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Hello and welcome to my sandbox“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” (W. B. Yeats)

You are at User:Annoyamouse/sandbox — This is my playground.
After-all, a Wikipedian's got to play somewhere! Or as I like to say, “all work and no play makes for a dull Wikipedian day”. ;-)
My sandcastle — Defender of the sandbox
           ↑≈               ↑≈
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           │                │
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        ╰─────╯  ╱    ╲  ╰─────╯      
  ~   ~   ~   ~ ╱      ╲ ~   ~   ~   ~     (Self-built by Annoyamouse)
Every sandbox should have a sandcastle – and this is mine! It defends my sandbox against attack from pesky vandals. 
I built it myself. If you like it, why not copy it to your sandbox and further its quest to conquer Wikiland?



Hi! Thanks for visiting my sandbox. :-)

This page is my testing area and is intentionally a mess. Please do not delete anything on this page — unless of course you put it there. ;-) If you want to use it, please use the Open area section or create a new one. I'll do my best not to delete or undo anything unless it's vandalism or the page gets too crowded. Have fun :-) and, if your going to play in my sandpit, play nice ;-) — or click here to get your own.

Open area


This section area is open for use by any one who wishes to use it. Please take care not to mess-up any text on the page that isn't yours. Please also note that most user sandboxes wont include an Open area section and are generally not made open to other users. It is probably wise to avoid editing another user's sandbox page (unless the user specifically gives consent for other users to do such) less you upset them.

Example open area sub-section


Start typing your text here...

My sandbox sub-pages


Rolling distributions: Examples


The following Linux, BSD and Hurd distributions are all examples of rolling releases. Distributions marked with a ® are full-rolling, whilst those marked with a ℗ are part-rolling, those marked with a © are cyclic-rolling and those marked with a ◎ are opt-rolling. Software distributions derived from another distribution (called the parent distribution) are called child distributions.

Those marked with a , although still related to (shared ancestry), are now only derived from (forked codebase) and no-longer based on (shared codebase) their parent distribution, making them independent distributions. Software forking in software development breaks cross-compatibility of software packages between related software distributions in an analogous manner to speciation in biological evolution preventing cross-breeding between species.

See GNU/Linux Distribution Timeline at Wikimedia for a Linux distribution evolutionary tree.

See GNU/Linux Distribution Timelines for the original source material at Futurist.se.

Other than Arch Hurd (which uses the GNU Hurd kernel) and the Gentoo/*BSD distributions (which use the BSD kernels), the rest are all Linux distributions (which use the Linux kernel). The following list of rolling distributions is grouped into families of related distributions.

List of rolling release software distributions


Key: † = Discontinued; ⋌ = Forked (from parent distro); © = Cyclically rolling; ◎ = Optionally rolling; ℗ = Partially rolling; ☉ = Non-rolling core; ◌ = Non-rolling wrapper; ℹ = More information; ? = Exits only as self-construction instructions; ⊤ = Translation; ⚙ = Compiled software; ▮ = Command-line interface orientated; ☁ = Cloud software orientated; ⚒ = Self-construction; ❐ = Out of the box; ⚡ = Live distro; δ = Development branch; ∂ = Partially derived (from parent distro); ▂ = Minimal base only

Desktops: G = GNOME; K = KDE; X = Xfce; L = LXDE; O = Openbox; F = Fluxbox; E = Enlightenment; ▮ = Command-line interface — (bold = default desktop).

" = Distro's website; ᴡ = Distro website wiki; ℹ = Distro guide; № = Distrowatch ranking (2011).
ʬᴡ Minimal install $ = Commercial software; α = Alpha software; β = Beta software; ; ♥ = Popular (DistroWatch ranking ≥ 100).

Note: Although this list aims to be as comprehensive as possible, it almost certainly is not due to the huge number (literally hundreds) of software distributions (especially Linux distributions).

