User:Buster7/sandbox of Happenstances

Syncronicity AKA The Improbability Principle AKA Happenstance

  • The Power of Coincidence by David Richo... Seemingly random events collaborate to fashion a connection that is observable and meaningful to the person it happens to
  • Coincidence is a bond between two hitherto unconnected realities. From the Greek syn=JOIN WITH and chronos=TIME

"....startling, in-the-moment, awakenings..."

  • There is no causal connection. The only correlation with each incident is the Observer (me). Many times, the subject is outdated and has no viable reason to be mentioned. Once newsworthy in its time, it has been years since it exists in the present.
  • Past<--->Present<--->Future
  • Happenstance is a portmanteau of happening and circumstance.
  • Buster7 (talk) 15:48, 13 November 2023 (UTC)

A Collection of Unexplainable Happenstances

1.-Mention of John Wilkes Booth in a Trump tweet and a story on NPR about John Wilkes Booth later that day.
2.-Mention of a LifeSpring "safe fall" in discussion w/ Gandy (first time in a long time of even remembering the incident) and then hearing the song lyrics "whose gonna catch you when you fall' by The Cars play on the radio on the way to Javy's later that same morning (I rarely listen to 93.1)
3.-Return Rachel Maddow book to the Library and then that very same book title is at the very visible top of the Donations Bin available for me to own.
4.-AUG19 - In the morning I tweet about a guy and 3 women bringing a dog to Boris Johnson at #10 Downing street and joke that they looked like Tony Orlando and Dawn (2 Women) and then Gerry and the Pacemakers (AllMen) then Steve Seattle and the SeaShells. Later that night Gerry and the Pacemakers are mentioned in passing on a late night show (I think Colbert)
5.-SEPT19 - Retweet a video of Jane Goodall releasing an ape and getting a hug. A week later comes a recruiting letter from the Jane Goodall Institute.
6.-Jay Portillo from California and Ricky Portillo's half-sister, Esa, wind up in a Chgo subsurb hospital for two unrelated incidents and meet each other in the Emergency Room Intake at the exact same time. One hears the others name over the speaker. They barely know each other
7.-2019...Darius, the RCN technician, comes to fix the connection to the internet. I pick up a book to read while he works--one that Cathy has suggested, Gone but not Forgotten. Don't know anything about it. Lead character, in the first chapter, is named....wait for it....Darius!
8.-―Buster7  14:00, 7 October 2019 (UTC)
9.-―Buster7  14:56, 25 October 2019 (UTC)
10.-Amy promotes extending the LoneSomeDoveTrip/2021 to include the Pacific Coast. Out of the Blue, that night Eric Evans calls from California and invites Cathy and I to stay, not knowing anything about a family trip to Montana. 12:10, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
11.-Thanksgiving/2021 at Todd's house. Sarah's dad, John, is discussing maybe moving to Florida's very small Anna Maria Island--- where we vacationed twice when I was a small boy. Of all the places in DeSantisFlorida...why there?....except for a strange Happenstance
12.-September/2022. On the way home from LWW we listen to a PBS interview with Roger Payne, famed collector of Songs of the Humpback Whales rather than Howard or music. Later that night we start to randomly watch Netflix's Extraordinary Attorney Woo, a South Korean series about an autistic lawyer that uses her fantasizing about Whales as a driving plot directive. Had trouble getting on Netflix. It would have been easier to watch something else,,,but therein lies the unexplainable happenstance. This may be a foreshadowing of our FEB/2023 trip to see the Grey Whales in Mexico.
13.-April/2023...At LWW. An old Peach crossword puzzle from the mailbox has a clue, "The _____ Donahue Show" but I cannot get the answer because I have misspelled "Niece" as the down clue. Frustrated with my inability to get an easy name I ask Cathy and she confirms its PHIL and I see my mistake. Later that day, on the way home, we listen to Howard's interview with Brooke Shields and she talks about an interview by....Phil Donahue.
14. -Mid April/2023... Jim from work has been providing extensive elder care for a sick Mr Rick. Tuesday, 12;30, I usually go to TS when Jim comes in but Jim, Al and I go to set up the Auditorium for a 2PM event during which Jim relays the weekends and Mondays care for Rick and shows us an "end-of=life" video he recorded at Riks request. I get upstairs about 1:15 and start the OUTS. The very first book I touch, May I Walk You Home? (Courage and comfort for the caregivers of the dying), is about gleanings for the caregivers to the dying. I pass it on to Jim.
15. July 12/2023... Amy and Eddie GMA and I start to plan a 4-day get-together weekend at LWW to celebrate my and Matts BDay and Lukes approaching BDay. We will most likely need to pitch a tent to provide enough sleeping situations. Lo and behold... the Guy across the alley from John's is moving and getting rid of stuff. What does he put out for someone, anyone, to have? Two almost new Field and Stream sleeping bags. 5 minutes later they would be gone!!!! The Universe Supports Us!!!!!!!
16. August 28, 2023. I was inadvertently thinking about a character in Orson Scott Card's Xenocide, Glorious Bright, that follows wood grains as a mental cleansing. She is one of the godspoken – those who hear the voices of the gods in the form of irresistible compulsions, and are capable of significantly superior intelligence as a result of being victims of a cruel government project: granted great intelligence by genetic modification, they were also shackled with a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder to control their loyalty. Two days later, at the library, I brought down a bin of donations to the Friends area, and at the top of their reject barrel was the Ender Quartet including Xenocide. Had it been lower in the bin I wouldn't have seen it.Hazc it been later in the day, Aarron would have discarded the bin
17. August 30. Breakfast at SherMain with Eddie. He mentions he needs glasses. The day before I was thinking about my Mom's eye problems with the Sun which is what Eddie mentioned, that the sun hurt his eyes.
18. I see Eric Evans name in my phone and decide to eMessage him W/ pics. Get error message so I eMessage Karen. She replies that they are in Dolton to get their house ready to sell. We hooked up for . dinner and hugs..
19. I decide I need to improve my chess play so I can enjoy playing with Anthony. The book Chess Openings comes across my desk. In addition, Chuck McNeal calls to ask for boxes and invites me to join his Chess class at the library. I don't recall that he has ever called me on the phone.
20. 11/01/2023 While in London on Holiday, a raven lands quite close (3') to us and I remember the "Ravens of the Tower' from editor Colins EOTW award recently. A few days after our return I wikiMessage Colin as a joke. He replies that his pic of the Tower Ravens was yesterday's Picture of the Day on Commons!!!! Weird!!!


