Beyond this handle, I am Heath Rezabek, a librarian, writer and artist living in Austin, TX.

I have been active only sporadically over the course of some years, but it seems like the future may be different. I have contributed edits to the Surrealism page and the page on Jungian Active Imagination.

As of this writing, I have submitted one original article, an entry for The Library of Life, a proposal for in-situ cryogenic preservation of endangered flora and fauna, originally proposed by Gregory Benford in 1992.

My overarching concerns are the role of creativity and art in human evolution; the history and application of Buddhism in human culture; and the future of complex life in the universe.

  • /Sandbox1: Here's how to make a subpage of your user page. Of course you can edit this, rename the link, remove this text, whatever! Bbiaw. Pfly