User:Buster7/sandbox-Trump lawyers

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CT is a Music thief


Prior to 2015

  • Gonzalo Curiel ...Judge...Trump repeatedly criticized Curiel in campaign speeches and interviews, calling him a "hater of Donald Trump", saying his rulings have been unfair, and that Curiel "happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great. I think that's fine",...(((Trump accused the judge of bias, falsely said he was Mexican and seemed to issue a threat))) while suggesting that the judge's ethnicity posed a conflict of interest in light of Trump's proposal to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.
  • John McEntee.Political advisor who served in the Trump administration. A Trump loyalist during and after the Trump presidency. One of Trump's closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer...30-year-old aide purges officials seen as insufficiently loyal...A staunch Trump loyalist...installed to take over the Office of Presidential Personnel and report directly to Trump...body man and personal aide to the president but was dismissed by White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly in March 2018 after failing a security clearance background check, which discovered he was under investigation by the Homeland Security Department due to debt-related issues from gambling...Former UConn quarterback Johnny 'Trick Shot' McEntee hired to Trump security team
  • Robert M. Morgenthau ...Police Athletic League of New York City
  • Personal and business legal affairs of Trump

Impeachment trials

  • Michael van der Veen On February 12 and 13, 2021, van der Veen presented arguments for the defense of Donald Trump at the former president's second impeachment trial.[3] On February 13, 2021, the Senate reacted with gasps and laughter when van der Veen stated he would seek to depose at least 100 people for the trial at his Philadelphia office, including Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris, mispronouncing the name "Philadelphia."[4][5] He responded, "I don’t know how many civil lawyers are here, but that’s the way it works folks. I don’t know why you’re laughing. It is civil process. That is the way lawyers do it."[6] His efforts were widely criticized for inaccuracies and use of misleading media.[7][8][9][10]
  • David Schoen 33 years relationship...Interviewed after the second trial, Schoen said that the defense team was plagued by poor internal communication and coordination and other management issues.[11]
  • Bruce Castor 2nd Impeachment trial. Head of the legal team. CNN reported that five members of Trump's defense quit and his team effectively collapsed
  • Butch Bowers As of Jan 30, 2021 A lawyer who is a go-to choice for GOP politicians in South Carolina will no longer become a lead lawyer in the upcoming second impeachment trial of Trump. The trial was scheduled to begin the week of Feb. 8. Bowers had planned to include other lawyers on the legal team, including Deborah Barbier, a former federal prosecutor who now represents defendants accused of white-collar crime, report the Associated Press and the State. Barbier has also left Trump’s legal team.

Other Lawyers

  • The President of the United States is not an employee of the Government within the meaning of the relevant statutes. Even if he were such an employee, President Trumps allegedly defamatory statements concerning Ms. Carroll would not have been within the scope of his employment. Accordingly, the motion to substitute the United States in place of President Trump [Dkt. 3] is denied.. (Signed by Judge Lewis A. Kaplan on 10/26/2020) (Mohan, Andrew) (Entered: 10/27/2020)
  • Marc Kasowitz, Christine Montenegro, and Paul Burgo of the firm of Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP ((has represented Trump since 2017))) appeared on defendant's behalf on July 24, 2020. On September 8, 2020, the United States of America - represented by Stephen Terrell and other attorneys at the Department of Justice (the "DOJ") - removed the action to this Court and later moved to substitute the United States as defendant in place of Mr. Trump. DENIED
  • Stephen R. for DOJ on behalf of Trump
  • Judge Lewis A. Kaplan
  • Alina Habba...(1/18/24.. In second EJCarroll caes.....[1]...She fought with District Judge Kaplan over 12 times during hearing...she complained about Kaplan’s refusal to hold the hearing on another day to allow T to attend 3rd mother-in-law’s funeral. “The application is denied,” “I will hear no further argument on it. None. Do you understand that word? None. Please sit down.”...she refused to sit. “Your honor,” “I don’t like to be spoken to like that. I will ask you to refrain from speaking to me like that.” “Denied,” Kaplan responded...EJC then began giving testimony. Habba interrupted her, was quickly told by Kaplan to sit down. “I make the rulings here,” Kaplan said, “not the lawyers. Sit down.”...Her cross-exam started badly when judge demanded a hard copy of a transcript. She protested that it was on a screen, Kaplan lost his patience. “We’re going to do it my way in this courtroom,” he said, “and that’s all there is to it.”...She attempted to read a tweet, but was interrupted by Carroll’s lawyer, who pointed out the post had not been entered in evidence. “Guess what?” Kaplan said. “You may not read from a document that’s not in evidence.”
  • Joe Tacopina...American lawyer, media personality, and professional sports executive. Personal attorney for Trump, representing him in a NY criminal case involving payments made to Stormy Daniels,[12] and in a civil case in which Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll.
  • Seigel

