Article Draft edit

Lead edit

Article body edit

History edit

Nazi Germany edit

Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring

In July 1933, Hitler, along with the Nazi Government, implemented The Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseased Offspring. Essentially, this law implemented sterilization practices for all people who had what was considered hereditary disabilities. For example, disabilities such as mental illness, blindness, and deafness were all considered hereditary diseases; therefore, people with these disabilities were sterilized. The law also created propaganda against people with disabilities; people with disabilities were displayed as unimportant towards progressing the Aryan race. [1]

Media edit

Main article: Disability in the media

Disabled villain edit

One common form of media depiction of disability is to portray villains with a mental or physical disability. Lindsey Row-Heyveld notes, for instance, "villainous pirates are scraggly, wizened, and inevitably kitted out with a peg leg, eye patch, or hook hand whereas heroic pirates look like Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow." The disability of the villain is meant to separate them from the average viewer and dehumanize the antagonist. As a result, stigma forms surrounding the disability and the individuals that live with it.

There are many instances in literature where the antagonist is depicted as having a disability or mental illness. Some common examples include Captain Hook, Darth Vader, and The Joker. Captain Hook is notorious for having a hook as a hand and seeks revenge on Peter Pan for his lost hand. Darth Vader's situation is unique because Luke Skywalker is also disabled. Luke's prosthetic hand looks life-like, whereas Darth Vader appears robotic and emotionless because his appearance does not resemble humans and takes away human emotions. The Joker is a villain with a mental illness, and he is an example of the typical depiction of associating mental illness with violence.[2]

Inspiration porn edit

Inspiration porn uses disabled people performing ordinary tasks as a form of inspiration. Criticisms of inspiration porn say that it distances disabled people from individuals who are not disabled and portrays disability as an obstacle to overcome or rehab.

One of the most common examples of inspiration porn includes the Paralympics. Athletes with disabilities often get praised as inspirational because of their athletic accomplishments. Critics of this type of inspiration porn have said, "athletic accomplishments by these athletes are oversimplified as 'inspirational' because they’re such a surprise."[3]

References edit

  1. ^ "People with Disabilities — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum". Retrieved 2022-04-11.
  2. ^ "Misleading Media: Disabilities in Film and Television – UAB Institute for Human Rights Blog". Retrieved 2022-04-11.
  3. ^ "Athletes with disabilities are not 'inspiration porn'". Retrieved 2022-04-11.