User:BalthCat/Motif of harmful sensation

Text of the article as archived at User:Xanthoxyl/Motif of harmful sensation. Archived here, should that user decide to wipe.

Deleted article


The motif of harmful sensation is a recurring idea in literature: physical or mental damage that a person suffers merely by experiencing what should normally be a benign sensation. The phenomenon appears in both traditional and modern stories.

The theme is similar to the notion of the evil eye: the sight that harms is the gaze that harms. The harm is thought to be caused by seeing something or being seen by it — a parallel idea is the contrast between metaphysical or vitalist conceptions that treat vision as an active function of the eye, and the scientific conception of the eye as passively receiving light that is present even when vision does not occur.

While this motif is largely imaginary, a real-life example is epileptic seizures triggered by flashing lights such as strobe lights.

Mythology, legend and tradition


Viewing a deity


A Judeo-Christian tradition claims that viewing God's face will result in death (see Exodus 33:20). For example, when Lot's wife defies the orders of an angel and sees God destroy a city, she is turned into a "pillar of salt" (Genesis 19:16-26).

Death caused by seeing the true form of a deity is a common belief in mythologies. For example, in Greek mythology when Zeus acceded to the demands of his paramour Semele that he reveal himself in his full glory, she was burned to death. She was pregnant with Dionysus at the time; he was rescued by Zeus and grew to term inside a pocket sewn into Zeus' thigh.

In many religious systems, a deity's nature cannot be understood by the inferior human senses nor by the human mind. To experience what God is, one must commune with God by leaving the ego and the body behind. This is one of the aims of yoga, tantra, and some Gnostic practices.

The eye that can kill


Another variation of the motif is the eye that brings death, a capability that some gods possess in a number of mythologies. In Hindu mythology, for example, Shiva can use his third eye to emit a beam of some kind of energy that instantly burns the target.

In the Sumerian myth of Inanna's descent to the underworld, the goddess Ereshkigal is spoken of as "[fastening] upon her the eye of death", as well as using some verbal equivalents. When the revived Inanna returns from the underworld, she possesses this same power.

Another dramatic example of the killing eye is found in Celtic mythology. The Fomorian king Balor of the Burning Eye possessed an eyeball that not only had a destructive gaze but was itself dangerous to touch. Balor's eyelid was so heavy and swollen that he could not lift it himself and had to order his bodyguards to lift it using a bone ring. He was defeated by the hero Lugh of the Long Hand, who cast his spear at Balor's eye just as his bodyguards were about to open it. When Lugh's spear exited through the back of Balor's head, every creature struck by a fragment of the deadly eye perished in agony.

The mythical catoblepas also has a deadly gaze that it cannot easily use because its head is unusually heavy and is almost impossible for it to lift. Unlike the basilisk, the catoblepas is traditionally portrayed as a pathetic beast rather than as a malevolent one. Indeed, in The Temptation of Saint Anthony, the catoblepas says that because its head is constantly forced downward, it has sometimes gnawed its own forelegs without realizing it.

Greek mythology

Medusa, after 1590, by Caravaggio
  • In Greek mythology, anyone who directly views the Gorgons is turned to stone. When Perseus confronted Medusa, the most famous of the Gorgons, he avoided this fate by viewing her in his reflective shield in order to guide his sword. Athena or Zeus mounted the head of Medusa on her shield to form the Aegis. Roman mosaics are often decorated with Medusa heads as a protective charm.
  • In both the Odyssey and the tale of the Argonauts, the sirens used their singing to draw heedless mariners to their doom. As countermeasures, the characters of the stories physically restrained crew members, plugged their ears, or listened to even more beautiful music.
  • Narcissus was so paralyzed by the mere sight of his beautiful reflection that he could not look away. As a result, he eventually starved.
  • The basilisk, dating to classical Greek myth, has a rich tradition. Its characteristics sometimes include a harmful breath and a fatal gaze. It passed into Medieval legend under the Latin-derived name of cockatrice.

The harp of Daghda


In Celtic mythology, the gods known as the Tuatha Dé Danann brought five magical items from the North to Ireland to use against the Fomorians. The fifth item is the harp of Daghda, which Lugh later used to battle the Fomorians.

The harp can play three songs: One of sorrow, one of joy, and one of peace. When heard, the song of sorrow inflicts pain, the song of joy causes laughter, and the song of peace brings calmness. The duration that the song is played changes the effect. If the song of peace is played too long, for example, the listener falls asleep, which can ultimately lead to eternal sleep, the equivalent of death.

Indigenous Australian traditions

  • Among Indigenous Australians (Aborigines), ceremonies that are part of men's business should not be seen by women, and vice versa. Harm is said to come upon those people who accidentally witness what they are not traditionally permitted to see.
  • There is a strong and continuing belief among urban Aboriginal people that a person can have the evil eye put upon them, particularly by pointing the bone and wishing them dead, or that they can be whispered to death.

Other examples

  • One version of the legend of the Rhine siren Lorelei says that the man who sees her loses sight of reason, while the man who listens to her is condemned to wander with her forever.
  • Those who see the Galician procession of the dead, the Santa Compaña, must join it.
  • It was a widespread belief in Spain, Portugal, Latin America, Middle East that some people had an "evil eye" (mau-olhado, mal ojo, olho gordo) that could cause a lot of trouble regardless of the subject's intentions (the effect was unintentional and the possessor of the evil eye could be unaware of it):
    • Livestock would die off or cease producing milk,
    • Beautiful children would die or suffer disfiguring diseases,
    • Porcelain china would fall down and break,
    • Pregnant women would suffer miscarriage,
    • Handsome men would die or become impotent,
    • Pets would get rabies, be killed by wild animals or attack their owners,
    • Houses would catch fire,
    • Paintings would peel off or fade away,
    • Milk would turn sour,
    • Employees would leave or become lazy,
    • Betrothals would be broken,
    • Furniture would be involved in domestic accidents hurting people,
    • Clothes would wear off or be attacked by moths.

Because no one could be sure whether his eyeing of someone else's properties or family was safe from evil eye it was commonplace to add the phrase Benza-o/a Deus ("God bless it/him/her") after any remark about anything in someone else's possession or anyone from another family. People who refused or neglected to say this were often shunned as potential bearers of the evil eye. As of 2007, in Brazil, one can still find newspaper ads of psychics claiming to identify and divert the effects of evil eye.

  • In various Balkanic mythologies, seeing a faerie without performing preventive rituals, or even worse being spotted by one, breaks a faerie taboo, and consequently the person may receive illnesses ranging from foot or leg-related problems to epilepsy or madness. These conditions can be cured by going back to the same place at the same time of day with a person who is on good terms with faeries (for example, a shaman initiated by faeries) or with someone who is able to cure such illnesses.
  • In the Lady Godiva legend, Peeping Tom is the character who defied a proclamation and watched the naked Godiva riding through the streets of Coventry. As punishment, he was blinded; though in other versions of the story, he was struck by lightning.

Urban legends


The Nigerian phone call


In a modern twist of the motif, a widespread urban legend from mid-2004 in Lagos, Nigeria claimed that answering phone calls made from a certain number would result in instant death.[1]

The Hungarian Suicide Song


According to urban legend the song Gloomy Sunday written by Rezső Seress in 1933 inspired hundreds of suicides. Publicity accompanying its North American release described it as the "Hungarian Suicide Song", probably as a marketing ploy. The German/Hungarian movie Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod (1999), based on the novel by Nick Barkow, suggests the song contains a hidden message which, once heard clearly, will resolve the listener to suicide. In the film the song does not initially have words, and a large number of suicides are inspired by the tune alone.

