Article evaluation, Article Topic project,


Haiti's wealth


The Article from the Guardian "Haiti's wealth of untapped mining resources must benefit the poor" The country has been going through some rough times and it;s hard to know what caused the country's poverty. pretty much many people know what caused the country's poverty but not many people know that the country is not actually poor to the level they media claim.

  • A French scientist named Daniel Mathurin stated that Haiti has oil reserve worth more than $120 billion and gold mines worth
  • the country is not actually in poverty as many might think. the country natural resources has been used as the United states Reserves. They make sure that the country never exploit its resoures in order that they would never be out of it since oil is one of many resources that the world can run out of due to overuse.
  • Haitian poverty has been a highlight to several people in the world , especially after the 2010 earthquake and the cholera outbreak. the country had sinked deeper in poverty.


  • Haiti's has enough resources to make the country the "pearl of the Antilles" again
  • the Article "Haiti's wealth of untapped mining resources must benefit the poor" put a point to Haiti's $20 Bn worth of minerals like gold, copper ET AL.

Not many poeple talk about how wealthy Haiti is in natural resources.

Article outlines


Unknown Blogger "The Enormous wealth of Haiti"

The main argument in this blog is that

I'm going to add

  • Haiti is a wealthy country with its history and natural resources, that's one of the finest country there is in the world. the wealth that Haiti has there's no other country that can compare to that. punishment from other countries prevent the country from shining.
  • Haitian soil is very good for farming .



I'm add a new Wikipedia page that talk about the wealth of Haiti, because there is a page about poverty[1] in Haiti,but does not mention anything about the resources that Haiti has.

  • Haiti natural resources are the main wealth the country has, back in the early colonizations haiti was the wealthiest colonization the world. and still haiti is one of the wealthiest country in natural resources in the world, but the country never get any benifits from the resources that it has, beause of of the united states say not allowing them to do so.
  • haitian culture is spread throughout the world, but Haiti never get the credits. Mardi Gras for example is a Haitian cultural event, but more beuatiful, people from the entire united states go to nw orleans every year for mardi gras;. but most of the people are not aware of where the idea came from.
  • Haiti beaches are some of the most beautiful in the world, the attraction of tourism is incredible, but the country never benefit from them due foreign countries taken over the industry.

Bassin bleu, la citadelle laferiere, le palais au 365 portes

  • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic?is there anything that distracted you ?

Yes, everything is relevant to the article topic. yes, the united states dropping bombs on japan. but nothing else really

  • is the article neutral? Are there any claim or frames that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?

The article is neutral. No

  • Are there viewpoints that are over-represented, or underrepresented?

No there is nothing over or uner

  • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position? Yes, everything is relevant to the article topic.
  • Yes, everything is relevant to the article topic. yes, the united states dropping bombs on japan. but nothing else really
  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?
  • No there is nothing over or under- represented
  • Check a few citations. Do the links work? Does the source support the claims in the article?
  • yes the links work perfectly
  •  Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference? Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted? 
  • Nuclear Weapon archive from Carey Sublette. yes, they are neutral
  • Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added?
  • evrythin is up-to-date
  •  Check out the Talk page of the article. What kinds of conversations, if any, are going on behind the scenes about how to represent this topic? 
  • some pretty interesting conversations
  • How is the article rated? Is it a part of any WikiProjects?
  • no,is not part of any wiki projects
  • How does the way Wikipedia discusses this topic differ from the way we've talked about it in class

It's really not too much difference, really.

  1. ^ "Poverty in Haiti". Wikipedia. 2017-08-19.