21. 11/10/2023 Cathy and I are out and about; having lunch with Vella and Lou at Johnny's, stopping to window shop at ABT, then headed to TJMax to get phone stuff. But, on the way, Cathy suggests that we stop and visit Matt. We spend time cleaning his headstone and saying a prayer and wishing him well. The car is parked up ahead a bit and we sit and watch a female deer and some Canadian Geese in the distance. I get my phone out to take a pic but something tells me to hit video and turn slightly back and see what is happening by Matt's little tree. To my amazement a Large Buck is slowly walking just beyond the tree and headed to the road behind us. He is majestically framed in the shot and stops just perfect for the end pic. For all this to come together is beyond belief. I begin to reaffirm my belief in the afterlife and the ability of the deceased to communicate with the living. Thank you, Son.

These once lived on my talk page

  • No sense having them in 2 places
  • Meld when you have time

Syncronicity AKA The Improbability Principle AKA Happenstance

  • There is no causal connection. The only correlation with each incident is the Observer (me). Many times the subject is out-dated and has no viable reason to be mentioned. Once newsworthy in its time, it has been years since it exists in the present. Past<--->Present<--->Future
1.-Mention of John Wilkes Booth in a Trump tweet and a story on NPR about John Wilkes Booth later that day.
2.-Mention of a LifeSpring "safe fall" in discussion w/ Gandy (first time in a long time of even remembering the incident) and then the song lyrics "whose gonna catch you when you fall' by The Cars play on the radio on the way to Javy's later that same morning (I rarely listen to 93.1)
3.-Return Rachel Maddow book to the Library and then that very same book title is at the very visible top of the Donations Bin available for me to own.
4.-AUG19 - In the morning I tweet about a guy and 3 women bringing a dog to Boris Johnson at #10 Downing street and joke that they looked like Tony Orlando and Dawn (2 Women) and then Gerry and the Pacemakers (AllMen) then Steve Seattle and the SeaShells. Later that night Gerry and the Pacemakers are mentioned in passing on a late night show (I think Colbert)
5.-SEPT19 - Retweet a video of Jane Goodall releasing an ape and getting a hug. A week later comes a recruiting letter from the Jane Goodall Institute.
6.-Jay Portillo from California and Ricky Portillo's half-sister, Esa, wind up in a Chgo subsurb hospital for two unrelated incidents and meet each other in the Emergency Room Intake at the exact same time. One hears the others name over the speaker. They barely know each other
7.-Darius, the RCN technician, comes to fix the connection to the internet. I pick up a book to read while he works--one that Cathy has suggested, Gone but not Forgotten. Don't know anything about it. Lead character, in the first chapter, is named....wait for it....Darius!
8.-―Buster7  14:00, 7 October 2019 (UTC)
9.-―Buster7  14:56, 25 October 2019 (UTC)
10.-Amy promotes extending the LoneSome Dove trip/2021 to include the Pacific Coast. That night Eric calls from California and invites Cathy and I to stay, not knowing anything about a family trip to Montana. 12:10, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
11.-Thanksgiving/2021 at Todd's house. Sarah's dad is discussing maybe moving to Florida's very small Anna Maria Island--- where we vacationed twice when I was a small boy.
