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In the Parade of Nations at the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, the countries marched following the English alphabetical order, but had the Japanese characters been used instead (using the Gojūon ordering of kana), the order would have been like this:

Order Nation Japanese name Rōmaji Flag bearer Sport
1  Greece (GRE) ギリシャ Girisha Vasilios Dimitriadis Alpine skiing
2  Iceland (ISL) アイスランド Aisurando Theódóra Mathiesen Alpine skiing
3  Ireland (IRL) アイルランド Airurando Terry McHugh Bobsleigh
4  Azerbaijan (AZE) アゼルバイジャン Azerubaijan Yuliya Vorobyova Figure skating
5  United States (USA) アメリカ合衆国 Amerikagasshūkoku Eric Flaim Short track speed skating
6  Argentina (ARG) アルゼンチン Aruzenchin Carola Calello Alpine skiing
7  Armenia (ARM) アルメニア Arumenia Alla Mikayelyan Cross-country skiing
8  Andorra (AND) アンドラ Andora Victor Gómez Alpine skiing
9  Great Britain (GBR) イギリス Igirisu Mike Dixon Biathlon
10  Israel (ISR) イスラエル Isuraeru Michael Shmerkin Figure skating
11  Italy (ITA) イタリア Itaria Gerda Weissensteiner Luge
12  Iran (IRI) イラン Iran Hassan Shemshaki Alpine skiing
13  India (IND) インド Indo Shiva Keshavan Luge
14  Ukraine (UKR) ウクライナ Ukuraina Andriy Deryzemlya Biathlon
15  Uzbekistan (UZB) ウズベキスタン Uzubekisutan Komil Urunbayev Alpine skiing
16  Uruguay (URU) ウルグアイ Uruguai Gabriel Hottegindre Alpine skiing
17  Estonia (EST) エストニア Esutonia Kalju Ojaste Biathlon
18  Australia (AUS) オーストラリア Ōsutoraria Richard Nizielski Short track speed skating
19  Austria (AUT) オーストリア Ōsutoria Emese Hunyady Speed skating
20  Netherlands (NED) オランダ Oranda Carla Zijlstra Speed skating
21  Kazakhstan (KAZ) カザフスタン Kazafusutan Vladimir Smirnov Cross-country skiing
22  Canada (CAN) カナダ Kanada Jean-Luc Brassard Freestyle skiing
23  Cyprus (CYP) キプロス Kipurosu Andreas Vasili Alpine skiing
24  Macedonia (MKD) マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 Makedonia Kyū Yūgosurabia Kyōwakoku Gjoko Dineski Cross-country skiing
25  Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) キルギスタン Kirugisutan Aleksandr Tropnikov Biathlon
26  Georgia (GEO) グルジア Gurujia Sofia Akhmeteli Alpine skiing
27  Croatia (CRO) クロアチア Kuroachia Janica Kostelić Alpine skiing
28  Kenya (KEN) ケニア Kenia Philip Boit Cross-country skiing
29  Jamaica (JAM) ジャマイカ Jamaika Ricky McIntosh Bobsleigh
30  Switzerland (SUI) スイス Suisu Guido Acklin Bobsleigh
31  Sweden (SWE) スウェーデン Suwēden Torgny Mogren Cross-country skiing
32  Spain (ESP) スペイン Supein Juan Jesús Gutiérrez Cross-country skiing
33  Slovakia (SVK) スロバキア Surobakia Ivan Bátory Cross-country skiing
34  Slovenia (SLO) スロベニア Surobenia Primož Peterka Ski jumping
35  South Korea (KOR) 大韓民国 Daikanminkoku Hur Seung-Wook Alpine skiing
36  Chinese Taipei (TPE) チャイニーズ・タイペイ Chainīzu Taipei Sun Kuang-Ming Bobsleigh
37  Czech Republic (CZE) チェコ Cheko Lubomír Buchta Cross-country skiing
38  China (CHN) 中華人民共和国 Chūkajinminkyōwakoku Zhao Hongbo Figure skating
39  Chile (CHI) チリ Chiri Duncan Grob Alpine skiing
40  Denmark (DEN) デンマーク Denmāku Helena Blach Lavrsen Curling
41  Germany (GER) ドイツ Doitsu Jochen Behle Cross-country skiing
42  Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) トリニダード・トバゴ Torinidādo Tobago Curtis Harry Bobsleigh
43  Turkey (TUR) トルコ Toruko Arif Alaftargil Alpine skiing
44  New Zealand (NZL) ニュージーランド Nyūjīrando Peter Henry Bobsleigh
45  Norway (NOR) ノルウェー Noruwē Espen Bredesen Ski jumping
46  Virgin Islands (ISV) バージン諸島 Bājin Shotō Paul Zar Bobsleigh
47  Bermuda (BER) バミューダ Bamyūda John Hoskins Chef de Mission
48  Hungary (HUN) ハンガリー Hangarī Krisztina Egyed Speed skating
49  Finland (FIN) フィンランド Finrando Janne Ahonen Ski jumping
50  Puerto Rico (PUR) プエルトリコ Puerutoriko José Ferrer Bobsleigh
51  Brazil (BRA) ブラジル Burajiru Marcelo Apovian Alpine skiing
52  France (FRA) フランス Furansu Philippe Candeloro Figure skating
53  Bulgaria (BUL) ブルガリア Burugaria Lyubomir Popov Alpine skiing
54  Venezuela (VEN) ベネズエラ Benezuera Iginia Boccalandro Luge
55  Belarus (BLR) ベラルーシ Berarūshi Aleksandr Popov Biathlon
56  Belgium (BEL) ベルギー Berugī Conrad Alleblas Chef de Mission
57  Poland (POL) ポーランド Pōrando Jan Ziemianin Biathlon
58  Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Bosunia Herutsegobina Mario Franjić Bobsleigh
59  Portugal (POR) ポルトガル Porutogaru Mafalda Pereira Freestyle skiing
60  South Africa (RSA) 南アフリカ Minamiafurika Shirene Human Figure skating
