
Animals edit

Flora edit

Architecture edit

Boats edit

Nature edit

Big Things edit

Computers and video game consoles edit

Portraits edit

Food edit

Panoramas edit

360° panorama of the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia, located at North Haven. I made several attempts to get this picture right, and probably took a couple of hundred shots over the various trips, (the joys of digital), but I'm happy with the final version. Camera is a Canon IXUS 801S, stitching is with Hugin, and I had the normal help from Photoshop. You can't see our boat, but I can just make out the mast in the distance.
180° panorama taken from the Dunstan Adventure Playground, showing the O-Bahn Busway. About 30 photos make up the panorama, with another three to add the vehicles. This one made it plain to me that a) I needed to buy a tripod (I had one for the picture above, but not this one); and b) when taking panoramas without a tripod, you should make sure to use the viewfinder on the camera rather than the screen (by keeping it close to your face you reduce the movement of the camera, reducing parallax error). The Canon IXUS for the camera again, Hugin for stitching, and lots of time in Photoshop for adding transport and cleaning up.