12.-September/2022. On the way home from LWW we listen to a PBS interview with Roger Payne, famed collector of Songs of the Humpback Whales rather than Howard or music. Later that night we start to randomly watch Netflix's Extraordinary Attorney Woo, a South Korean series about an autistic lawyer that uses her fantasizing about Whales as a driving plot directive. Had trouble getting on Netflix. It would have been easier to watch something else...but therein lies the unexplainable happenstance. This may be a foreshadowing of our FEB/2023 trip to see the Grey Whales in Mexico.
13.-January/2023. Tom Hanks is a guest on The Cobert Show. I think of "Wilson" the soccer ball from Castaway. Later that evening is a news story about some rioters somewhere, [[Brazil}}?, and they shove a soccer ball in the image of Wilson at the camera.
14.-April/2023...At LWW. An old Peach crossword puzzle from the mailbox has a clue, "The _____ Donahue Show" but I cannot get the answer because I have misspelled "Niece" as the down clue and all I can think about is TROY Donahue. Frustrated with my inability to get an easy name, I ask Cathy and she confirms its PHIL and I see my mistake. Later that day, on the way home, we listen to Howard's interview with Brooke Shields and she talks about an old interview by....Phil Donahue.
15. -Mid April/2023... Jim from work has been providing extensive elder care for a sick Mr Rick. Tuesday, 12;30, I usually go to TechServices when Jim comes in but Jim, Al and I go to set up the Auditorium for a 2PM event during which Jim relays the weekends and Mondays care for Rick and shows us an "end-of=life" video he recorded at Riks request. I get upstairs about 1:15 and start the OUTS. The very first book I touch, May I Walk You Home? (Courage and comfort for the caregivers of the dying), is about gleanings for the caregivers to the dying. I pass it on to Jim.
16. -July 12/2023... Amy and Eddie GMA and I start to plan a 4-day get-together weekend at LWW to celebrate my and Matts BDay and Lukes approaching BDay. We will most likely need to pitch a tent to provide enough sleeping situations. Lo and behold... the Guy across the alley from John's is moving and getting rid of stuff. What does he put out for someone, anyone, to have? Two almost new Field and Stream sleeping bags. 5 minutes later they would be gone!!!! Also a very nice suit of clothes that I wear to Timmy's wedding on New Years Eve. The Universe Supports Us!!!!!!!
17. - Matt and the dear deer.
17A. - Dont forget PIP from Great Expectations.. Story is in the LWW journal Buster Seven Talk (UTC) 13:05, 22 February 2024 (UTC)
18. -Dec 2023 at the library. I want to take some papers to work so I grab a used Manila folder among a few dozen available. It happens to be an old AT&T one. When I get to the library what do I see in my usual parking space? An AT&T work truck. I show the driver the folder and see him again at the front door. Of all the folders why that one..... of all the space's why that one! Buster7 (talk) 13:48, 31 December 2023 (UTC)
19. -2/21/24...I make several copies of black faces taken from books that pass in front of me. One is a 2 inch one of Miles Davis. I tape it to the "slavery" piece after I trim it down. Later that night Lawrence O'Donnell's last interview is with a black scholar. Behind his is a painting of.....Miles Davis. Almost the exact same pose! Buster Seven Talk (UTC) 12:31, 22 February 2024 (UTC)
An animation of a double-rod pendulum at an intermediate energy showing chaotic behavior. Starting the pendulum from a minutely different initial condition would result in a vastly different trajectory. The double-rod pendulum is one of the simplest dynamical systems displaying chaotic solutions

David John Hand

An animation of a double-rod pendulum at an intermediate energy showing chaotic behavior. Starting the pendulum from a slightly different initial condition would result in a vastly different trajectory. The double-rod pendulum is one of the simplest dynamical systems with chaotic solutions