Hello, this is Anoncompboy. I fully support the wikipedia project and the kind of community here. I'm not a good article-writer or master of the wiki-universe...I am a casual editer, so to speak. I like to correct errors and fix small things every once in a while. Please feel free to correct any mistakes I make, or give me tips on how to better use wikipedia.

NEWS: Anoncompboy:talk now actually has a topic up!



The origin of the screenname "anoncompboy" has unknown origin. There are several interpretations:

  • "anon", sometimes capitalized to "Anon", possibly due to a technicality [1] in forum software such as Vbulletin

interpreted as "anonymous", or "a non" / "a_non" / "a%20non" (see HTML) followed by the next word

  • "comp", rarely capitalized

widely recognized as an abbreviation of "computer". However, there have emerged other schools of thought as to what the quartet of letters means, "company" being one.[2]

  • "boy"

generally well-recognized as simply "boy". To anoncompboy's enemies, this may be seen as a sign of immaturity or lack of manliness[3]. It may also be used pejoratively, or said to stand for "fanboy", especially when a flame war is involved.

Commitment to signing


In order to not look so much like a noob, I have made a commitment to always sign my edits! You should too! Just to show how serious I am, I will sign on my very own user talk page.

Anoncompboy 03:16, 4 June 2006 (UTC)