Modern fiction


The heavy use of the motif in modern fiction is often traced back to a handful of writers. In Naples and Florence: A Journey from Milan to Reggio (1817), Stendhal discussed the sensation of being physically overwhelmed by a surfeit of beauty, a phenomenon which is now called Stendhal syndrome. However, a more direct ancestor was Mark Twain's short story "A Literary Nightmare" (1876) concerning a jingle which, once encountered, obsesses the victim, who cannot forget about it until he or she repeats it to someone else (see Earworm).

In 1895, a collection of stories by Robert W. Chambers about a fictional play (the book and the play within it are both entitled The King in Yellow) described the play as cursing each of its readers and driving many of them mad. This idea was reused in the 1920s by H. P. Lovecraft in reference to the fictional book Necronomicon, who was heavily copied by short story writers in the 1950s. A large number of Lovecraft's creatures are similarly supposed to induce mental disorder and insanity by simply being looked at.

In Jorge Luis Borges´ short story "El Zahir", (from his book "El Aleph") there is a coin that causes obsession and madness to those who look at it. Madness is spread through the city as the cursed coin passes from hand to hand.

In Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, showing a maliciously-crafted black-and-white bitmap to a person familiar with binary numbers can cause their brain to be reprogrammed. These images tap into the brain's lower-level functioning which, the book suggests, all humans share. Thus, showing someone familiar with binary results in the reprogramming, regardless of what language they speak, because, the book suggests, each individual's understanding of spoken language is built on top of the brain's lower-level functioning. If the image is crafted properly, the binary message bypasses the spoken-language level of understanding and reaches the framework on which higher thought is built.

"Basilisk" and "Medusa weapons" are mythological terms used by David Langford in Different Kinds of Darkness and related short stories by various authors[2] to describe a fictional type of fractal image designed to "crash" the brain by generating thoughts which the mind is physically or logically incapable of thinking. Langford's fictional basilisk images, or BLITs, are so deadly that all information about them, including how they are generated and what they look like, is classified. A mock-up of Langford's original basilisk, "the Parrot", was generated by an enterprising fan and posted on a popular image-hosting website as a prank in late September, 2007.[3]

Diary, a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, makes several references to Stendhal syndrome.

One of the most famous examples of recent years would be the film Ring (1998) where it is stated that if you watch a certain videotape, you will die exactly seven days later (though death is due to the actions of a ghost, not the images on the videotape).

In real life

  • Some recently developed nonlethal weapons use sounds to induce paralysis or extreme discomfort.
  • The Mosquito alarm is a commercially available device which emits high-frequency sounds designed to cause discomfort to teenagers in order to discourage loitering.

See also



  1. ^ "Panic at Nigerian 'killer calls'". BBC News. July 19, 2004. Retrieved 2006-05-03. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ "Atomic Rocket: Medusa Weapons in science fiction". Retrieved on 2009-03-03.
  3. ^ web archive: "The Parrot." 2007-10-7. Featuring comments by author David Langford.