61  North Korea (PRK) 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Chōsenminshushugijinminkyōwakoku Yun Chol Short track speed skating
62  Monaco (MON) モナコ Monako Gilbert Bessi Bobsleigh
63  Moldova (MDA) モルドバ Morudoba Ion Bucsa Biathlon
64  Mongolia (MGL) モンゴル Mongoru Boldyn Sansarbileg Short track speed skating
65  FR Yugoslavia (YUG) ユーゴスラビア Yūgosurabia Marko Đorđević Alpine skiing
66  Latvia (LAT) ラトビア Ratobia Sandis Prūsis Bobsleigh
67  Lithuania (LTU) リトアニア Ritoania Povilas Vanagas Figure skating
68  Liechtenstein (LIE) リヒテンシュタイン Rihitenshutain Tamara Schädler Alpine skiing
69  Romania (ROM) ルーマニア Rūmania Mihaela Dascălu Speed skating
70  Luxembourg (LUX) ルクセンブルク Rukusenburuku Patrick Schmit Figure skating
71  Russia (RUS) ロシア Roshia Aleksey Prokurorov Cross-country skiing
72  Japan (JPN) 日本 Nihon Hiroyasu Shimizu Speed skating

Fictional Triple Gold Club in football


Modeled after, of course, the honored Triple Gold Club in ice hockey.


 *  Player has won the Ballon d'Or.
 ^  Player is still active.
Text in bold indicates the specific championship that made that player a member of the club.


Nat. Player Membership
FIFA World Cup Continental championship (UEFA European Championship/Copa América) European Cup/UEFA Champions League
  Franz Beckenbauer 7 July 1974 West Germany 1974 West Germany 1972 Bayern Munich 1974, 1975, 1976
  Paul Breitner 7 July 1974 West Germany 1974 West Germany 1972 Bayern Munich 1974
  Uli Hoeneß 7 July 1974 West Germany 1974 West Germany 1972 Bayern Munich 1974, 1975, 1976
  Sepp Maier 7 July 1974 West Germany 1974 West Germany 1972 Bayern Munich 1974, 1975, 1976
  Gerd Müller 7 July 1974 West Germany 1974 West Germany 1972 Bayern Munich 1974, 1975, 1976
  Hans-Georg Schwarzenbeck 7 July 1974 West Germany 1974 West Germany 1972 Bayern Munich 1974, 1975, 1976
  Jürgen Kohler 28 May 1997 West Germany 1990 Germany 1996 Borussia Dortmund 1997
  Andreas Möller 28 May 1997 West Germany 1990 Germany 1996 Borussia Dortmund 1997
  Stefan Reuter 28 May 1997 West Germany 1990 Germany 1996 Borussia Dortmund 1997
  Fabien Barthez 2 July 2000 France 1998 France 2000 Marseille 1993
  Marcel Desailly 2 July 2000 France 1998 France 2000 Marseille 1993, Milan 1994
  Didier Deschamps 2 July 2000 France 1998 France 2000 Marseille 1993, Juventus 1996
  Christian Karembeu 2 July 2000 France 1998 France 2000 Real Madrid 1998, 2000
  Bixente Lizarazu 23 May 2001 France 1998 France 2000 Bayern Munich 2001
  Zinedine Zidane 15 May 2002 France 1998 France 2000 Real Madrid 2002
  Roberto Carlos 30 June 2002 Brazil 2002 Brazil 1997, 1999 Real Madrid 1998, 2000, 2002
  Dida 28 May 2003 Brazil 2002 Brazil 1999 Milan 2003, 2007
  Rivaldo 28 May 2003 Brazil 2002 Brazil 1999 Milan 2003
  Ronaldinho 17 May 2006 Brazil 2002 Brazil 1999 Barcelona 2006
  Cafu 23 May 2007 Brazil 1994, 2002 Brazil 1997, 1999 Milan 2007
  Thierry Henry 27 May 2009 France 1998 France 2000 Barcelona 2009
  Xabi Alonso 11 July 2010 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Liverpool 2005, Real Madrid 2014
  Iker Casillas 11 July 2010 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Real Madrid 2000, 2002, 2014
  Andrés Iniesta ^ 11 July 2010 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Barcelona 2006, 2009, 2011, 2015
  Carles Puyol 11 July 2010 Spain 2010 Spain 2008 Barcelona 2006, 2009, 2011
  Xavi 11 July 2010 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Barcelona 2006, 2009, 2011, 2015
  David Villa 28 May 2011 Spain 2010 Spain 2008 Barcelona 2011
  Fernando Torres 19 May 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Chelsea 2012
  Sergio Busquets ^ 1 July 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Barcelona 2009, 2011, 2015
  Juan Mata ^ 1 July 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Chelsea 2012
  Pedro ^ 1 July 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Barcelona 2009, 2011, 2015
  Gerard Piqué 1 July 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Manchester United 2008
Barcelona 2009, 2011, 2015
  Víctor Valdés 1 July 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Barcelona 2006, 2009, 2011
  Javi Martínez ^ 25 May 2013 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Bayern Munich 2013, 2020
  Álvaro Arbeloa 24 May 2014 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Real Madrid 2014, 2016
