- * ' * -_- ~ * ~===Buraisu Naivedo===~ * ~ -_- * ' * - Literally Gigantic Internet Nerd, attendee of Penny Arcade Expo. I have been using the internet and have owned a fleshlight since 1995. I also been a video gamer since the release of the NES. Currently, I am going to college and majoring in Weight-Gain Sciences. My dream is to be a Video Game.

Many people, such as my mom and the mailman and whoever pities me enough to listen, might know me from MMORPGs as the Infamous Buraisu or other past usernames. I have played MMORPGs and online RPGs like World of Warcraft, Phantasy Star Online, Ragnarok Online, Diablo II, Baka Kawaii Date Rape Saga XXX, and a countless number of MMORPGs that I have play tested and beta tested, and in the case of the last one, helped design. The main reason I am infamous because I like to eat more giant burritos in an hour than any other man has and I brake my own record Daly. I am also cocky and kind of a jerk. Like when I think people mess up in a party when playing a MMORPG or someone BUT NOT ME that doesn't know what their doing AGAIN NOT ME tries to lead the group of players. Newbies generally piss me off. Trains piss me off. Fat-free foods piss me off.

Watch out, nerdcore is rising, and so is my chollestorol. Long live fat culture.