User:Asanjeevarao/sandbox/Dr Sanjeeva Rao Appanaboyina

DR. Sanjeeva Rao Appanaboyina DR. Sanjeeva Rao is 72 years old. He took his M.Stat and D.S.Q.C from Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. He got his Doctor of Philosophy in TQM from the International University of Contemporary studies, Washington D.C., U.S.A. He is a qualified lead assessor of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. He was honoured with Life Time Achievement Award by United Writer’s Association, and many other awards like Noble Son of India , QCFI Outstanding contribution To Quality Circles, etc., He has got to his credit over 20 papers published in National and International journals. He is a coauthor of books on “Excellence through Quality and Reliability”.,SIX SIGMA and PROBLEM SOLVING TOOLS and TECHNIQUES . He is currently Vice President, QCFI-and Fellow Member, NIQR.

Executive Director – Sanjeev Quality Consultants, Chennai.  He has got over 45 years of experience in implementation of Total Quality Concepts and trained over25000 persons in TQM, SIX SIGMA, SQC, QMS, EMS, Quality Circles, 5S, KAIZEN  etc---. 