Editors involved with the writing of the article

 * (diff) 21:17, 30 March 2009 . . Pablomismo (talk | contribs | block) (14,893 bytes) (Reverted to revision 280665821 by Pablomismo; Have to revert you there - that is a reference taken from Wikipedia..)
 * (diff) 19:58, 30 March 2009 . . A Nobody (talk | contribs | block) (15,152 bytes) (reference from Google Books)
 * (diff) 16:53, 30 March 2009 . . Pablomismo (talk | contribs | block) (14,893 bytes) (Delete reference as it is taken from Wikipedia! I can find no non-circular references for this.)
 * (diff) 16:48, 30 March 2009 . . Pablomismo (talk | contribs | block) (15,212 bytes) (+ref)
 * (diff) 07:55, 30 March 2009 . . A Nobody (talk | contribs | block) (14,893 bytes) (added)
 * (diff) 15:58, 25 March 2009 . . Edward321 (talk | contribs | block) (14,835 bytes) (Other examples: removed unsourced)
 * (diff) 23:43, 24 March 2009 . . SemBubenny (talk | contribs | block) (14,967 bytes)
 * (diff) 23:42, 24 March 2009 . . SemBubenny (talk | contribs | block) (15,404 bytes) ({{subst:afd}})
 * (diff) 23:32, 24 March 2009 . . (talk | block) (14,718 bytes) (The Hungarian Suicide Song)
 * (diff) 11:55, 16 March 2009 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (14,723 bytes) (Date maintenance tags and general fixes)
 * (diff) 15:13, 15 March 2009 . . Kirk Hilliard (talk | contribs | block) (14,707 bytes) (Other examples: Citation Needed -- This is not mentioned in the 1001 nights article)
 * (diff) 07:06, 4 March 2009 . . GWilliker (talk | contribs | block) (14,699 bytes) (fixed tag)
 * (diff) 07:00, 4 March 2009 . . GWilliker (talk | contribs | block) (14,694 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 18:02, 2 March 2009 . . (talk | block) (13,617 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 18:01, 2 March 2009 . . (talk | block) (13,604 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 06:47, 23 February 2009 . . Fourthhorseman (talk | contribs | block) (13,522 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 02:07, 22 February 2009 . . Mitch Ames (talk | contribs | block) (13,514 bytes) (Indigenous Australian traditions: added link: secret men's business)
 * (diff) 02:03, 22 February 2009 . . Mitch Ames (talk | contribs | block) (13,471 bytes) (Indigenous Australian traditions: Added link "pointing the bone" -> Kurdaitcha)
 * (diff) 22:29, 17 February 2009 . . Euchiasmus (talk | contribs | block) (13,456 bytes) (clean up, typos fixed: posesses → possesses using AWB)
 * (diff) 22:36, 8 February 2009 . . (talk | block) (13,457 bytes) (The eye that can kill)
 * (diff) 10:00, 7 February 2009 . . Quuxplusone (talk | contribs | block) (13,175 bytes) (Urban legends: The "Scottish play" superstition has nothing to do with harmful sensation)
 * (diff) 03:33, 3 February 2009 . . Kay Dekker (talk | contribs | block) (13,558 bytes) (MacBeth: Fixed capitalisation.)
 * (diff) 20:09, 8 January 2009 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (13,558 bytes) (Date maintenance tags and general fixes)
 * (diff) 19:28, 7 January 2009 . . RJFJR (talk | contribs | block) (13,541 bytes) ({{improverefs}})
 * (diff) 00:59, 11 December 2008 . . JoeSpaceTime (talk | contribs | block) (13,524 bytes) (MacBeth)
 * (diff) 00:34, 11 December 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,498 bytes) (MacBeth)
 * (diff) 13:12, 14 November 2008 . . Salmanazar (talk | contribs | block) (13,494 bytes)
 * (diff) 13:11, 14 November 2008 . . Salmanazar (talk | contribs | block) (13,459 bytes) (See also)
 * (diff) 11:15, 19 October 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,419 bytes) (MacBeth)
 * (diff) 22:53, 6 September 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,356 bytes) (Urban legends)
 * (diff) 09:29, 29 August 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,066 bytes)
 * (diff) 15:41, 28 August 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,381 bytes) (In real life: they didn't have to hack anything, just register and post)
 * (diff) 16:52, 30 July 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,367 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 16:49, 30 July 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,323 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 06:28, 24 July 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,124 bytes) (Other examples)
 * (diff) 03:10, 16 July 2008 . . HandThatFeeds (talk | contribs | block) (13,370 bytes) (In real life: Citation for epilepsy site hack)
 * (diff) 22:18, 14 July 2008 . . ClueBot (talk | contribs | block) (13,189 bytes) (Reverting possible vandalism by to version by Rjwilmsi. False positive? Report it. Thanks, User:ClueBot. (440336) (Bot))
 * (diff) 22:18, 14 July 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,268 bytes)
 * (diff) 07:36, 12 July 2008 . . Rjwilmsi (talk | contribs | block) (13,189 bytes) (gen fixes + link/fix date fields in cite templates (explanation here) using AWB)
 * (diff) 02:43, 10 July 2008 . . Lightbot (talk | contribs | block) (13,181 bytes) (Units/dates/other)
 * (diff) 14:26, 7 July 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,201 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 19:25, 1 July 2008 . . TMC1221 (talk | contribs | block) (13,214 bytes) (Undid revision 222814157 by Nahum Reduta (talk) not a valid example, see talk page)
 * (diff) 07:42, 1 July 2008 . . Nahum Reduta (talk | contribs | block) (13,562 bytes) (In real life)
 * (diff) 10:02, 26 June 2008 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (13,214 bytes) (Date the maintenance tags or general fixes)
 * (diff) 17:49, 23 June 2008 . . Jim Henry (talk | contribs | block) (13,209 bytes) (Modern fiction: grammar)
 * (diff) 07:03, 23 June 2008 . . UberMan5000 (talk | contribs | block) (13,208 bytes) (In real life)
 * (diff) 11:41, 31 May 2008 . . Skytreader (talk | contribs | block) (13,190 bytes)
 * (diff) 21:17, 16 May 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,187 bytes) (In real life)
 * (diff) 19:51, 16 May 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,188 bytes) (Modern fiction: spelling cfafter to crafted)
 * (diff) 07:23, 9 May 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,188 bytes) (In real life)
 * (diff) 16:40, 7 May 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,090 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 15:38, 25 April 2008 . . Knyght27 (talk | contribs | block) (12,383 bytes) (Viewing a deity: watches God ==> sees God)
 * (diff) 02:14, 22 April 2008 . . Dcoetzee (talk | contribs | block) (12,386 bytes) (Modern fiction: Remove examples - there are innumerable examples of this in fiction, only the most notable should be called out in this summary)
 * (diff) 02:09, 22 April 2008 . . Dcoetzee (talk | contribs | block) (12,783 bytes) (Remove details that belong in the article on photosensitive elilepsy, which is already linked)
 * (diff) 15:48, 17 April 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,392 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 20:46, 15 April 2008 . . Melaisis (talk | contribs | block) (13,260 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 20:45, 15 April 2008 . . Melaisis (talk | contribs | block) (13,260 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 19:14, 11 April 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,260 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 11:56, 2 April 2008 . . (talk | block) (13,179 bytes) (In real life: added link to Mosquito alarm)
 * (diff) 09:51, 2 April 2008 . . (talk | block) (12,996 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 09:50, 2 April 2008 . . (talk | block) (12,994 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 19:12, 30 March 2008 . . Gaius Cornelius (talk | contribs | block) (12,758 bytes) (Tidy using AWB)
 * (diff) 00:47, 10 March 2008 . . (talk | block) (12,755 bytes) (Modern fiction: Added reference to David Langford story)
 * (diff) 14:26, 15 January 2008 . . Xanthoxyl (talk | contribs | block) (12,594 bytes) (Twain: more precise)
 * (diff) 13:53, 15 January 2008 . . (talk | block) (12,614 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 02:02, 24 December 2007 . . (talk | block) (12,521 bytes) (Other examples)
 * (diff) 10:57, 26 November 2007 . . (talk | block) (12,491 bytes) (The harp of Daghda: removed what appears to be vandalism)
 * (diff) 04:53, 26 November 2007 . . AsdfXwp (talk | contribs | block) (12,651 bytes) (Removed the bit including the play The Mandrake; does not include anything about Mandragora's shriek or dogs)
 * (diff) 00:19, 2 November 2007 . . Xanthoxyl (talk | contribs | block) (12,864 bytes) (Modern fiction: reword)
 * (diff) 23:36, 1 November 2007 . . (talk | block) (12,861 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 23:35, 1 November 2007 . . (talk | block) (12,774 bytes) (Modern fiction)
 * (diff) 00:16, 11 October 2007 . . CmdrObot (talk | contribs | block) (12,749 bytes) (sp: an phenomenon→a phenomenon)
 * (diff) 22:38, 4 October 2007 . . Csernica (talk | contribs | block) (12,750 bytes) (Reverted 1 edit by identified as vandalism to last revision by Xanthoxyl. using TW)
 * (diff) 21:56, 4 October 2007 . . (talk | block) (12,973 bytes) (Urban legends)
