I am a retired G P and I was also a lecturer in electronics for 7 years,so I see medecine from a different angle. I have two web sites at present www.nounsverbsandknowledge.com.and wwwboomerangthrowing.com. I am a glider pilot one of the three who have flown more than 20 flight longer than 750 kms.and the other two do not do cloud flying. I have sold boomerangs which I have made to the Australians,three in fact,you can see one on my site. I am interested in periodic functions and found the explanation for the periodic fever in malaria. I also discovered the method of action of the volatile anaesthetics,they get inside protein molecules and stop them changing shape. I have published numerous articles in Kybernetes and about 140 in Nature under the title Miscellaneous at the back but when issues are sent for binding they are discarded a fate which pleases me a good deal. Here are some samples. Readers of Nature and becoming increasingly concerned about the extreme age of the universe,12 billion years at the latest estimate and increasing every minute. All the interesting events happened in the first few femto seconds and it has now settled down to a dull routine,just going around in circles. It mus be like an enormous scrap dump out there,full of rusting automobiles,but at an astronomical scale. There must be lots of life out there,not as nice as us of course,perhaps we should send patrick stewart out there to ensure that they are embracing democracy,not practicing discrimination. Come home space man come in from the cold,pour yourself a drink,Mars can wait. A star approaching a glaxy with less tha an escape velocity will be trapped within a stable state where the outward centrifugal force is balanced by the inward force of gravity. After 12 billion years most of the matter in the universe has been harvested in this way ( After all anything which survives that long must be in a stable state,and since a principle of physics states that what is not forbidden must be compulsory,in the vastness of space there must be big bangs popping off all the time ). This process is extended down to molecular and atomic dimensions. The anaesthetised patient resembles a heart lung preparation where the heart and lungs have a contract of mutual care. Two closed loops of negative feedback looking after each other. The human body must be seen as a closed loop of negative feedbacks,perhaps millions in each cell. I find difficulty in getting my ideas published since the academic world thinks knowledge belongs to them and reject the ideas of outsiders,but I was once an academic myself!