  Sergio Ramos ^ 24 May 2014 Spain 2010 Spain 2008, 2012 Real Madrid 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
  Ángel Di María ^ 18 December 2022 Argentina 2022 Argentina 2021, 2024 Real Madrid 2014
  Lionel Messi *^ 18 December 2022 Argentina 2022 Argentina 2021, 2024 Barcelona 2006, 2009, 2011, 2015
  Julián Álvarez ^ 10 June 2023 Argentina 2022 Argentina 2021, 2024 Manchester City 2023


Nat. Manager Membership
FIFA World Cup Continental championship (UEFA European Championship) UEFA Champions League
  Vicente del Bosque 1 July 2012 Spain 2010 Spain 2012 Real Madrid 2000, 2002

Officially assigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code elements with flags


The following is a complete list of the 249 current officially assigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, with the following columns:

  • Code — ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
  • Country name — English short name officially used by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA)
  • Year — Year when alpha-2 code was first officially assigned (1974, first edition of ISO 3166)
  • ccTLD — Corresponding country code top-level domain (note that some are inactive); exceptions where another ccTLD is assigned for the country are shown in parentheses
  • ISO 3166-2 — Corresponding ISO 3166-2 codes
  • Notes — Any unofficial notes
Code Country name (using title case) Year ccTLD ISO 3166-2 Notes
  Andorra 1974 .ad ISO 3166-2:AD
AE   United Arab Emirates 1974 .ae ISO 3166-2:AE
AF   Afghanistan 1974 .af ISO 3166-2:AF Previous flags:           
AG   Antigua and Barbuda 1974 .ag ISO 3166-2:AG
AI   Anguilla 1985 .ai ISO 3166-2:AI AI previously represented French Afars and Issas
Previous flag:  
AL   Albania 1974 .al ISO 3166-2:AL Previous flags:   
AM   Armenia 1992 .am ISO 3166-2:AM
AO   Angola 1974 .ao ISO 3166-2:AO Previous flag:  
AQ  Antarctica 1974 .aq ISO 3166-2:AQ Covers the territories south of 60° south latitude
Code taken from name in French: Antarctique
AR   Argentina 1974 .ar ISO 3166-2:AR
AS   American Samoa 1974 .as ISO 3166-2:AS
AT   Austria 1974 .at ISO 3166-2:AT
AU   Australia 1974 .au ISO 3166-2:AU Includes the Ashmore and Cartier Islands and the Coral Sea Islands
AW   Aruba 1986 .aw ISO 3166-2:AW
AX   Åland Islands 2004 .ax ISO 3166-2:AX An autonomous province of Finland
AZ   Azerbaijan 1992 .az ISO 3166-2:AZ
BA   Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 .ba ISO 3166-2:BA Previous flag:  
BB   Barbados 1974 .bb ISO 3166-2:BB
BD   Bangladesh 1974 .bd ISO 3166-2:BD
BE   Belgium 1974 .be ISO 3166-2:BE
BF   Burkina Faso 1984 .bf ISO 3166-2:BF Name changed from Upper Volta (HV)
BG   Bulgaria 1974 .bg ISO 3166-2:BG Previous flag:  
BH   Bahrain 1974 .bh ISO 3166-2:BH Previous flag:  
BI   Burundi 1974 .bi ISO 3166-2:BI Previous flag:  
BJ   Benin 1977 .bj ISO 3166-2:BJ Name changed from Dahomey (DY)
Previous flag:  
BL   Saint Barthélemy 2007 .bl ISO 3166-2:BL
BM   Bermuda 1974 .bm ISO 3166-2:BM Previous flag:  
BN   Brunei Darussalam 1974 .bn ISO 3166-2:BN Previous ISO country name: Brunei
BO   Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1974 .bo ISO 3166-2:BO Previous ISO country name: Bolivia
BQ   Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 2010 .bq ISO 3166-2:BQ Consists of three Caribbean "special municipalities", which are part of the Netherlands proper:   Bonaire,
  Sint Eustatius, and   Saba (the BES Islands)
Previous ISO country name: Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
BQ previously represented British Antarctic Territory
BR   Brazil 1974 .br ISO 3166-2:BR Previous flag:  
BS   Bahamas 1974 .bs ISO 3166-2:BS
BT   Bhutan 1974 .bt ISO 3166-2:BT
BV   Bouvet Island 1974 .bv ISO 3166-2:BV Belongs to Norway
BW   Botswana 1974 .bw ISO 3166-2:BW
BY   Belarus 1974 .by ISO 3166-2:BY Code taken from previous ISO country name: Byelorussian SSR (now assigned ISO 3166-3 code BYAA)
Code assigned as the country was already a UN member since 1945
Previous flags:    
BZ   Belize 1974 .bz ISO 3166-2:BZ Previous flags:   
CA   Canada 1974 .ca ISO 3166-2:CA
CC   Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1974 .cc ISO 3166-2:CC Previous flag:  
CD   Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1997 .cd ISO 3166-2:CD Name changed from Zaire (ZR)
Previous flags:   
CF   Central African Republic 1974 .cf ISO 3166-2:CF
CG   Congo 1974 .cg ISO 3166-2:CG Previous flag:  