 * (diff) 14:53, 6 August 2007 . . Xanthoxyl (talk | contribs | block) (12,750 bytes) (link to split article)
 * (diff) 01:40, 6 August 2007 . . Tony Sidaway (talk | contribs | block) (11,705 bytes) (In fiction: See talk)
 * (diff) 18:54, 5 August 2007 . . Cop 663 (talk | contribs | block) (40,087 bytes) (the motif is the idea, not the sensation)
 * (diff) 18:23, 25 July 2007 . . (talk | block) (40,065 bytes) (1960s)
 * (diff) 07:59, 20 July 2007 . . Schol-R-LEA (talk | contribs | block) (40,065 bytes) (1970s: The Ultimate Question and Answer in H2G2)
 * (diff) 16:34, 18 July 2007 . . Xanthoxyl (talk | contribs | block) (39,883 bytes) (Early 20th century: Nabokov)
 * (diff) 00:04, 7 July 2007 . . Csernica (talk | contribs | block) (39,293 bytes) (Viewing a deity: better Greek example, cpe)
 * (diff) 05:49, 6 July 2007 . . Julia Rossi (talk | contribs | block) (39,222 bytes) (Other examples: typo)
 * (diff) 16:16, 27 June 2007 . . KelleyCook (talk | contribs | block) (39,221 bytes) (Redirect bypass from Backdoor to Backdoor (computing) using popups)
 * (diff) 02:10, 27 June 2007 . . (talk | block) (39,200 bytes) (Undid revision 140854210 by (talk) grammar)
 * (diff) 01:56, 27 June 2007 . . (talk | block) (39,198 bytes) (1990s)
 * (diff) 18:53, 24 June 2007 . . (talk | block) (39,200 bytes) (2000s: it was actually an audible memory trigger, not "the things he sees", and the fact it was deliberately given to him is significant)
 * (diff) 17:54, 20 June 2007 . . Guthrie (talk | contribs | block) (39,162 bytes) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 11:18, 12 June 2007 . . Malimar (talk | contribs | block) (39,138 bytes) (The eye that can kill)
 * (diff) 15:35, 10 June 2007 . . (talk | block) (39,134 bytes) (spelling error)
 * (diff) 06:25, 10 June 2007 . . (talk | block) (39,134 bytes) (The eye that can kill: we're talking about the book here)
 * (diff) 15:39, 9 June 2007 . . Kvn8907 (talk | contribs | block) (39,132 bytes) (2000s: Not just a YouTube thing. That's a common theme in most internet chain messages)
 * (diff) 15:29, 9 June 2007 . . Kvn8907 (talk | contribs | block) (39,176 bytes) (1960s: linked to Is There in Truth No Beauty?)
 * (diff) 20:27, 5 June 2007 . . Zundark (talk | contribs | block) (39,174 bytes) (fix dead external link)
 * (diff) 07:35, 30 May 2007 . . Countakeshi (talk | contribs | block) (39,204 bytes) (See also)
 * (diff) 09:14, 29 May 2007 . . Nik42 (talk | contribs | block) (39,193 bytes) (1950s)
 * (diff) 03:51, 21 May 2007 . . Kizor (talk | contribs | block) (39,193 bytes) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 03:51, 14 May 2007 . . (talk | block) (38,954 bytes)
 * (diff) 15:07, 10 May 2007 . . Swatjester (talk | contribs | block) (38,757 bytes) (Chain letters: not a sensation)
 * (diff) 15:06, 10 May 2007 . . Swatjester (talk | contribs | block) (38,992 bytes) (Modern examples: unsourced)
 * (diff) 05:31, 6 May 2007 . . Bluejay Young (talk | contribs | block) (39,133 bytes) (1960s)
 * (diff) 05:30, 6 May 2007 . . Bluejay Young (talk | contribs | block) (39,132 bytes) (1960s)
 * (diff) 05:11, 6 May 2007 . . Bluejay Young (talk | contribs | block) (38,545 bytes) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 15:46, 5 May 2007 . . Discospinster (talk | contribs | block) (38,547 bytes) (1970s: wording)
 * (diff) 10:05, 4 May 2007 . . Jack Hare (talk | contribs | block) (38,536 bytes) (1990s)
 * (diff) 16:33, 28 April 2007 . . Kbthompson (talk | contribs | block) (38,311 bytes) (Disambiguation fixing Peeping Tom using AWB)
 * (diff) 16:33, 11 April 2007 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (Date/fix the maintenance tags)
 * (diff) 15:35, 11 April 2007 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: removed my earlier entry as it was in the wrong chronological section.)
 * (diff) 15:34, 11 April 2007 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: Added mention of relevant Monty Python sketch.)
 * (diff) 05:05, 8 April 2007 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 21:44, 29 March 2007 . . Cdreed3000 (talk | contribs | block) (Other examples)
 * (diff) 03:08, 21 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 03:03, 21 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 09:20, 12 March 2007 . . Spasemunki (talk | contribs | block) (Other examples: several spell/typo fixes)
 * (diff) 08:07, 12 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (1990s: Added "The Naked God" by Peter F. Hamilton.)
 * (diff) 07:52, 12 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (1990s: Added "A Quantum Murder" by Peter F. Hamilton.)
 * (diff) 07:47, 7 March 2007 . . Bryan Derksen (talk | contribs | block) (internal link)
 * (diff) 07:37, 7 March 2007 . . Bryan Derksen (talk | contribs | block) (1980s: switch to internal link)
 * (diff) 20:49, 2 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 20:48, 2 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 20:44, 2 March 2007 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 00:10, 2 March 2007 . . BetacommandBot (talk | contribs | block) (converting to
 * (diff) 04:03, 18 February 2007 . . Jggouvea (talk | contribs | block) (Evil Eye in Brazil)
 * (diff) 15:06, 13 February 2007 . . Urutapu (talk | contribs | block) (Revert; the Japanese name is Porygon as well (don't try using the TM database bit on me, that's not a Pokémon entry))
 * (diff) 14:32, 13 February 2007 . . Apostrophe (talk | contribs | block) (clean up, Replaced: Dennō Senshi Porygon → Dennō Senshi Polygon using AWB)
 * (diff) 07:35, 13 February 2007 . . Urutapu (talk | contribs | block) (clean up, Replaced: Electric Soldier Porygon → Dennō Senshi Porygon using AWB)
 * (diff) 15:37, 11 February 2007 . . Fred J (talk | contribs | block) (relink Electric Soldier Porygon)
 * (diff) 14:41, 29 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (See also: -rapture)
 * (diff) 06:48, 24 January 2007 . . Schoen (talk | contribs | block) (See also: - link to Fatal hilarity (thanks xkcd))
 * (diff) 06:06, 22 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 06:03, 22 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 13:05, 14 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (Chain letters)
 * (diff) 13:05, 14 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (Chain letters)
 * (diff) 05:44, 14 January 2007 . . Kidlittle (talk | contribs | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 20:52, 10 January 2007 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (Date/fix the maintenance tags using AWB)
 * (diff) 02:24, 8 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 00:56, 6 January 2007 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (Date the maintenance tags using AWB)
 * (diff) 03:41, 5 January 2007 . . (talk | block) (2000s: 'Spambot', 2002.)
 * (diff) 21:39, 31 December 2006 . . Popageorgio (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: typo)
 * (diff) 18:32, 25 December 2006 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 18:29, 25 December 2006 . . (talk | block) (19th century)
 * (diff) 00:55, 19 December 2006 . . SeanDuggan (talk | contribs | block) (1970s)
 * (diff) 02:51, 18 December 2006 . . Gwalla (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: The Tick)
 * (diff) 00:26, 12 December 2006 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 10:16, 25 November 2006 . . Nerrin (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 15:37, 22 November 2006 . . Jim Henry (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: Lambshead Guide to Eccentric and Discredited Diseases; also formatting and grammar cleanup)
 * (diff) 09:18, 21 November 2006 . . Bovineone (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: avoid redirect)
 * (diff) 19:08, 17 November 2006 . . Antaeus Feldspar (talk | contribs | block) (rm joke)
 * (diff) 16:06, 17 November 2006 . . (talk | block) (Other examples)
 * (diff) 11:02, 15 November 2006 . . Countakeshi (talk | contribs | block) (1970s)
 * (diff) 23:27, 6 November 2006 . . Euchiasmus (talk | contribs | block) (RETF Typos: assoicated → associated, using AWB)
 * (diff) 17:13, 3 November 2006 . . WindAndConfusion (talk | contribs | block) ("Phenomena" is plural. "Phenomenon" is singular.)
 * (diff) 16:30, 30 October 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (rm, already in "in fiction" section.)
 * (diff) 19:42, 27 October 2006 . . JAF1970 (talk | contribs | block) (Viewing a deity)
 * (diff) 20:21, 11 October 2006 . . Deathphoenix (talk | contribs | block) (AfD done: No consensus)
 * (diff) 15:13, 3 October 2006 . . Ihcoyc (talk | contribs | block) (1950s: + Cortazar's Zxolotl)
 * (diff) 03:22, 3 October 2006 . . Mdcohn (talk | contribs | block) (nominated for deletion)
 * (diff) 18:24, 26 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 21:12, 21 September 2006 . . Funkendub (talk | contribs | block) (Urban legends)
 * (diff) 03:03, 18 September 2006 . . Ctrl build (talk | contribs | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 01:50, 15 September 2006 . . Chinasaur (talk | contribs | block) (The haunted eBay painting: it's just haunted, not dangerous to look at; not applicable)
