
Strong Chess edit

Strong Chess - the variant of chess.

Initial position: first row: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, rook; second row: pawns.
The chessboard and the initial set of the chess pieces can be presented by traditional symbols of the chess pieces, but this makes it difficult to distinguish non-standard movements (and capturing) of the chess pieces.

The basic rules are based on traditional chess. This is a strategic game for two players in colors: white and black. Additional moves and capturing of the chess pieces were introduced against the traditional chess.

Chessboard and pieces edit

Strong chess is played on a classic chessboard. Each player has one set of the following pieces in its own color:

  • King
  • Queen
  • 2 Bishops
  • 2 Knights
  • 2 Rooks
  • 8 Pawns

Setting all the chess pieces at the beginning of the game is similar to setting known from traditional chess. You can use the set of the traditional chess, remembering the changed movements (and capturing) most of the pieces.

The purpose of the game edit

As in the traditional chess, the goal is to checkmate the opponent. Stalemate is a draw (tie).

Rules of movement and capturing of pieces edit

The king moves and captures like a king in the traditional chess - one field from the current position in all directions. It can not move to the position of check.

In addition, throughout one game, the king can only once make a special royal movement - can do the movement of traditional chess knight. Special royal movement can not be used for the king's opponent's check or checkmate.

The queen moves and captures like a queen in the traditional chess.

The bishop (bishop+knight) moves and captures like a bishop in the traditional chess.

In addition it moves and captures like a knight in the traditional chess.

The knight (knight+rook) moves and captures like a knight in the traditional chess.

In addition it moves and captures like a rook in the traditional chess.

The rook (rook+king) moves and captures like a rook in the traditional chess.

In addition it moves and captures like a king in the traditional chess (except rules about castling, check and checkmate), i.e. has an additional movement and capture by one field diagonally.

The pawn moves and captures like a pawn in the traditional chess.

In the game there is a castling, an en passant, there is also a promotion of pawns (in promotion of the pawn that has reached the last line, it can be exchanged for any chess piece of the same color, except the king and the pawn).

Game variant edit

In another variant of Strong Chess, instead of the queen, the maharaja is placed on the board (in white and black color).

The maharaja (queen+knight) moves and captures like a queen in the traditional chess.

In addition it moves and captures like a knight in the traditional chess.

Interesting facts edit

In the Strong Chess to checkmate the lone king of the opponent it is enough to have a king and only one another arbitrary chess piece (different from pawn).

The bishop, as you can easily see, can change the color of the field (otherwise than in the traditional chess).

See also edit

Variants with bishop+knight and rook+knight compounds

Category:Chess variants


Category:Board games