Russian Interference and Mueller Special Counsel Investigation

"[O]n the state of mind issues above, there will be evidence from more than one or two witnesses that Trump acknowledged that he lost. That is just the cherry on top of a mountain of evidence that would satisfy the 'reckless disregard' or 'should have known' standards that are alternatives to proving actual knowledge. He knew. He is toast. DC jury: He is done. Until he wins the election and the fun begins all over."[20]
  • others

2020 Presidential Election


Mar-A-Lago document trial


Stormy Case


Document Case

  • Stephan Weiss Blanch Law Firm NYC
  • Lindsey Halligan Since 2022 to the present ...$212000
  • Christina Bobb Prominent role in the FBI investigation into Donald Trump's handling of government documents
  • John Sauer... (Chutkan)...[2]
  • Tim Parlatore, worked on the documents case and now continues to represent former New York City police commissioner Bernie Kerik .and the Save America PAC's fundraising between Election Day 2020 and Jan. 6, 2021. Among the withheld documents is “DRAFT LETTER FROM POTUS TO SEIZE EVIDENCE IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS”. Parlatore provided the privilege log to the Jan. 6 select committee, which said the file originated on Dec. 17, a day before Trump huddled in the Oval Office with advisers including former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, where they discussed the option of seizing election equipment in states whose results Trump was attempting to overturn.