 * (diff) 15:09, 10 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 15:05, 10 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 08:02, 9 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 07:53, 9 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 20:49, 8 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (See also)
 * (diff) 03:24, 8 September 2006 . . Nareek (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: --plenty of people in Lovecraft read the Necronomicon without ill effects. And the Great Old Ones don't fit the definition either)
 * (diff) 05:28, 2 September 2006 . . (talk | block) (Indigenous Australian traditions - disambiguated "Aborigines")
 * (diff) 16:07, 28 August 2006 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 16:01, 28 August 2006 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 02:41, 21 August 2006 . . (talk | block) (19th century)
 * (diff) 20:11, 11 August 2006 . . Ixfd64 (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 20:10, 11 August 2006 . . Ixfd64 (talk | contribs | block) (added section on chain letters)
 * (diff) 08:46, 11 August 2006 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 08:43, 11 August 2006 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 00:12, 1 August 2006 . . Gilliam (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: spelling)
 * (diff) 22:48, 30 July 2006 . . Spearhead (talk | contribs | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 22:34, 30 July 2006 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 14:42, 29 July 2006 . . Paddles (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: Fix Borg link)
 * (diff) 08:26, 22 July 2006 . . Mboverload (talk | contribs | block) (PokéFix with mboverload's RegExTypoFix, Replaced: Pokemon » Pokémon, using AWB)
 * (diff) 23:14, 21 July 2006 . . Violncello (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: byp rdr)
 * (diff) 00:30, 21 July 2006 . . Fuzzypeg (talk | contribs | block) (Urban legends: Re-adding Gloomy Sunday after discussion with BalthCat)
 * (diff) 06:56, 20 July 2006 . . Ptdecker (talk | contribs | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 15:44, 11 July 2006 . . Amalas (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: edit link)
 * (diff) 00:28, 10 July 2006 . . BalthCat (talk | contribs | block) (The Hungarian Suicide Song: rem gloomy sunday (not harmful sensation, but harmful emotion))
 * (diff) 23:46, 9 July 2006 . . Fuzzypeg (talk | contribs | block) (The Hungarian Suicide Song: Oops, capitalisation)
 * (diff) 23:45, 9 July 2006 . . Fuzzypeg (talk | contribs | block) (Urban legends: Adding section on Gloomy Sunday)
 * (diff) 22:50, 26 June 2006 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 22:49, 26 June 2006 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 04:44, 22 June 2006 . . BKmetic (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 19:43, 13 June 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (Indigenous Australian traditions: copyedit)
 * (diff) 14:47, 12 June 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (Indigenous Australian traditions: See talk page for discussion of changes.)
 * (diff) 07:25, 12 June 2006 . . Amandajm (talk | contribs | block) (Indigenous Australian traditions: added pic)
 * (diff) 07:16, 12 June 2006 . . Amandajm (talk | contribs | block) (Indigenous Australian traditions: deleted space)
 * (diff) 07:03, 12 June 2006 . . Amandajm (talk | contribs | block) (Indigenous Australian traditions)
 * (diff) 06:56, 12 June 2006 . . Amandajm (talk | contribs | block) (Australian indigenous. Please maintain the capitalisation of Aboriginal, the preferred name of the indigenous people.)
 * (diff) 05:48, 12 June 2006 . . Amandajm (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology and legend: the word tradition added, out of respect for those indigenous people who maintain such traditions and beliefs.)
 * (diff) 05:06, 9 June 2006 . . Moondust9358 (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 04:28, 9 June 2006 . . Moondust9358 (talk | contribs | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 16:46, 5 June 2006 . . The editor1 (talk | contribs | block) (Greek mythology: changing mirror into reflective shield)
 * (diff) 15:39, 27 May 2006 . . Schol-R-LEA (talk | contribs | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 15:37, 27 May 2006 . . Schol-R-LEA (talk | contribs | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 15:32, 27 May 2006 . . Schol-R-LEA (talk | contribs | block) (1960s: the 'Blind Spot' in Known Space series)
 * (diff) 06:34, 26 May 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 06:23, 26 May 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 06:23, 26 May 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 17:08, 24 May 2006 . . (talk | block) (URTVs not androids)
 * (diff) 21:06, 19 May 2006 . . CmdrObot (talk | contribs | block) (sp: Sorceror→Sorcerer; unicodify)
 * (diff) 16:42, 19 May 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: Added Cigarette Burns)
 * (diff) 07:28, 19 May 2006 . . Mellery (talk | contribs | block) (fixing redirects using AWB)
 * (diff) 20:39, 18 May 2006 . . Agateller (talk | contribs | block) (1960s: Additional information)
 * (diff) 20:42, 13 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (rm cm txt to Talk:Motif of harmful sensation#Removed from article)
 * (diff) 20:33, 13 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology and legend: gr)
 * (diff) 20:21, 13 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (mv two sen's from intro to Motif of harmful sensation#Modern examples)
 * (diff) 18:26, 13 May 2006 . . S Hunter Haggard (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 13:20, 13 May 2006 . . Tregoweth (talk | contribs | block) ("OTIII" -> "OT III"; correcting spelling of Switzerland in commented-out section)
 * (diff) 04:16, 12 May 2006 . . Audacity (talk | contribs | block) (link repair using AWB)
 * (diff) 21:49, 8 May 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (1950s: Added The Black Cloud)
 * (diff) 21:22, 8 May 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (1970s)
 * (diff) 20:58, 8 May 2006 . . Docether (talk | contribs | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 05:10, 6 May 2006 . . Revoish (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 06:07, 5 May 2006 . . (talk | block) (1990s: Johnny Sorrow)
 * (diff) 22:04, 3 May 2006 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: fixed link, clarified some wording)
 * (diff) 11:45, 3 May 2006 . . Bookofjude (talk | contribs | block) (done, removed {{citation style}})
 * (diff) 11:45, 3 May 2006 . . Bookofjude (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: updated to cite web and ref)
 * (diff) 11:42, 3 May 2006 . . Bookofjude (talk | contribs | block) (Urban legends: updated to ref and {{cite web}}/{{cite news}})
 * (diff) 11:37, 3 May 2006 . . Bookofjude (talk | contribs | block) (typo)
 * (diff) 11:37, 3 May 2006 . . Bookofjude (talk | contribs | block) (begun citation cleanup: single {{ref}} -> ref; biblegateway -> {{sourcetext}}, bracket references next)
 * (diff) 06:13, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Urban legends: -bullets)
 * (diff) 06:08, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (cpyedt sen)
 * (diff) 06:02, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (mv {{copyedit}} to |In fiction|, misc)
 * (diff) 05:50, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (+{{citation style}})
 * (diff) 05:46, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Urban legends: cpyedt, +bullets for consistency)
 * (diff) 05:37, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Medieval legends: tghd sen)
 * (diff) 05:35, 3 May 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Medieval legends: tghd sen)
 * (diff) 16:44, 30 April 2006 . . Liftarn (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 05:30, 28 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Medieval legends: cpyedt)
 * (diff) 05:09, 28 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (The harp of Daghda in Celtic lore: cpyedt)
 * (diff) 04:53, 28 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Greek mythology: cpyedt)
 * (diff) 04:35, 28 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (The eye that can kill: cpyedt)
 * (diff) 04:27, 28 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Other examples: cpyedt)
 * (diff) 17:59, 25 April 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 17:57, 25 April 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 17:53, 25 April 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 21:15, 22 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (+{{copyedit}}, shorten hd's, partial cpyedt)
 * (diff) 00:36, 13 April 2006 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 22:52, 8 April 2006 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 22:50, 8 April 2006 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 13:24, 8 April 2006 . . David Gerard (talk | contribs | block) (rm cleanup notice - if replaced, please detail specific problems on talk page)