CH    Switzerland 1974 .ch ISO 3166-2:CH Code taken from name in Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica
CI   Côte d'Ivoire 1974 .ci ISO 3166-2:CI ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Ivory Coast)
CK   Cook Islands 1974 .ck ISO 3166-2:CK Previous flag:  
CL   Chile 1974 .cl ISO 3166-2:CL
CM   Cameroon 1974 .cm ISO 3166-2:CM Previous ISO country name: Cameroon, United Republic of
Previous flag:  
CN   China 1974 .cn ISO 3166-2:CN
CO   Colombia 1974 .co ISO 3166-2:CO
CR   Costa Rica 1974 .cr ISO 3166-2:CR
CU   Cuba 1974 .cu ISO 3166-2:CU
CV   Cabo Verde 1974 .cv ISO 3166-2:CV ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Cape Verde, another previous ISO country name: Cape Verde Islands)
Previous flags:   
CW   Curaçao 2010 .cw ISO 3166-2:CW
CX   Christmas Island 1974 .cx ISO 3166-2:CX Previous flag:  
CY   Cyprus 1974 .cy ISO 3166-2:CY Previous flag:  
CZ   Czechia 1993 .cz ISO 3166-2:CZ Previous ISO country name: Czech Republic
DE   Germany 1974 .de ISO 3166-2:DE Code taken from name in German: Deutschland
Code used for West Germany before 1990 (previous ISO country name: Germany, Federal Republic of)
DJ   Djibouti 1977 .dj ISO 3166-2:DJ Name changed from French Afars and Issas (AI)
DK   Denmark 1974 .dk ISO 3166-2:DK
DM   Dominica 1974 .dm ISO 3166-2:DM Previous flags:     
DO   Dominican Republic 1974 .do ISO 3166-2:DO
DZ   Algeria 1974 .dz ISO 3166-2:DZ Code taken from name in Arabic الجزائر al-Djazā'ir, Algerian Arabic الدزاير al-Dzāyīr, or Berber ⴷⵣⴰⵢⵔ Dzayer
EC   Ecuador 1974 .ec ISO 3166-2:EC Previous flag:  
EE   Estonia 1992 .ee ISO 3166-2:EE Code taken from name in Estonian: Eesti
EG   Egypt 1974 .eg ISO 3166-2:EG Previous flag:  
EH  Western Sahara 1974 ISO 3166-2:EH Previous ISO country name: Spanish Sahara (code taken from name in Spanish: Sahara español)
.eh ccTLD has not been implemented.
Previous flag:  
ER   Eritrea 1993 .er ISO 3166-2:ER Previous flag:  
ES   Spain 1974 .es ISO 3166-2:ES Code taken from name in Spanish: España
Previous flags:   
ET   Ethiopia 1974 .et ISO 3166-2:ET Previous flags:      
FI   Finland 1974 .fi ISO 3166-2:FI
FJ   Fiji 1974 .fj ISO 3166-2:FJ
FK   Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1974 .fk ISO 3166-2:FK ISO country name follows UN designation due to the Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute (local common name: Falkland Islands)
Previous flag:  
FM   Micronesia (Federated States of) 1986 .fm ISO 3166-2:FM Previous ISO country name: Micronesia
FO   Faroe Islands 1974 .fo ISO 3166-2:FO Code taken from name in Faroese: Føroyar
FR   France 1974 .fr ISO 3166-2:FR Includes Clipperton Island
GA   Gabon 1974 .ga ISO 3166-2:GA
GB   United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1974 .gb
ISO 3166-2:GB Code taken from Great Britain (from official name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Previous ISO country name: United Kingdom
.uk is the primary ccTLD of the United Kingdom instead of .gb (see code UK, which is exceptionally reserved)
GD   Grenada 1974 .gd ISO 3166-2:GD
GE   Georgia 1992 .ge ISO 3166-2:GE GE previously represented Gilbert Islands
Previous flag:  
GF   French Guiana 1974 .gf ISO 3166-2:GF Code taken from name in French: Guyane française
GG   Guernsey 2006 .gg ISO 3166-2:GG A British Crown dependency
GH   Ghana 1974 .gh ISO 3166-2:GH
GI   Gibraltar 1974 .gi ISO 3166-2:GI Previous flag:  
GL   Greenland 1974 .gl ISO 3166-2:GL Previous flag:  
GM   Gambia 1974 .gm ISO 3166-2:GM
GN   Guinea 1974 .gn ISO 3166-2:GN
GP   Guadeloupe 1974 .gp ISO 3166-2:GP
GQ   Equatorial Guinea 1974 .gq ISO 3166-2:GQ Code taken from name in French: Guinée équatoriale
Previous flag:  
GR   Greece 1974 .gr ISO 3166-2:GR Previous flags:   
GS   South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 1993 .gs ISO 3166-2:GS Previous flag:  
GT   Guatemala 1974 .gt ISO 3166-2:GT
GU   Guam 1974 .gu ISO 3166-2:GU
GW   Guinea-Bissau 1974 .gw ISO 3166-2:GW
GY   Guyana 1974 .gy ISO 3166-2:GY
HK   Hong Kong 1974 .hk ISO 3166-2:HK Previous flag:  
HM   Heard Island and McDonald Islands 1974 .hm ISO 3166-2:HM
HN   Honduras 1974 .hn ISO 3166-2:HN Previous flag:  
HR   Croatia 1992 .hr ISO 3166-2:HR Code taken from name in Croatian: Hrvatska
HT   Haiti 1974 .ht ISO 3166-2:HT Previous flag:  
HU   Hungary 1974 .hu ISO 3166-2:HU
ID   Indonesia 1974 .id ISO 3166-2:ID
IE   Ireland 1974 .ie ISO 3166-2:IE
IL   Israel 1974 .il ISO 3166-2:IL