Tables of rolling release software distributions

Tables of rolling release software distributions (click here for further details)
Table of Arch related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP BA UI Info Site Rank
Arch Linux None Linux Full ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) None pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs b K4 G B F O I W μ —– ñ " 𝓦 § [ &] №6 (1116↑)√
Arch Hurd Arch Hurd Full ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) None pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs b O —– ñ [ "] [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇]
ArchBang Arch Linux Full ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) None pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs O ñ " [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇] №37 (284↑)
CTKArch Arch Linux Full ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) None pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs O ñ " [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇] №113 (73-)
Chakra Linux Arch (fork) Linux Part (¬core) ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) Shaman2 (GUI), CInstall (GTK) pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs K4m —– ñ " 𝓦 [ &] №13 (561↑)
KahelOS Arch Linux Full ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) ? ? ? pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs G3 X —– ñ [ "] [ ⬇]
Parabola Linux Arch Linux Full ALPM (BE), Pacman (FE) None pkg ABS + PKGBUILDs b K G B F O I W ??? μ – — List of Linux distributions endorsed by the Free Software Foundation|☑ ñ " [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇]
Table of Debian related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP UI Info Site Rank
DebianCUT Debian (testing) Linux Full dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) deb K4 G3 G2 X L F —–
aptosid Debian (unstable) Linux Full dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) deb K4 X F —– " 𝓦 & №44 ()
siduction Debian (unstable) + aptosid (fork) Linux Full dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) deb K4 X L —– " 𝓦 F N [ ⬇]
antiX Debian (testing) + MEPIS Linux Cyclic dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) deb I F [ "] [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇] №51 ()
Linux Mint (LMDE & Xfce) Debian (testing) + Linux Mint tools Linux Cyclic / Opt* dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI), Mint Software Manager & Update Manager (GUI) deb G2 X —– [ "] [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇] *№2 ()
Epidemic Linux Debian Linux ? ? ? dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) deb K4 L O " [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇] №159 ()
Vanillux Linux Debian Linux ? ? ? dpkg (BE), APT (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) deb G3 α " 𝓦 ? #

Note: Linux Mint uses an Ubuntu Linux base for standard releases and a Debian Linux base for rolling releases.