 * (diff) 04:05, 2 April 2006 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (chg cl-dt, cpyedt intro, fix lnk post-move: see Talk:Cthulhu Mythos)
 * (diff) 21:02, 28 March 2006 . . Chowbok (talk | contribs | block) (removing "centers around" and misc. clean up using AWB)
 * (diff) 23:38, 19 March 2006 . . SmackBot (talk | contribs | block) (Pipe Nazi to Nazism &/or general fixes using AWB)
 * (diff) 19:10, 18 March 2006 . . Agateller (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: Added Kuttner reference)
 * (diff) 00:08, 12 March 2006 . . Henry W. Schmitt (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 23:09, 9 March 2006 . . Macellarius (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 22:28, 9 March 2006 . . Macellarius (talk | contribs | block) (Medieval appearances of the motif)
 * (diff) 18:12, 2 March 2006 . . That Guy, From That Show! (talk | contribs | block) (migrate {{web reference}}+(deprecated!) to {{cite web}} using AWB)
 * (diff) 14:11, 20 February 2006 . . RussBot (talk | contribs | block) (Robot-assisted disambiguation (you can help!): Binary)
 * (diff) 07:02, 16 February 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 06:58, 16 February 2006 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 00:11, 15 February 2006 . . (talk | block) (The eye that can kill)
 * (diff) 00:44, 10 February 2006 . . Axeman89 (talk | contribs | block) (The haunted eBay painting)
 * (diff) 20:13, 9 February 2006 . . Ewlyahoocom (talk | contribs | block) ({{cleanup-date|February 2006}})
 * (diff) 13:24, 5 February 2006 . . (talk | block) (apostrophe fix)
 * (diff) 08:49, 4 February 2006 . . (talk | block) (Mediaeval appearances of the motif)
 * (diff) 07:42, 26 January 2006 . . YoungFreud (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 08:02, 21 January 2006 . . Dimitrii (talk | contribs | block) (Celtic disambiguation link repair (You can help!))
 * (diff) 10:47, 12 January 2006 . . TidyCat (talk | contribs | block) (altered "Pokemon" reference to match the cited page's claims)
 * (diff) 10:39, 6 January 2006 . . BalthCat (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 09:54, 6 January 2006 . . BalthCat (talk | contribs | block) (Gloomy Sunday)
 * (diff) 06:59, 26 December 2005 . . Kidicarus222 (talk | contribs | block) (fixed footnote)
 * (diff) 17:55, 25 December 2005 . . Marudubshinki (talk | contribs | block) (Popups-assisted redirection bypass from Great Old Ones to Great Old One)
 * (diff) 20:17, 23 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (The haunted eBay painting)
 * (diff) 14:26, 23 December 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 11:18, 19 December 2005 . . Morwen (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: link I, Borg)
 * (diff) 15:53, 16 December 2005 . . Calm (talk | contribs | block) (Creatures connected to the motif in Greek mythology: typo correction)
 * (diff) 15:36, 16 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (Mediaeval appearances of the motif: * Those who see the Galician procession of the dead, the Santa Compaña, must join it.)
 * (diff) 15:34, 16 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (Creatures connected to the motif in Greek mythology: Aegis. Artemis)
 * (diff) 15:17, 16 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (the Pokemon episode "Electric Soldier Porygon")
 * (diff) 18:16, 10 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (Pokemon Myth please check for proper format)
 * (diff) 00:02, 3 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (Gloomy Sunday)
 * (diff) 00:01, 3 December 2005 . . (talk | block) (Urban legends)
 * (diff) 02:56, 21 November 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 15:15, 19 November 2005 . . BrownBean (talk | contribs | block) (disambiguation and other links)
 * (diff) 02:18, 12 November 2005 . . Rholton (talk | contribs | block) (spelling)
 * (diff) 14:36, 11 November 2005 . . (talk | block) (The haunted eBay painting)
 * (diff) 14:35, 11 November 2005 . . (talk | block) (The haunted eBay painting)
 * (diff) 00:06, 10 November 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (1950s)
 * (diff) 00:04, 10 November 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 23:51, 9 November 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 23:48, 9 November 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 23:46, 9 November 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 20:44, 8 November 2005 . . Toiletduck (talk | contribs | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 23:54, 7 November 2005 . . (talk | block) (The haunted eBay painting)
 * (diff) 19:41, 6 November 2005 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: tghd, revised)
 * (diff) 19:24, 6 November 2005 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Looking at a deity in general: chg hd, cpyedt para)
 * (diff) 18:17, 6 November 2005 . . AdamDobay (talk | contribs | block) (Added Greek, Celtic, Balkan, Hindu mythological examples and explanations, and sorted out the structure of the mythology section)
 * (diff) 19:27, 5 November 2005 . . Anville (talk | contribs | block) (1950s: rm entry which does not fit the topic)
 * (diff) 00:13, 5 November 2005 . . Niz (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: Jisatsu Circle)
 * (diff) 11:44, 4 November 2005 . . Ixfd64 (talk | contribs | block) (expand)
 * (diff) 11:20, 4 November 2005 . . Ixfd64 (talk | contribs | block) (+haunted eBay painting)
 * (diff) 20:36, 31 October 2005 . . Niz (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: red room)
 * (diff) 20:48, 28 October 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 15:47, 28 October 2005 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: gr)
 * (diff) 15:45, 28 October 2005 . . RlyehRising (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: cpyedt, -cpyvio)
 * (diff) 21:08, 25 October 2005 . . AlistairMcMillan (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: Make TNG link direct)
 * (diff) 05:51, 25 October 2005 . . (talk | block) (See also: Fix Prank flash link)
 * (diff) 05:13, 24 October 2005 . . Liulk (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology and legend: corrected link to Narcissus (mythology))
 * (diff) 23:16, 23 October 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 23:15, 23 October 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 03:54, 17 October 2005 . . Simetrical (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology and legend: Sources and clarifications for Judeo-Christian paragraph)
 * (diff) 12:23, 14 October 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 18:27, 13 October 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 17:06, 13 October 2005 . . Mosquit0 (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology and legend)
 * (diff) 20:28, 11 October 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 02:07, 11 October 2005 . . (talk | block) (Mythology and legend)
 * (diff) 20:32, 10 October 2005 . . Schoen (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: - mention China Miéville's "Entry Taken from a MEdical Encyclopaedia")
 * (diff) 22:26, 28 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (See also)
 * (diff) 22:25, 28 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (See also)
 * (diff) 04:03, 28 September 2005 . . K1Bond007 (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 10:10, 24 September 2005 . . *drew (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: srd)
 * (diff) 08:20, 23 September 2005 . . Elysdir (talk | contribs | block) (Added "that would not normally be harmful" to definition ('cause fire burning someone is a harmful sensation that you'd expect to be harmful))
 * (diff) 00:05, 22 September 2005 . . Nickptar (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: bypass redir)
 * (diff) 03:50, 21 September 2005 . . Mosquit0 (talk | contribs | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 02:39, 21 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 07:43, 20 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 07:41, 20 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 07:39, 20 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 07:38, 20 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 10:30, 16 September 2005 . . Cryptic (talk | contribs | block) (rv nonsense by back to 01:05, 13 September 2005 edit by
 * (diff) 00:22, 16 September 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 02:05, 13 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 18:59, 8 September 2005 . . Alai (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: dbl the)
 * (diff) 01:03, 7 September 2005 . . Monpirri (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 18:59, 6 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (enlarged on Fallout 2 reference)
 * (diff) 18:53, 6 September 2005 . . (talk | block) (added section about Fallout 2)
 * (diff) 18:07, 6 September 2005 . . Mitsukai (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 17:49, 6 September 2005 . . Mitsukai (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 17:41, 6 September 2005 . . Mitsukai (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: linking to correct article)
