A place to organise information in order to improve the article Chemical polarity.


  • Change article name from Chemical polarity to Molecular polarity.
  • Rewrite introduction. The first sentence should be the definition of a polar molecule, not about intermolecular forces due to electric dipoles.
  • Explain the roles of molecular symmetry and electronegativity in determining the electric dipole moment of a molecule.
  • Explain that one way of thinking about a molecule's electric dipole moment is to consider it a superposition of bond dipole moments.
  • Note pathological examples, such as carbon monoxide (oxygen more electronegative than carbon, but more negative end of molecule is the carbon end).
  • Introduce undergraduate-level symmetry arguments, but towards the end of the article, so as not to frighten off casual readers.


  • A molecule is polar if it has a permanent electric dipole moment.
  • The molecule's symmetry and the electronegativities of its constituent atoms determine its polarity (i.e. the direction and magnitude of its permanent electric dipole moment).
  • For example, tetrahedral molecules of the the type AB4 (with A as the central atom) cannot be polar, no matter what the electronegativities of A and B are. The four bond dipole moments cancel each other out.



Bond polarity and molecular polarity are different


Title says it all.

Molecules with polar bonds can be non-polar


Classic examples are CF4 and CO2. The symmetry of these molecules causes the individual bond dipoles to cancel each other out. While carbon in CF4 is significantly more positive than in CH4, the partition of charge is not along any one line.

Even alkanes can be polar


Some supposedly non-polar molecules actually have a small but real dipole moment, such as propane (μ = 0.084 ± 0.001 D[1]), presumably because the C-H and/or C-C bonds are slightly polarised. C and H do not have exactly the same electronegativity (2.55 vs. 2.20, according to Electronegativity, so C is δ− and H is δ+), which in any case depends on the atom's environment within the molecule. Electronegativity is not entirely fixed and transferable, although it usually seems to be approximately so.


Consequences of polarity


Polar molecules experience dipole-dipole interactions which attract them to other nearby polar molecules.


This primarily electrostatic effect is a form of chemical bonding that is weaker than normal covalent and ionic bonds, but stronger than van der Waals forces.

How strong is it compared to hydrogen bonding?









Atkins, p. 462: ...only molecules belonging to the groups Cn, Cnv, and Cs may have a permanent electric dipole moment. For Cn and Cnv, that dipole moment must lie along the symmetry axis. Thus ozone, O3, which is angular and belongs to the group C2v, may be polar (and is), but carbon dioxide, CO2, which is linear and belongs to the group D∞h, is not.