IM   Isle of Man 2006 .im ISO 3166-2:IM A British Crown dependency
IN   India 1974 .in ISO 3166-2:IN
IO   British Indian Ocean Territory 1974 .io ISO 3166-2:IO Previous flag:  
IQ   Iraq 1974 .iq ISO 3166-2:IQ Previous flags:    
IR   Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1974 .ir ISO 3166-2:IR Previous ISO country name: Iran
Previous flag:   
IS   Iceland 1974 .is ISO 3166-2:IS Code taken from name in Icelandic: Ísland
IT   Italy 1974 .it ISO 3166-2:IT Previous flag:  
JE   Jersey 2006 .je ISO 3166-2:JE A British Crown dependency
JM   Jamaica 1974 .jm ISO 3166-2:JM
JO   Jordan 1974 .jo ISO 3166-2:JO
JP   Japan 1974 .jp ISO 3166-2:JP Previous flag:  
KE   Kenya 1974 .ke ISO 3166-2:KE
KG   Kyrgyzstan 1992 .kg ISO 3166-2:KG
KH   Cambodia 1974 .kh ISO 3166-2:KH Code taken from former name: Khmer Republic
Previous ISO country name: Kampuchea, Democratic
Previous flags:    
KI   Kiribati 1979 .ki ISO 3166-2:KI Name changed from Gilbert Islands (GE)
KM   Comoros 1974 .km ISO 3166-2:KM Code taken from name in Comorian: Komori
Previous flags:      
KN   Saint Kitts and Nevis 1974 .kn ISO 3166-2:KN Previous ISO country name: Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
Previous flag:  
KP   Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) 1974 .kp ISO 3166-2:KP ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: North Korea)
Previous flag:  
KR   Korea, Republic of 1974 .kr ISO 3166-2:KR ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: South Korea)
Previous flags:    
KW   Kuwait 1974 .kw ISO 3166-2:KW
KY   Cayman Islands 1974 .ky ISO 3166-2:KY Previous flag:  
KZ   Kazakhstan 1992 .kz ISO 3166-2:KZ Previous ISO country name: Kazakstan
LA   Lao People's Democratic Republic 1974 .la ISO 3166-2:LA ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Laos)
Previous flag:  
LB   Lebanon 1974 .lb ISO 3166-2:LB
LC   Saint Lucia 1974 .lc ISO 3166-2:LC Previous flags:   
LI   Liechtenstein 1974 .li ISO 3166-2:LI Previous flag:  
LK   Sri Lanka 1974 .lk ISO 3166-2:LK
LR   Liberia 1974 .lr ISO 3166-2:LR
LS   Lesotho 1974 .ls ISO 3166-2:LS Previous flags:   
LT   Lithuania 1992 .lt ISO 3166-2:LT Previous flag:  
LU   Luxembourg 1974 .lu ISO 3166-2:LU
LV   Latvia 1992 .lv ISO 3166-2:LV
LY   Libya 1974 .ly ISO 3166-2:LY Previous ISO country name: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Previous flags:   
MA   Morocco 1974 .ma ISO 3166-2:MA Code taken from name in French: Maroc
MC   Monaco 1974 .mc ISO 3166-2:MC
MD   Moldova, Republic of 1992 .md ISO 3166-2:MD Previous ISO country name: Moldova (briefly from 2008 to 2009)
ME   Montenegro 2006 .me ISO 3166-2:ME
MF   Saint Martin (French part) 2007 .mf ISO 3166-2:MF The Dutch part of Saint Martin island is assigned code SX
MG   Madagascar 1974 .mg ISO 3166-2:MG
MH   Marshall Islands 1986 .mh ISO 3166-2:MH
MK   North Macedonia 1993 .mk ISO 3166-2:MK Code taken from name in Macedonian: Severna Makedonija
Previous ISO country name: Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of (designated as such due to Macedonia naming dispute)
Previous flag:  
ML   Mali 1974 .ml ISO 3166-2:ML
MM   Myanmar 1989 .mm ISO 3166-2:MM Name changed from Burma (BU)
Previous flag:  
MN   Mongolia 1974 .mn ISO 3166-2:MN Previous flags:   
MO   Macao 1974 .mo ISO 3166-2:MO Previous ISO country name: Macau
Previous flags:   
MP   Northern Mariana Islands 1986 .mp ISO 3166-2:MP Previous flag:  
MQ   Martinique 1974 .mq ISO 3166-2:MQ Previous flag:  
MR   Mauritania 1974 .mr ISO 3166-2:MR Previous flag:  
MS   Montserrat 1974 .ms ISO 3166-2:MS Previous flag:  
MT   Malta 1974 .mt ISO 3166-2:MT
MU   Mauritius 1974 .mu ISO 3166-2:MU
MV   Maldives 1974 .mv ISO 3166-2:MV
MW   Malawi 1974 .mw ISO 3166-2:MW Previous flag:  
MX   Mexico 1974 .mx ISO 3166-2:MX
MY   Malaysia 1974 .my ISO 3166-2:MY
MZ   Mozambique 1974 .mz ISO 3166-2:MZ Previous flags:    
NA   Namibia 1974 .na ISO 3166-2:NA Previous flag:  
NC   New Caledonia 1974 .nc ISO 3166-2:NC Previous flag:  
NE   Niger 1974 .ne ISO 3166-2:NE
NF   Norfolk Island 1974 .nf ISO 3166-2:NF Previous flag:  
NG   Nigeria 1974 .ng ISO 3166-2:NG
NI   Nicaragua 1974 .ni ISO 3166-2:NI
NL   Netherlands 1974 .nl ISO 3166-2:NL Officially includes the islands Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba, which also have code BQ in ISO 3166-1. Within ISO 3166-2, Aruba (AW), Curaçao (CW), and Sint Maarten (SX) are also coded as subdivisions of NL.