 * (diff) 16:40, 31 August 2005 . . David Gerard (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 16:37, 31 August 2005 . . David Gerard (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 09:19, 30 August 2005 . . David Gerard (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: Global Frequency by Warren Ellis)
 * (diff) 09:12, 30 August 2005 . . David Gerard (talk | contribs | block) (whoops)
 * (diff) 09:10, 30 August 2005 . . David Gerard (talk | contribs | block) (bullet-point lists)
 * (diff) 23:13, 25 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 23:09, 25 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 23:00, 25 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 21:34, 25 August 2005 . . Rich Farmbrough (talk | contribs | block) (Wikify dates.)
 * (diff) 00:25, 21 August 2005 . . Malcolm Farmer (talk | contribs | block) (1970s: Added LeGuin reference:: most of those who see the artifact die. I'd say that's harmful)
 * (diff) 18:16, 19 August 2005 . . Lochaber (talk | contribs | block) (changed wikilink to Pi (film))
 * (diff) 19:32, 13 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 23:31, 11 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1960s)
 * (diff) 14:54, 11 August 2005 . . أحمد (talk | contribs | block) (1970s: Total Perspective Vortex)
 * (diff) 22:35, 9 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 22:34, 9 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 12:18, 8 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 12:17, 8 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 12:14, 8 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 12:11, 8 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 04:17, 8 August 2005 . . CesarB (talk | contribs | block) (see also Prank flash#Red Room)
 * (diff) 17:26, 7 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 17:24, 7 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 07:52, 4 August 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 18:39, 2 August 2005 . . Schoen (talk | contribs | block) (comment out erroneous Oxytocin edit with suggestions for improving it)
 * (diff) 18:48, 30 July 2005 . . (talk | block) (Added refrence to Oxytocin, a hormone that makes people more trusting.)
 * (diff) 00:48, 25 July 2005 . . Skaffenamtiskaw (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 00:46, 25 July 2005 . . Skaffenamtiskaw (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 04:54, 24 July 2005 . . Pakaran (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 21:40, 20 July 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 21:33, 20 July 2005 . . (talk | block) (1970s)
 * (diff) 21:32, 20 July 2005 . . (talk | block) (19th century)
 * (diff) 02:36, 19 July 2005 . . Pacobob (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 15:01, 18 July 2005 . . Cryptic (talk | contribs | block) (typo)
 * (diff) 13:44, 4 July 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 00:51, 30 June 2005 . . (talk | block) (1960s: Germans)
 * (diff) 15:40, 24 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (19th century: added external link to access Twain's story)
 * (diff) 01:26, 24 June 2005 . . أحمد (talk | contribs | block) (1970s: added Vogon Poetry)
 * (diff) 03:21, 21 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (1950s: tweak)
 * (diff) 03:09, 21 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (1950s: Science Fiction Theater episode "The Flicker")
 * (diff) 02:24, 20 June 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s: added advisory to weblink.)
 * (diff) 23:06, 16 June 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (tweak)
 * (diff) 23:04, 16 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: still tinkering with sentence structure)
 * (diff) 22:34, 16 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: slight rewording)
 * (diff) 03:22, 16 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: corrected my misspelling of correspondent)
 * (diff) 01:38, 16 June 2005 . . Tregonsee (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: the scrying stone in Clark Ashton Smith's story Ubbo-Sathla)
 * (diff) 01:11, 3 June 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 23:15, 1 June 2005 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: Ted Chiang's short story "Understand" is about a man who becomes more and more intelligent, and is ultimately destroyed by the things he sees.)
 * (diff) 17:52, 1 June 2005 . . (talk | block) (Simply added the 't' in strobe lights)
 * (diff) 17:31, 29 May 2005 . . Alai (talk | contribs | block) (sp)
 * (diff) 20:18, 25 May 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (added an example)
 * (diff) 01:24, 25 May 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (nonlethal weaponry)
 * (diff) 01:21, 25 May 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (clarity)
 * (diff) 01:17, 25 May 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (clarity)
 * (diff) 01:14, 25 May 2005 . . Tlogmer (talk | contribs | block) (formatting)
 * (diff) 06:48, 6 May 2005 . . (talk | block) (Mythology and legend)
 * (diff) 07:49, 3 May 2005 . . Pharos (talk | contribs | block) (added wikilink to evil eye)
 * (diff) 07:38, 3 May 2005 . . Pharos (talk | contribs | block) (some reorganization)
 * (diff) 05:42, 1 May 2005 . . LGagnon (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: Diary (novel))
 * (diff) 04:31, 25 April 2005 . . Tronno (talk | contribs | block) (undisambiguated)
 * (diff) 01:53, 23 April 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 23:28, 21 April 2005 . . Sippan (talk | contribs | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 21:18, 5 April 2005 . . Skyr (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 03:25, 5 April 2005 . . Ashley Y (talk | contribs | block) (rm redundant supercat)
 * (diff) 10:34, 31 March 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 10:32, 31 March 2005 . . (talk | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 15:36, 25 March 2005 . . SAMAS (talk | contribs | block) (2000s)
 * (diff) 21:44, 13 March 2005 . . Fubar Obfusco (talk | contribs | block) (1990s: Explaining Snow Crash a little more)
 * (diff) 05:56, 12 March 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (Added citation for Chambers.)
 * (diff) 05:55, 12 March 2005 . . Rvolz (talk | contribs | block) (Added citation for Chambers.)
 * (diff) 12:09, 9 March 2005 . . Malcolm Farmer (talk | contribs | block) (1960s: Macroscope)
 * (diff) 03:04, 11 February 2005 . . (talk | block) (1990s)
 * (diff) 03:02, 11 February 2005 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 08:12, 17 January 2005 . . Paul A (talk | contribs | block) (expand BLIT list and correct chronology)
 * (diff) 03:06, 17 January 2005 . . (talk | block) (1950s: Added "In" at beginning of 1st 'graf.)
 * (diff) 03:02, 17 January 2005 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: Adding second comma to nonrestrictive clause)
 * (diff) 03:01, 17 January 2005 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: Clarifying that the Necronomicon is part of the Cthulhu Mythos.)
 * (diff) 02:58, 17 January 2005 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: Added cross-reference to 19th century.)
 * (diff) 02:50, 17 January 2005 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: Added cross-reference to 19th century.)
 * (diff) 12:19, 16 January 2005 . . Eequor (talk | contribs | block) (2000s: temporalize.)
 * (diff) 12:04, 16 January 2005 . . Eequor (talk | contribs | block) (Categorize.)
 * (diff) 11:18, 16 January 2005 . . Eequor (talk | contribs | block) (1980s: cleanup.)
 * (diff) 23:50, 14 November 2004 . . Trilobite (talk | contribs | block) (1970s)
 * (diff) 21:01, 14 November 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 20:52, 14 November 2004 . . MeltBanana (talk | contribs | block) (copyedit)
 * (diff) 20:21, 9 November 2004 . . Trilobite (talk | contribs | block) (no need for spoiler warning)
 * (diff) 00:19, 2 November 2004 . . Malcolm Farmer (talk | contribs | block) (21st century)
 * (diff) 00:09, 2 November 2004 . . Malcolm Farmer (talk | contribs | block) (1980s)
 * (diff) 17:57, 1 November 2004 . . Heywood (talk | contribs | block) (Added Mirror of Erised (Harry Potter) reference.)
 * (diff) 14:39, 28 October 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (1800s: -> ==19th century==)
 * (diff) 14:38, 28 October 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (enough of them to do decade breakdowns now)
 * (diff) 14:28, 28 October 2004 . . Heywood (talk | contribs | block) (Added "The Ultimate Melody" (1957) reference.)
 * (diff) 21:31, 26 October 2004 . . Heywood (talk | contribs | block) (Added Read or Die (2001) reference.)
 * (diff) 15:01, 7 October 2004 . . DragonflySixtyseven (talk | contribs | block) (added link)
 * (diff) 14:36, 22 September 2004 . . Zoney (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: dab Limerick)
 * (diff) 01:42, 16 September 2004 . . Error (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: Link)
 * (diff) 20:59, 12 September 2004 . . Pyrop (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: avoiding redirs for murakami)
