure you treat someone with respect on a social media. Sixth, digital law which means your electronic responsibility for actions and deeds. For example, downloading illegal documents like music for free. Seventh, Digital rights and responsibilities meaning having the rights and privilege to use digital technology. Eighth, Digital health and wellness meaning, using technology safely and appropriately. Lastly, Digital security (self-protection) meaning, taking precautions with electronics. For example, protecting the importantthings you have stored in your mobile device or computer.