Table of Fedora related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP UI Info Site Rank
Fuduntu Fedora Linux ? RPM (BE), YUM (FE) PackageKit rpm G2 —– © netbook [ "] [ 𝓦] [ &] [ ⬇] №67 ()
Table of Gentoo related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM BA SP UI Info Site Rank
Gentoo Linux None Linux Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W —– μ " 𝓦 & №18 ()
Hardened Gentoo None Linux Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W —– μ shield " 𝓦 &
Gentoo Prefix Gentoo/Alt & host OS Host kernel Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W —– μ " 𝓦 &
Gentoo/ DragonFly BSD Gentoo/Alt, Gentoo/*BSD & DragonFly BSD DragonFly BSD kernel Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W – μ "
Gentoo/ FreeBSD Gentoo/Alt, Gentoo/*BSD & FreeBSD FreeBSD kernel Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz K G X L B F O A I W – μ "
Gentoo/ NetBSD Gentoo/Alt, Gentoo/*BSD & NetBSD NetBSD kernel Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W – μ "
Gentoo/ OpenBSD Gentoo/Alt, Gentoo/*BSD & OpenBSD OpenBSD kernel Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W – μ "
Funtoo Gentoo Linux Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz b K G X L B F O A I W — " 𝓦 №214 ()
Calculate Gentoo Linux Full Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz K4 G3 X ? ? ? №65 ()
Toorox Gentoo Linux Part (¬wrap) Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz K4 G3 " N F №72 ()
Sabayon Gentoo Linux Full Portage, Entropy Emerge (CLI), Equo & Sulfur (Entropy GUI) ebuild tbz K4 G3 X L E17 O F " 𝓦 Î ) №11 ()
Chromium OS Gentoo & Ubuntu Ubuntu kernel ? ? ? Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz Chromium UI α – " [ ⬇]
Chrome OS Gentoo & Ubuntu Ubuntu kernel ? ? ? Portage Emerge (CLI) ebuild tbz Chrome UI œ? "
Table of LFS related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS UI Info Site Rank
LFS LFS ebook Linux User ? ? ? K G F – — " 𝓦 N M [1] №87 ()
BLFS LFS & BLFS ebooks Linux User ? ? ? K G F – — " W N M [2] -
NuTyX LFS & CRUX Linux Full Pkgutils + ports K4 X O [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇] №127 ()
Table of Mandriva related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP UI Info Site Rank
Unity Linux Mandriva Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm O – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇] №35 ()
SAMity Mandriva, Unity Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm X – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
TinyMe Mandriva, Unity Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm O – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
Unite17 (formerly PCe17OS) Mandriva, Unity Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm E17 – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
HUMANity Mandriva, Unity Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm E17e – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
Synergy Linux Mandriva, Unity Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm [[?] – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
Granular Linux Mandriva, Unity Linux Full RPM v5 (BE), Urpmi (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm K & E – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
PCLinuxOS Mandriva (fork) Linux Part (¬core) RPM (BE), APT-RPM (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) rpm K4 G3 X L E17 O F I – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇] №7 ()
Phinx Desktop Mandriva (fork), PCLinuxOS Linux Part (¬core) RPM (BE), APT-RPM (FE) Aptitude (CLI), Synaptic (GUI) rpm X – [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
Table of rPath related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP UI Info Site Rank
rPath None Linux Full Conary PackageKit? ? K G " F 𝓦 №203 (28-)
Foresight rPath Linux Full Conary PackageKit ? ? ? G3 K4 X " F 𝓦 D №83 (115-)
Table of Slackware related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS BA SP UI Info Site Rank
Frugalware Slackware (fork) Linux ? ? ? Pacman-G2, PackageKit?, GFPM FPM-Build? fpm K4 G3 X L B F O I W – " 𝓦 & №42 ()
Table of Sorcerer related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS BA UI Info Site Rank
Sorcerer None Linux Full Sorcery spell – " [ ⬇] №171 ()
Source Mage Sorcerer Linux Full Sorcery spell —– " [ 𝓦] [ ⬇] №225 ()
Lunar Sorcerer Linux Full Lunar module – " 𝓦 №94 ()
Table of SUSE related rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP UI Info Site Rank
openSUSE (w/Tumbleweed) SLED Linux Opt RPM (BE), ZYpp (FE) Zypper (CLI), YaST2 (GUI) ypm {K4 G3} X L B F O I W —– [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇] *№5 (1380↑)
KDE-Four (w/Tumbleweed) openSUSE Linux Opt RPM (BE), ZYpp (FE) Zypper (CLI), YaST2 (GUI) ypm K4 —– [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
KDE-Reloded (w/Tumbleweed) openSUSE Linux Opt RPM (BE), ZYpp (FE) Zypper (CLI), YaST2 (GUI) ypm K4 —– [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
Petite Linux (w/Tumbleweed) openSUSE Linux Opt RPM (BE), ZYpp (FE) Zypper (CLI), YaST2 (GUI) ypm E17 —– [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
SOAD (w/Tumbleweed) openSUSE Linux Opt RPM (BE), ZYpp (FE) Zypper (CLI), YaST2 (GUI) ypm E17 —– [ "] [ 𝓦] [ ⬇]
Other rolling release software distributions
Table of Other rolling release software distributions (more info)
Distro Base Kernel Model PMS PM SP UI Info Site DWRank
Yoper None Linux Full RPM5 (BE), APT-RPM (FE) Smart (GUI) rpm K4 X L F – " 𝓦 [ ⬇] №192 ()

Key for abbreviations, acronyms, legends & symbols used in the tables

Key for abbreviations, acronyms legends & symbols used in the tables

Full = Fully rolling; Cyclic = Cyclically rolling; Opt = Optionally rolling; Part = Partially rolling; ¬core = Non-rolling core; ¬wrap = Non-rolling wrapper; ⋌ = Software fork.

Note: In the tables above, bold signifies default package manager & install method.

PMS = Package management system; PM = Package manager; SP = Software package binary file file format; BA = Build automation install script.

