Ben Darrow Art & Design

Ben Darrow is an East Texas native, born in 1980. After some time spent in Nashville, Tennessee focusing on school, music and writing, Darrow, now a Dallas resident, is as a commission artist and art show participant. He has a variety of looks on canvas, with a dominant flare in the contemporary style. His work is a collection of modern, color-filled faces, florals, and subject matter capturing images of beauty and "the good life", with a churned blend of the cubist period, sarcastic charm, whimsey and in some cases androgenous figures that he feels is a mirroring image of all humans. "There is a bit of everything and everyone in all of us, what we do with it, is our choice."

Darrow has created quite a following locally and nationally. "My goal as an artist is to create images that evoke positive thoughts and feelings." It is very evident in looking at his works, that he has a sharp sense of balance and arrangement with his use of color and placement in these aesthetic, charming, symmetrical, yet outside the box pieces. Darrow has works ranging in size from small scale originals and prints to large scale. Doing art shows throughout the year, Darrows' work may be seen displayed on a regular basis at various venues predominantly in the Dallas Art Show Circuit.