NO   Norway 1974 .no ISO 3166-2:NO
NP     Nepal 1974 .np ISO 3166-2:NP
NR   Nauru 1974 .nr ISO 3166-2:NR
NU   Niue 1974 .nu ISO 3166-2:NU Previous ISO country name: Niue Island
Previous flag:  
NZ   New Zealand 1974 .nz ISO 3166-2:NZ
OM   Oman 1974 .om ISO 3166-2:OM Previous flag:  
PA   Panama 1974 .pa ISO 3166-2:PA
PE   Peru 1974 .pe ISO 3166-2:PE
PF   French Polynesia 1974 .pf ISO 3166-2:PF Code taken from name in French: Polynésie française
Previous flag:  
PG   Papua New Guinea 1974 .pg ISO 3166-2:PG
PH   Philippines 1974 .ph ISO 3166-2:PH Previous flags:   
PK   Pakistan 1974 .pk ISO 3166-2:PK
PL   Poland 1974 .pl ISO 3166-2:PL Previous flag:  
PM   Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1974 .pm ISO 3166-2:PM
PN   Pitcairn 1974 .pn ISO 3166-2:PN Previous ISO country name: Pitcairn Islands
Previous flag:  
PR   Puerto Rico 1974 .pr ISO 3166-2:PR Previous flag:  
PS   Palestine, State of 1999 .ps ISO 3166-2:PS Previous ISO country name: Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Consists of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
PT   Portugal 1974 .pt ISO 3166-2:PT
PW   Palau 1986 .pw ISO 3166-2:PW
PY   Paraguay 1974 .py ISO 3166-2:PY Previous flags:    
QA   Qatar 1974 .qa ISO 3166-2:QA
RE   Réunion 1974 .re ISO 3166-2:RE
RO   Romania 1974 .ro ISO 3166-2:RO Previous flag:  
RS   Serbia 2006 .rs ISO 3166-2:RS Republic of Serbia
Previous flag:  
RU   Russian Federation 1992 .ru ISO 3166-2:RU ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Russia)
Previous flag:  
RW   Rwanda 1974 .rw ISO 3166-2:RW Previous flag:  
SA   Saudi Arabia 1974 .sa ISO 3166-2:SA
SB   Solomon Islands 1974 .sb ISO 3166-2:SB Code taken from former name: British Solomon Islands
Previous flag:  
SC   Seychelles 1974 .sc ISO 3166-2:SC Previous flags:    
SD   Sudan 1974 .sd ISO 3166-2:SD
SE   Sweden 1974 .se ISO 3166-2:SE
SG   Singapore 1974 .sg ISO 3166-2:SG
SH   Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 1974 .sh ISO 3166-2:SH Previous ISO country name: Saint Helena
Consists of three islands in the South Atlantic Ocean:   Saint Helena,   Ascension Island, and
  Tristan da Cunha
Previous flags:   
SI   Slovenia 1992 .si ISO 3166-2:SI
SJ   Svalbard and Jan Mayen 1974 .sj ISO 3166-2:SJ Previous ISO name: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
Consists of two arctic territories of Norway:   Svalbard and   Jan Mayen
SK   Slovakia 1993 .sk ISO 3166-2:SK SK previously represented Sikkim
SL   Sierra Leone 1974 .sl ISO 3166-2:SL
SM   San Marino 1974 .sm ISO 3166-2:SM Previous flag:  
SN   Senegal 1974 .sn ISO 3166-2:SN
SO   Somalia 1974 .so ISO 3166-2:SO
SR   Suriname 1974 .sr ISO 3166-2:SR Previous ISO country name: Surinam
Previous flag:  
SS   South Sudan 2011 .ss ISO 3166-2:SS
ST   Sao Tome and Principe 1974 .st ISO 3166-2:ST Previous flag:  
SV   El Salvador 1974 .sv ISO 3166-2:SV
SX   Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2010 .sx ISO 3166-2:SX The French part of Saint Martin island is assigned code MF
SY   Syrian Arab Republic 1974 .sy ISO 3166-2:SY ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Syria)
Previous flag:  
SZ   Eswatini 1974 .sz ISO 3166-2:SZ Previous ISO country name: Swaziland
TC   Turks and Caicos Islands 1974 .tc ISO 3166-2:TC Previous flag:  
TD   Chad 1974 .td ISO 3166-2:TD Code taken from name in French: Tchad
TF   French Southern Territories 1979 .tf ISO 3166-2:TF Covers the French Southern and Antarctic Lands except Adélie Land
Code taken from name in French: Terres australes françaises
Previous flag:  