Note: In the tables above, Bold signifies default UI(s). Multiple UIs contained within a single wavy parenthesis {} implies that the the contained UIs are available on a single (opposed to separate) installation medium. Bold parenthesis {} implies default install medium UI options.
K = KDE, G = GNOME, X = Xfce, L = LXDE
K4 = KDE4, K4M = KDEmod, K3 = KDE3, K3T = Trinity.
G3 = GNOME3, G3U = GNOME3+Unity, G3u = GNOME3+Unity2D, G2 = GNOME2, G2M = MATE.
E = Enlightenment Shell, U = Unity Shell, GS = GNOME Shell.
C = Compiz, CE = Ecomorph, m = Metisse, M3 = Mutter, M2 = Metacity, KW = KWin, ? = Illume E = Enlightenment, BB = Blackbox, BF = Fluxbox, BO = Openbox, BM = Matchbox, A = AfterStep, I = IceWM, W = Wmaker.
C = Compiz, CF = Compiz Fusion, CU = Unity, CE = Ecomorph, CB = Beryl[RIP].
U = Unity, u = Unity2D.
BB = Blackbox, BF = Fluxbox, BO = Openbox, BM = Matchbox.
E17 = Enlightenment17, E17E = Enlightenment17+Ecomorph, E16 = Enlightenment16.

Non-graphic user interfaces

S = Bourne shell (sh), ❚B = Bourne-again shell (bash).

† = Discontinued; ;= Dormant; ∂ = Partially derived (from parent distro); ⋌ = Forked (from parent distro); ℹ = Distro exits only as self-build instruction manual & information; ▂ = Minimal base install;


= Live distro; = Out of the box distro; = Barebone distro (minimal base system only); = Homebuilt/DIY distro (built from scratch); cup = Homebrew distro (cook your own flavor)?; = Cutting edge distro; (or droplet?) = Bleeding edge distro; ñ= K.I.S.S. distro; = Media distro


⚙ = Compiled software (software's compiled from source code); ☁ = Cloud software; ♮ = Vanilla software; $ = Commercial software; © = Proprietary software; œ= CSS. –= OSS; = FOSS —= Free software; ☑ = FSF-endorsed software; ? = Community developed software; ? = Corporate sponsored software;


☺ = suitable for newbies / user-friendly; ? = suitable for desktops; ? = suitable for netbooks; ? = suitable for old computers; ? = suitable for servers;

" = Software project Website; 𝓦 = Software project Wiki; ⬇ = Distro download webpage & = Software documentation; ⊤ = Translation of webpage.

№ = DistroWatch Ranking (averaged over the last 12 months); ( ) = Total page-hit count over the last 12 months; ↑ = Page-hit count risen; - = Page-hit count unchanged; ↓ = Page-hit count fallen; * = combined rank of rolling & non-rolling editions.

Others / Miscellaneous


? ? ? = entry data yet to be entered; – = no known entry data.


  1. ^ "Official Arch Hurd About Page". archhurd.org. Retrieved 2011-01-18.
  2. ^ Official aptosid Manual, manual.aptosid.com, retrieved 2011-01-18
  3. ^ Official Linux Mint Debian Edition Download Page, linuxmint.com, retrieved 2011-01-18
  4. ^ Official antiX Wiki, antix.mepis.org, retrieved 2011-01-18
  5. ^ Andrew (2011-09-16). "Fuduntu becomes rolling release". webupd8.org. Retrieved 2011-09-30.
  6. ^ "DistroWatch Weekly: Q&A - Fuduntu Interview". distrowatch.com. Retrieved 16 October 2011.
  7. ^ Chema Martín. "The Linux Experience: Fuduntu Interview". cristalinux.blogspot.com. Retrieved 16 October 2011.
  8. ^ Official Gentoo Handbook, gentoo.org, 2008-04-22, retrieved 2011-01-18
  9. ^ L'autre, About Calculate Linux, calculate-linux.org, retrieved 2011-02-06
  10. ^ lxnay (2008-12-23), Sabayon 4 and future Entropy, planet.sabayon.org, retrieved 2011-01-18
  11. ^ "Chromium OS Developers Guide". Retrieved May 22, 2011.
  12. ^ "Linux Questions - Nutyx". Retrieved 12 October 2011.
  13. ^ Official Unity Linux Documentation, docs.unity-linux.org, retrieved 2011-01-18
  14. ^ "Official Foresight Linux About Page". foresightlinux.org. Retrieved 2011-01-18.
  15. ^ "Sorcerer Admin Mailing-List". berlios.de. Retrieved 13 October 2011.
  16. ^ Linux Planet (2011-03-10), Newest openSUSE Linux Offers Rolling Releases, linuxplanet.com, retrieved 2011-05-23