Omaere The Sour Milk


Omaere is the Ovaherero people traditional sour milk. Full cream sour milk known for its high nutritional value. After the raining season(Okurooro) most cattl give birth and are milked, the milk is then put in pot-belly shapes called "calabashes" known as ondjuupa by the Ovaherero people. Ondjuupa is a traditional container where the milk is stored until it becomes sour. It takes a day or two for the milk in ondjuupa to turn sour and become omaere. Omaere can be mixed with porridge for a brilliant nutrient source and it is also an important source of food for Ovaherero people's babies or children. Most importantly omaere is used to make a traditional fat omaze uozongombe. the omaere in the onjuupa is shaken until thick and yellow cream comes out of it. This cream is called ongondiha in Otjiherero. The cream is then cooked for a long period of time until it becomes brown. The fat produced from the cream is omaze uozongombe which means the fat that we get from cattle. [1]