TG   Togo 1974 .tg ISO 3166-2:TG
TH   Thailand 1974 .th ISO 3166-2:TH
TJ   Tajikistan 1992 .tj ISO 3166-2:TJ Previous flag:  
TK   Tokelau 1974 .tk ISO 3166-2:TK Previous ISO country name: Tokelau Islands
Previous flag:  
TL   Timor-Leste 2002 .tl ISO 3166-2:TL Name changed from East Timor (TP)
TM   Turkmenistan 1992 .tm ISO 3166-2:TM Previous flags:   
TN   Tunisia 1974 .tn ISO 3166-2:TN Previous flag:  
TO   Tonga 1974 .to ISO 3166-2:TO
TR   Türkiye 1974 .tr ISO 3166-2:TR Previous ISO country name: Turkey
TT   Trinidad and Tobago 1974 .tt ISO 3166-2:TT
TV   Tuvalu 1977 .tv ISO 3166-2:TV Previous flags:     
TW   Taiwan, Province of China 1974 .tw ISO 3166-2:TW Covers the current jurisdiction of the Republic of China
ISO country name follows UN designation (due to political status of Taiwan within the UN) (common name: Taiwan)
TZ   Tanzania, United Republic of 1974 .tz ISO 3166-2:TZ
UA   Ukraine 1974 .ua ISO 3166-2:UA Previous ISO country name: Ukrainian SSR
Code assigned as the country was already a UN member since 1945
Previous flags:  
UG   Uganda 1974 .ug ISO 3166-2:UG
UM   United States Minor Outlying Islands 1986 ISO 3166-2:UM Consists of nine minor insular areas of the United States: Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island
.um ccTLD was revoked in 2007
US   United States of America 1974 .us ISO 3166-2:US Previous ISO country name: United States
UY   Uruguay 1974 .uy ISO 3166-2:UY
UZ   Uzbekistan 1992 .uz ISO 3166-2:UZ
VA   Holy See 1974 .va ISO 3166-2:VA Covers Vatican City, territory of the Holy See
Previous ISO country names: Vatican City State (Holy See) and Holy See (Vatican City State)
VC   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1974 .vc ISO 3166-2:VC Previous flags:    
VE   Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1974 .ve ISO 3166-2:VE Previous ISO country name: Venezuela)
Previous flag:  
VG   Virgin Islands (British) 1974 .vg ISO 3166-2:VG
VI   Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1974 .vi ISO 3166-2:VI
VN   Viet Nam 1974 .vn ISO 3166-2:VN ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Vietnam)
Code used for Republic of Viet Nam (common name: South Vietnam) before 1977
Previous flag:   
VU   Vanuatu 1980 .vu ISO 3166-2:VU Name changed from New Hebrides (NH)
WF   Wallis and Futuna 1974 .wf ISO 3166-2:WF Previous ISO country name: Wallis and Futuna Islands
WS   Samoa 1974 .ws ISO 3166-2:WS Code taken from former name: Western Samoa
YE   Yemen 1974 .ye ISO 3166-2:YE Previous ISO country name: Yemen, Republic of (for three years after the unification)
Code used for North Yemen before 1990
Previous flag:  
YT   Mayotte 1993 .yt ISO 3166-2:YT
ZA   South Africa 1974 .za ISO 3166-2:ZA Code taken from name in Dutch: Zuid-Afrika
Previous flag:  
ZM   Zambia 1974 .zm ISO 3166-2:ZM Previous flag:  
ZW   Zimbabwe 1980 .zw ISO 3166-2:ZW Name changed from Southern Rhodesia (RH)

Current ISO 3166-3 codes (for former countries) with flags


The following is a list of current ISO 3166-3 codes, with the following columns:

  • Former country name – English short country name officially used by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA)
  • Former codes – ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3, and numeric codes
  • Period of validity – Years when codes were officially assigned
  • ISO 3166-3 code – Four-letter code assigned for former country name
  • New country names and codes – Successor countries and their ISO 3166-1 codes

Click on the button in the header to sort by ISO 3166-3 code.

