
Michael D. Gilbert is a renowned law professor at the University of Virginia (UVA). With years of experience in the field of law, he has earned a reputation as an expert in his field. He is known for his extensive knowledge of criminal law and procedure and his ability to effectively teach complex legal concepts to his students.

Professor Gilbert has been a faculty member at UVA's School of Law since 1991 and has served as the director of the Criminal Law Program. Through his teaching, research, and scholarship, he has made valuable contributions to the legal community. He has published numerous articles and books on criminal law and procedure, including "The Law of Sentencing," which is widely regarded as one of the most influential books on the subject.

Gilbert is a professor and member of the Democracy Initiative’s Corruption Lab for Ethics, Accountability, and the Rule of Law at UVA. He has also worked as a prosecutor and defense attorney, providing his students with a practical understanding of the criminal justice system. Professor Gilbert is highly respected by his colleagues and students alike for his passion for teaching and his dedication to advancing the field of law. His contributions to legal education have been recognized through numerous awards and honors, including the Thomas Jefferson Award, which is the highest honor bestowed by the University of Virginia.

Overall, Michael D. Gilbert is a highly accomplished law professor who has left a significant impact on the legal community. His passion for teaching and his extensive knowledge of criminal law and procedure make him an invaluable asset to the University of Virginia's School of Law.