 * (diff) 01:43, 9 September 2004 . . Acanon (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century)
 * (diff) 17:19, 2 September 2004 . . Tregoweth (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century)
 * (diff) 05:11, 28 August 2004 . . Chinasaur (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: Added Star Trek Borg episode and Hard-boiled wonderland)
 * (diff) 04:03, 28 August 2004 . . Chinasaur (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: typo)
 * (diff) 03:58, 28 August 2004 . . Chinasaur (talk | contribs | block) (1800s: King in Yellow: not all readers are driven mad, some simply die)
 * (diff) 01:50, 24 August 2004 . . Error (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology: Lorelei)
 * (diff) 20:00, 23 August 2004 . . DropDeadGorgias (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century)
 * (diff) 19:46, 19 August 2004 . . DropDeadGorgias (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology)
 * (diff) 13:25, 18 August 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 13:24, 18 August 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 17:25, 16 August 2004 . . (talk | block) (Late 20th century)
 * (diff) 17:24, 16 August 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 13:24, 13 August 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: (fictional) horror writer)
 * (diff) 13:23, 13 August 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: In the 1995 film In the Mouth of Madness the works of the horror writer Sutter Cane break through into the reality of those who read them.)
 * (diff) 13:16, 13 August 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: splatter painting)
 * (diff) 13:13, 13 August 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: Fritz Leiber's 1958 short story "Rump-Titty-Titty-Tum-TAH-Tee" suggested the appearance of a rhythm and corresponding splatter painting that have contagious effects on)
 * (diff) 01:50, 13 August 2004 . . Cwitty (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: Max Headroom and blipverts)
 * (diff) 15:21, 11 August 2004 . . SpaceFrog (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: A few minor edits)
 * (diff) 15:06, 11 August 2004 . . SpaceFrog (talk | contribs | block) (Mythology: typo)
 * (diff) 17:20, 7 August 2004 . . Number 0 (talk | contribs | block) (correcting a typo in Harry Potter example)
 * (diff) 16:17, 13 July 2004 . . Attig (talk | contribs | block) (moved ringu example into 20th century)
 * (diff) 00:21, 1 July 2004 . . Jmabel (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: Shout: based on a story by Robert Graves)
 * (diff) 00:18, 1 July 2004 . . Jmabel (talk | contribs | block) (Late 20th century: Harry Potter!)
 * (diff) 19:15, 27 June 2004 . . Morwen (talk | contribs | block) (Early 20th century: dab bester)
 * (diff) 12:53, 13 June 2004 . . (talk | block) (Early 20th century: -centavo)
 * (diff) 00:43, 4 June 2004 . . LGagnon (talk | contribs | block) (moved Stendhal syndrome)
 * (diff) 00:30, 4 June 2004 . . Gabbe (talk | contribs | block) (linked Stendhal syndrom)
 * (diff) 11:58, 31 May 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (cat)
 * (diff) 18:53, 25 May 2004 . . Jmabel (talk | contribs | block) (copy edits)
 * (diff) 11:39, 25 May 2004 . . (talk | block) (1001 nights)
 * (diff) 08:34, 6 May 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (=Late 20th century= triggering an absence seizure.)
 * (diff) 01:03, 6 May 2004 . . DragonflySixtyseven (talk | contribs | block) (=Early 20th century=)
 * (diff) 23:19, 2 May 2004 . . Rbrwr (talk | contribs | block) (Medusa (mythology) Perseus (mythology))
 * (diff) 03:51, 2 May 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (+While the apparent fascination with this motif may be based in philosphic imagination, independent of actual observations, a real-world parallel lies in visual stimuli; link sensation)
 * (diff) 15:09, 1 May 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (+perdido street station)
 * (diff) 02:11, 1 May 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (=Late 20th century= story title "comp.basilisk FAQ" into quotes)
 * (diff) 19:32, 30 April 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (sp)
 * (diff) 10:03, 30 April 2004 . . Paul A (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 02:44, 30 April 2004 . . CatherineMunro (talk | contribs | block) (=Late 20th century= Andromeda Strain = epilepsy)
 * (diff) 09:51, 27 April 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (Visual stimuli at a specific frequency "pumping" EEG rhythms at the same frequency can induce an epileptic seizure in people who already have epilepsy. Real examples of this happening have in)
 * (diff) 14:28, 25 April 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (=Early 20th century= capital M)
 * (diff) 14:27, 25 April 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (=Early 20th century= In his Cthulhu Mythos stories, he also wrote of creatures, the Great Old Ones, the presence of which would drive people insane.)
 * (diff) 14:24, 25 April 2004 . . Pablo-flores (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 09:46, 25 April 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (fmt)
 * (diff) 22:25, 24 April 2004 . . LGagnon (talk | contribs | block) (sectioned)
 * (diff) 02:30, 23 April 2004 . . Pablo-flores (talk | contribs | block) (Added link to "The Zahir")
 * (diff) 20:31, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (Wikignome <:-))
 * (diff) 19:51, 21 April 2004 . . Jwrosenzweig (talk | contribs | block) (adding Videodrome)
 * (diff) 17:54, 21 April 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (mandrakes)
 * (diff) 17:50, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 17:35, 21 April 2004 . . TMC1221 (talk | contribs | block) (add links)
 * (diff) 15:38, 21 April 2004 . . DocWatson42 (talk | contribs | block) (Changed "The Zahir" from itilicized to in double quotes.)
 * (diff) 14:23, 21 April 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (+Borges "The Zahir")
 * (diff) 14:20, 21 April 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (Twain "A Literary Nightmare")
 * (diff) 14:12, 21 April 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) ("The Demolished Man" advertising jungle)
 * (diff) 11:07, 21 April 2004 . . Scott&Nigel (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 10:26, 21 April 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) ("innate releasing mechanisms")
 * (diff) 10:25, 21 April 2004 . . The Anome (talk | contribs | block) (re-order)
 * (diff) 09:56, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (J. G. Ballard's 1964 short story "The Reptile Enclosure" describes a near-future in which the launch of telecommunications satellites triggers "Innate Releasing Mechanisms" that cause people to co)
 * (diff) 09:49, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (fmt)
 * (diff) 09:47, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (Also in 2002,)
 * (diff) 09:46, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (Chuck Palahniuk's horror-satire novel Lullaby (novel) describes a "culling song", which causes the death of people who hear it (or even have it thought in their direction).)
 * (diff) 09:19, 21 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (harmful sights and gazes; basilisks and cockatrice; move "Shout" into chronology)
 * (diff) 08:09, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 08:04, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (fixed previous edit a bit)
 * (diff) 08:02, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (added Pokemon)
 * (diff) 01:42, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 01:20, 21 April 2004 . . Dominus (talk | contribs | block) (comp.basilisk FAQ)
 * (diff) 00:29, 21 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (italics)
 * (diff) 22:25, 20 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (fix my The King in Yellow misunderstanding : read, not viewed)
 * (diff) 22:23, 20 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (Link The Ring & conform date to that article; date for Infinite Jest, & put it in chrono ord)
 * (diff) 22:11, 20 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (- unencyc. language)
 * (diff) 21:50, 20 April 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 20:42, 20 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (+ Snow Crash)
 * (diff) 15:46, 20 April 2004 . . (talk | block) (added infinite jest)
 * (diff) 14:43, 20 April 2004 . . Fredcondo (talk | contribs | block) (link to Lovecraft)
 * (diff) 14:36, 20 April 2004 . . Fredcondo (talk | contribs | block) (one word a time -> one word at a time)
 * (diff) 12:26, 20 April 2004 . . Korath (talk | contribs | block)
 * (diff) 08:25, 20 April 2004 . . Aarchiba (talk | contribs | block) (typo)
 * (diff) 07:48, 20 April 2004 . . (talk | block)
 * (diff) 06:48, 20 April 2004 . . DO'Neil (talk | contribs | block) (Changed the hideous 'thru' to 'via'.)
 * (diff) 23:05, 19 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (+ Evil dead example)
 * (diff) 22:43, 19 April 2004 . . Jerzy (talk | contribs | block) (5 examples)