Election Interference Case


Georgia Case


Geoffrey Blue

  • Recently, ((SEPT/NOV 2023)) Geoffrey Blue has been in the news for his involvement in two high-profile cases. In one case, he represented former President Donald Trump in (1) a lawsuit seeking to remove him from the 2024 ballot for his alleged involvement in the January 6 insurrection and (2) he represented Trump in a lawsuit seeking to dismiss a lawsuit seeking to hold him accountable for the January 6 insurrection. A group of Colorado Republican and unaffiliated voters teamed up with a liberal organization CREW to argue that Trump is ineligible to hold office under the 14th Amendment's disqualification clause. His campaign counters that his role in the January 6 riot was limited to constitutionally-protected political speech. Timothy Heaphy, the lead investigator for the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, presented his testimony remotely Friday (Nov24)
  • 11/4 "I wanted to challenge the election results in “a just and legal way” but I relied on others.... “I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true and reliable information,” Ellis continued.... “What I did not do but should have done, Your Honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were, in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence,” Ellis told the judge. “I believe in, and I value election integrity,” ... Ellis then concluded her statement by saying in hindsight, she would not have represented Donald Trump, adding, “I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse for those failures of mine, Your Honor,”...Ellis cried as she delivered her statement and then apologized for her actions. “I have taken responsibility already before the Colorado bar who censured me, and I now take responsibility before this court and apologize to the people of Georgia. Thank you.”
  • 11/14 Ellis said that Dan Scavino, a Trump political advisor, told her during the 2020 WH Christmas party that "the boss" would not be leaving the White House, even after his team lost multiple legal challenges to the election results. Confidential interviews show that Ellis gave Fulton County investigators what ut what she knew of pertaining tothe investigation. The proffer sessions happened due to plea deals that Ellis and fellow Trump ally Sidney Powell took in the Georgia racketeering criminal case related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. "I told him it was over"...."And he said to me, in a kind of excited tone, 'Well, we don't care, and we're not going to leave,'" Ellis said of Scavino. "And I said, 'What do you mean?' And he said 'Well, the boss', meaning President Trump —(and everyone understood 'the boss,' that's what we all called him) — he said, 'The boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. We are just going to stay in power." "She continued: "And I said to him, 'Well, it doesn't quite work that way, you realize?' and he said, 'We don't care."
  • Per Bloomberg Law, via the Daily Beast, a judge in California at the State Bar Court on Thursday found Eastman responsible for moral and legal misconduct, a development that could leave him without a law license. Judge Yvette Roland made a "preliminary finding of culpability" against Eastman—allegedly the person who penned Trump's coup memo that laid out steps then-Vice President Mike Pence could take to interfere in the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021—in the 11-count trial. Roland also noted that the court would soon hear rebuttal and aggravation testimony, with punishment to follow. Newsweek reports that the 63-year-old Eastman may end up disbarred over this and speculates that he could be "the next domino to fall against Donald Trump,". MSNBC analyst Joyce Vance said; "If John Eastman loses his license in the bar proceeding, it incentives [sic] him (or would incentivize a rationale person) to plead & cooperate in the criminal case to avoid prison (since he's already lost his license)," Vance tweeted on Thursday, after Roland's decision. Eastman has denied any wrongdoing in the misconduct trial. Both sides have until Nov. 22 to submit their final briefs before disciplinary measures are decided.
  • Eastman was a key architect in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election – infamously authoring two of many so-called “coup memos.” Those memos variously advised on potential scenarios under which President Joe Biden’s electoral college victory could be set aside. Numerous groups would go on to file ethics complaints over Eastman’s role in those failed anti-democratic plans with the State Bar of California, a regulatory agency that oversees attorney licensing and discipline in the Golden State. March 2022: an investigation into those allegations began. In late January, the oversight agency charged Eastman with 11 disciplinary charges, which included “false and misleading statements” alleging fraud during the 2020 election. “Lawyers swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law,” spokesperson for the States United Democracy Center (one of the organizations that filed a bar complaint against Eastman), hailed the judge’s preliminary finding, calling it “a major milestone in the State Bar’s pursuit of accountability.” ......Spokesperson Christine P. Sun said in a press release. “John Eastman not only violated that oath, he did so with enormous consequences for our democracy. He should no longer be allowed to practice law.”

Civil Fraud (Trump Org)

  • Jesus Suarez*-----Suarez came to court with “” reviews he hurled at Dr. Eric Lewis, a Cornell University accounting professor who said in court Wednesday that Trump Organization records lacked important financial disclosures, according to multiple reports.
  • Judge Gags Trump's Lawyers...
After two defense lawyers repeatedly attacked a judge's law clerk (for the judge presiding over Donald Trump's civil fraud trial), Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron decreed that the gag order Trump is under now "also applies to Christopher Kise and Alina Habba". The clerk, Allison Greenfield, has been falsely accused of bias by the two lawyers and of "improperly influencing the ongoing bench trial," the ruling says. Engoron wrote that his office has faced hundreds of threats since the trial began, a problem he connected to Trump and his lawyers ..."The threat of, and actual violence resulting from heated political rhetoric, is well-documented," the judge said. The harassment?---"phone calls, voicemails, emails, letters, and packages,"... The order bars participants in the trial from making public comments about court staff members, a prohibition Trump has repeatedly violated, prompting fines. Greenfield is a Democrat, and Trump has said she is "biased against me." ...On Friday, Kise resumed that argument, saying the communications between the judge and clerk (they sit next to each other in court and speak and exchange notes) created a "perception of bias." Engoron had suggested previously, that Kise's slams suggested misogyny. Violations of the order risk "serious sanctions," the judge said.
  • While appearing on Fox on 11/12 Habba discussed DT's trial over this past week. Trump's children, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump, provided testimony in the case, in which Habba claimed they do not fit. "I believe that when they crafted this complaint, they looked at their tiles, and they looked at, frankly, PR, and if they patch in the kids, it's more days that Letitia James can go out there and speak. It's more press for her and more of an impact." "Radical Left liberals don’t really care about facts. They don't care about law. They care about making statements, and these kids did nothing wrong. They should not be in this case. Ivanka's already out of the case. The boys should not be in the case. Their testimony was direct, and they want to make it as if there was some sort of corruption and some sort of conspiracy; there was none."

