Exploring Portals -

I've been looking at some of the portals for Latin American Culture, focusing specifically on Latin American Art - as an ARHA major, I feel like that is something I have the skills to approach, even though my current knowledge of the subject is fairly minimal. I spent a good while looking at Latin American Artists with stub articles and found dozens of them - about half of the pages for Latin American Artists on Wikipedia are stubs. There are a good few artists for whom I could probably find sufficient information and credible sources - people like Gastón Ugalde, Jaime Colson, Carlos Capelán, Mario Urteaga Alvarado, Jorge de León (performance artist), and lots of others (I have 29 tabs of wikipedia pages open right now). As I was going through lists of Latin American artists, I noticed that although the movements with which they were associated were often listed, the movements themselves frequently did not have pages, or had pages dominated by the literary aspects of the movement (some of these could also be interesting - movements such as . I began to look for pages on specific Latin American art movements and theories, since I was interested in the revival of indigenous art forms and artistic traditions, as well as the fusion of indigenous and European influences. This area of wikipedia is very disorganized - while most countries have pages on their art, and there are pages for specific forms of indigenous art and craft, there are not many pages for specific artistic movements or styles. I did find a stub on Indochristian art, which seems like an incredibly interesting, if broad, topic. I would love to explore Indochristian art for my wikipedia project - it would be interesting to look into not just Indochristian art of the colonial period, but also christian influences in contemporary art, and indigenous folk art - works such as Peruvian retablos, or Cartonería.