Former country name Former codes Period of validity ISO 3166-3 code New country names and codes
  British Antarctic Territory BQ, ATB,  -  1974–1979 BQAQ Merged into Antarctica (AQ, ATA, 010)
  Burma BU, BUR, 104 1974–1989 BUMM Name changed to Myanmar (MM, MMR, 104)
  Byelorussian SSR BY, BYS, 112 1974–1992 BYAA Name changed to Belarus (BY, BLR, 112)
  Canton and Enderbury Islands CT, CTE, 128 1974–1984 CTKI Merged into Kiribati (KI, KIR, 296)
  Czechoslovakia CS, CSK, 200 1974–1993 CSHH
Divided into:
Czechia (CZ, CZE, 203)
Slovakia (SK, SVK, 703)
  Dahomey DY, DHY, 204 1974–1977 DYBJ Name changed to Benin (BJ, BEN, 204)
  Dronning Maud Land NQ, ATN, 216 1974–1983 NQAQ Merged into Antarctica (AQ, ATA, 010)
    East Timor [note 1] TP, TMP, 626 1974–2002 TPTL Name changed to Timor-Leste (TL, TLS, 626)
  France, Metropolitan FX, FXX, 249 1993–1997 FXFR Merged into France (FR, FRA, 250)
  French Afars and Issas AI, AFI, 262 1974–1977 AIDJ Name changed to Djibouti (DJ, DJI, 262)
  French Southern and Antarctic Territories FQ, ATF,  -  1974–1979 FQHH Divided into:
Part of Antarctica (AQ, ATA, 010) (i.e., Adélie Land)
French Southern Territories (TF, ATF, 260)
  German Democratic Republic DD, DDR, 278 1974–1990 DDDE Merged into Germany (DE, DEU, 276)
  Gilbert Islands [note 2] GE, GEL, 296 1974–1979 GEHH Name changed to Kiribati (KI, KIR, 296)
  Johnston Island JT, JTN, 396 1974–1986 JTUM Merged into United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM, UMI, 581)
  Midway Islands MI, MID, 488 1974–1986 MIUM Merged into United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM, UMI, 581)
   Netherlands Antilles AN, ANT, 530
[note 3]
1974–2010 [note 4] ANHH Divided into:
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BQ, BES, 535) [note 5]
Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531)
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX, SXM, 534)
 Neutral Zone NT, NTZ, 536 1974–1993 NTHH Divided into:
Part of Iraq (IQ, IRQ, 368)
Part of Saudi Arabia (SA, SAU, 682)
  New Hebrides NH, NHB, 548 1974–1980 NHVU Name changed to Vanuatu (VU, VUT, 548)
  Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) PC, PCI, 582 1974–1986 PCHH Divided into:
Marshall Islands (MH, MHL, 584)
Micronesia (Federated States of) (FM, FSM, 583)
Northern Mariana Islands (MP, MNP, 580)
Palau (PW, PLW, 585)
  Panama Canal Zone PZ, PCZ,  -  1974–1980 PZPA Merged into Panama (PA, PAN, 591)
  Serbia and Montenegro CS, SCG, 891 2003–2006 CSXX
[note 6]
Divided into:
Montenegro (ME, MNE, 499)
Serbia (RS, SRB, 688)
  Sikkim SK, SKM,  -  1974–1975 SKIN Merged into India (IN, IND, 356)
    Southern Rhodesia RH, RHO, 716 1974–1980 RHZW Name changed to Zimbabwe (ZW, ZWE, 716)
  United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands PU, PUS, 849 1974–1986 PUUM Merged into United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM, UMI, 581)
  Upper Volta HV, HVO, 854 1974–1984 HVBF Name changed to Burkina Faso (BF, BFA, 854)
  USSR SU, SUN, 810 1974–1992 SUHH Divided into: [note 7]
Armenia (AM, ARM, 051)
Azerbaijan (AZ, AZE, 031)
Estonia (EE, EST, 233)
Georgia (GE, GEO, 268)
Kazakhstan (KZ, KAZ, 398)
Kyrgyzstan (KG, KGZ, 417)
Latvia (LV, LVA, 428)
Lithuania (LT, LTU, 440)
Moldova, Republic of (MD, MDA, 498)
Russian Federation (RU, RUS, 643)
Tajikistan (TJ, TJK, 762)
Turkmenistan (TM, TKM, 795)
Uzbekistan (UZ, UZB, 860)
  Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of VD, VDR,  -  1974–1977 VDVN Merged into Viet Nam (VN, VNM, 704)
  Wake Island WK, WAK, 872 1974–1986 WKUM Merged into United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM, UMI, 581)
  Yemen, Democratic YD, YMD, 720 1974–1990 YDYE Merged into Yemen (YE, YEM, 887)
   Yugoslavia YU, YUG, 891
[note 8]
1974–2003 YUCS Name changed to Serbia and Montenegro (CS, SCG, 891)
  Zaire ZR, ZAR, 180 1974–1997 ZRCD Name changed to Congo, Democratic Republic of the (CD, COD, 180)
  1. ^ East Timor was included in ISO 3166-1 under the name of Portuguese Timor from 1974 to 1977.
  2. ^ Included in ISO 3166-1 under the name of Gilbert and Ellice Islands before the split of Tuvalu in 1977.
  3. ^ The ISO 3166-1 numeric code of the Netherlands Antilles was changed from 532 to 530 after Aruba split away in 1986.
  4. ^ The period of validity was corrected from 1974–2011 to 1974–2010 with a reissue of ISO 3166-3 Newsletter I-6.
  5. ^ The territory name was corrected from "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba" to "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" in ISO 3166-1 Newsletter VI-9.
  6. ^ Initially the ISO 3166-3 code CSHH was assigned to represent Serbia and Montenegro (Newsletter I-4), even though it had already been assigned to represent Czechoslovakia. The ISO 3166/MA later rectified the problem by agreeing to assign the ISO 3166-3 code CSXX to represent Serbia and Montenegro (Newsletter I-5).
  7. ^ Despite being part of the USSR, Belarus (then Byelorussian SSR) and Ukraine (then Ukrainian SSR) already had their own ISO 3166-1 codes due to them being UN members since 1945.
  8. ^ The ISO 3166-1 numeric code of Yugoslavia was changed from 890 (for the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) to 891 (for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in 1993.