Colorado/Maine ballot status


Lawyerish comments after DT cases

  • Jan. 28 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shows what appears to be a Truth Social post from former President Donald Trump about one of his attorneys, Alina Habba, and her performance in a defamation case against him. It claims that he said he was interviewing various law firms to represent him in an appeal of the ruling against him in the defamation case. "Alina lost the case because she may not have the experience that was needed in such a very high profile case, probably higher profile than she ever thought she would be involved in at this point". He is searching for a law firm/lawyer that has some more practical experience in high ticket litigation. He fails to mention that Most firms do NOT return his calls
  • WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s business career suffers from many bankruptcies and blunders. Eli Bartov, a New York University accounting professor, was paid (by the Save America political action committee) Bartov nearly $930,000 last year as an expert witness in the New York attorney general’s civil fraud case that threatens the former president’s real estate empire. New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron declared in December the professor’s testimony proved only that “for a million or so dollars, some experts will say whatever you want them to say.” spent $76 million over last two years on attorneys as legal troubles mount ahead of election

The “God’s Army” convoy


NEWSNATION: """Convoy organizers say their mission is to stand up against “globalists” who they claim are conspiring to keep the U.S. border open and allow immigrants to cross illegally from Mexico. The state of Texas had sued the federal government after Border Patrol agents began cutting down the wire, But the Supreme Court justices sided with the government to allow the wire removal. USATODAY:"""It was supposed to be a mighty force of 700K people from all over America. Instead it was, at most, 200 vehicles parked in the little rural town of Quemado, Texas. It was pretty much a Trump rally without a Trump presense, but with plenty of hucksters and grifters selling MAGA merchandise and "grifting the easily grifted". Trump foot soldiers came, in underwhelming numbers, and accomplished little beyond displaying for all to see how tragically gullible they are and making the locals "antsy". MAGA in a nutshell: loud, threatening and, in the end, impotent. Trump may have won the presidency via the electoral college in 2016, but he hasn’t won a thing since. He is the face of this supposedly forceful political movement, but the movement mirrors its creator, a loudmouth con artist who overpromises everything and rarely delivers anything. MAGA is a weenie movement that’s all smoke and mirrors. There are loud influencers who puff up the strength of MAGA, and there are, sadly, many in the political press who buy in and amplify that belief. But, since Trump first took office, MAGA has been a losing movement. It’s not unstoppable. It’s not a 700,000-person convoy of devoted citizen soldiers descending on Texas in a show of force. It’s a comically disorganized and useless parade of con artists and the conned, drifting from one apocalyptic grievance to the next. The border is a serious issue. But God’s Army and Trump and his slavish enablers in the House are not serious people. MAGA, for all its bluster, is a joke without a punchline. The sooner people recognize that the better."""

The popularity of "stigmatized knowledge" — claims to the truth that the claimants regard as verified (e.g., climate change denial, location hypotheses of Atlantis, astrology, alchemy, folk medicine, alien abduction, extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs, suppressed cancer cures, etc.), despite the marginalization of those claims by the authoritative institutions that conventionally distinguish between knowledge and error (e.g., academia, scientific community, etc.).




