User:Argonfulcrum/TagTeam (software)

TagTeam is an open-source, social-tagging platform and feed aggregator developed for the Harvard Open Access Project[1] at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University under the direction of Peter Suber.

Development began in 2011, and the first version was released in September 2012. The Harvard instance of TagTeam[2] is limited to academic or research projects.

Unlike other tagging platforms, which only allow taggers to modify their own tags, TagTeam allows project managers to modify all tags applied by project participants. Hence, over time TagTeam projects can evolve a standard or controlled tag vocabulary, a feature it calls folksonomy in, ontology out.

In addition, TagTeam accepts contributions from multiple tagging platforms (what it calls "interoperable tagging") and supports boolean feed aggregation ("remix feeds"). Every tag and search publishes a feed in RSS, Atom, and JSON. TagTeam can subscribe to feeds from other platforms, and remix them with its own feeds. It stores all its tag records for deduping, export, modification, preservation, and search.

The motivation for developing TagTeam was to accommodate the needs of the Open Access Tracking Project[3], which still runs on TagTeam. But TagTeam is now a general-purpose tagging platform that supports open, crowd-sourced tagging projects on any topic.

See also



  1. ^ "Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP)".
  2. ^ "Harvard instance of TagTeam".
  3. ^ "Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)".

Category:Free library and information science software Category:Free reference management software Category:Internet properties established in 2011 Category:Library 2.0 Category:Reference management software Category:Social bookmarking Category:Social cataloging applications Category:Social information processing