I am a senior lecturer in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at the University of Luxembourg. I graduated in Psychology at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 1998, after which I received a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in advanced studies of Cognitive Science from the same university in 1999. From 1999 to 2000, I was a research assistant at the Cognitive Science Research Unit (ULB), before I was awarded a research assistant (aspirant) grant from the FNRS (Belgium) in order to prepare my Ph.D. thesis on Implicit Learning & Visual Attention under the direction of Prof. Dr Axel CLEEREMANS.

After a brief professional excursion into the field of school psychology (at the Centre de Psychologie et d'Orientation Scolaires ), I joined the EMACS Research Unit at the University of Luxembourg, where I've been contributing to various research projects on computer-based assessment and computer-based learning.

I have been teaching seminars on Developmental Psychology, on Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning & Memory and on Computer-Based Assessment.

I currently teach various seminars in the BScE (Bachelor en Sciences de l'Education) program, related to Educational Technology and Educational Psychology.

My research interests embrace evolutionary psychology, cognitive neuroscience, ICT literacy and educational media.

More information about me can be found on my academic profile page.