  1. ^ Collins, Kaitlin; Brown, Pamela; Liptak, Kevin (January 17, 2020). "Trump adds Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz to impeachment defense team". CNN. Archived from the original on January 28, 2020. Retrieved January 27, 2020.
  2. ^ Baker, Peter (January 17, 2020). "Ken Starr Returns to the Impeachment Fray, This Time for the Defense". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on October 17, 2021. Retrieved January 18, 2020.
  3. ^ Cite error: The named reference auto was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  4. ^ "Senate laughs during Trump lawyer's speech". CNN. February 13, 2021. Archived from the original on February 14, 2021. Retrieved February 13, 2021.
  5. ^ "Senate Erupts In Laughter After Trump Lawyer Says Impeachment Depositions Need To Happen 'In Person In His Office In Philadelphia". The Hill. February 13, 2021. Archived from the original on February 14, 2021. Retrieved February 13, 2021.
  6. ^ Cite error: The named reference inquirer was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  7. ^ Qiu, Linda (2021-02-13). "Trump's Lawyers Repeated Inaccurate Claims in Impeachment Trial". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
  8. ^ Board, Editorial. "Opinion | Trump's lawyers had no defense because there is none". Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
  9. ^ Perano, Alayna Treene,Ursula. "Impeachment trial recap, day 4: Trump's team concludes speedy defense". Axios. Retrieved 2021-02-13.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. ^ "Trump lawyer struggles to answer key questions from Republican senators". February 12, 2021. Retrieved 2021-02-14.
  11. ^ Marc Rod (February 16, 2021). "David Schoen describes dysfunction within Trump's impeachment team". Jewish Insider.
  12. ^ Ramirez, Nikki McCann (2023-03-15). "Trump's Lawyer Struggles to Defend Lie About Stormy Daniels Hush Money". Rolling Stone. Retrieved 2023-03-15.
  13. ^ Fishel, Justin (14 July 2017). "White House to hire attorney Ty Cobb to manage Russia investigation response". ABC News.
  14. ^ Buncombe, Andrew (17 July 2017). "Who is Ty Cobb? The top corruption lawyer just hired by Donald Trump". The Independent.
  15. ^ Borger, Gloria; Bash, Dana; Brown, Pamela; Diamond, Jeremy (21 July 2017). "Trump reshuffling legal team". CNN.
  16. ^ Cite error: The named reference Polantz was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  17. ^ McGhee, Tom (24 July 2017). "Trump's new Denver lawyer says he has "rocks in his head and steel balls"". The Denver Post. Retrieved 25 July 2017.
  18. ^ Johnson, Kevin; Jackson, David (July 18, 2017). "Ty Cobb, Donald Trump's newest Russia lawyer, adds legal muscle as investigations widen". USA Today. Retrieved July 25, 2017.
  19. ^ Savage, Charlie (August 15, 2023). "Comparing the Four Criminal Cases Against Donald Trump". The New York Times. Archived from the original on August 16, 2023. Retrieved August 16, 2023.
  20. ^ Dilanian, Ken; Concepcion, Summer (May 19, 2023). "Ex-Trump White House Lawyer Predicts Bad News for Former President". Newsweek. Retrieved November 6, 2023.
  21. ^ "Trump lawyer under criminal investigation". 13 April 2018.
  22. ^ "Meet Donald Trump's new lawyer". 13 April 2018.
  23. ^ Sullivan, Eileen (2020-01-17). "Robert Ray Wanted to Indict Clinton. He Thinks Trump Will Be Vindicated". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-01-18.

See also


November 7, 2023 vote

  • GOP lost Kentucky gubernatorial race and Virginia House of Delegates turning blue majority.
  • Also included in GOP losses was an abortion referendum in Ohio and marijuana made legal

AI project

  • I entered "it's time to invigorate our irrational hatred of foreigners" at the search line and got this response box:
"I apologize, but I cannot engage in discussions or create content that promotes hatred, negativity, or harm towards any group of people. As an AI language model, I am committed to maintaining a positive and respectful tone in my interactions. If you have any other requests or need assistance, feel free to ask, and I’ll be happy to assist! 😊"