User:Amit6/GMCFT-Sandbox (P and M)

The Tree

  1. Chaos (Air)
    1. Without any mate →
      1. Erebus (Darkness; Erebus)
        1. Nyx →
          1. Aether (Upper Sky, Space and Heaven)
            1. Hemera →
              1. Thalassa (Sea)
          2. Hemera (Day)
      2. Nyx (Night; Nox)
        1. Without any mate →
          1. Moros (Doom)
          2. The Keres (Carnage and Violent Death)
          3. Thanatos (Death and Mortality; Mors)
          4. Hypnos (Sleep; Somnus)
          5. Charon ("fierce brightness"; ferryman of the Underworld)
          6. The Oneiroi (Dreams)
            1. Morpheus ("form, shape")
            2. Icelus ("like, resembling")
            3. Phobetor ("to be feared")
            4. Phantasus ("bring images to the mind")
          7. Momus (Blame)
          8. Oizys (Mysery and Suffering)
          9. The Hesperides
            1. Aegle
            2. Erythea
            3. Hesperethusa
          10. The 3 Moirae (Destiny; The Parcae)
            1. Clotho ("spinner"; Nona)
            2. Lachesis ("allotter"; Decima)
            3. Atropos ("inevitable, unturning"; Morta)
          11. Nemesis (Resentment; Invidia)
          12. Apate (Deceit; Fraus)
          13. Philotes (Friendship)
          14. Geras (Old Age)
          15. Eris (Strife; Discordia)
            1. Without any mate →
              1. Ponus (Toil and Labour)
              2. Lethe (Forgetfulness)
              3. Limus (Starvation and Hunger)
              4. / The Algea (Pain, Grief, Distress)
              5. The Hysminae (Fight, Combat)
              6. ! The Machae (Battles)
              7. ! The Phonoi (Murders, Slaughter)
              8. The Androctasiae (Battlefield-slaughters, Man-slaughters)
              9. ! The Neicea (Quarrel, Feud, Grievance)
              10. The Pseudologoi (Lie, Falsity)
              11. The Amphilogiae (Disputes, Altercations)
              12. Dysnomia (Lawlessness)
              13. Ate (Ruin, Folly, Delusion)
              14. Horcus (Oath; Jusjurandum)
  2. Gaea (Earth; Terra)
    1. Without any mate →
      1. Pontus ("Sea")
        1. Gaea →
          1. Nereus
            1. Doris →
              1. The 50 Nereids
          2. Thaumas ("wonder")
            1. Electra (Oceanid) →
              1. Iris (Rainbow)
              2. The Harpyiae
                1. Aello ("Storm-Wind, Whirlwind")
                2. Celaeno ("the dark"), also known as Podarge ("fleet-foot")
                3. Ocypete ("the swift wing")
          3. Ceto ("Sea monster")
          4. Eurybia ("wide-force, strong-goddess")
          5. Phorcys ("Old Man [or One] of the Sea")
            1. Ceto ("Sea monster") →
              1. The 3 Graeae ("old women, gray ones")
                1. Deino ("dread", the dreadful anticipation of horror)
                2. Enyo ("horror, waster of cities")
                3. Pemphredo ("alarm")
              2. The 3 Gorgones ("fierce, terrible")
                1. Euryale ("far-roaming"; immortal)
                2. Medusa ("guardian, protectress, queen"; mortal)
                3. Stheno ("forceful"; immortal)
              3. Echidna ("poisonous snake, she viper")
              4. Ladon ("dragon of the west")
        2. Thalassa →
          1. The Pisces (fishes)
      2. The Ourea ("mountain"; The Mountains)
      3. Uranus (Sky, Heaven; Caelus)
        1. Gaea →
          1. The 3 Cyclopes (One eyed giants)
            1. Brontes ("thunder")
            2. Steropes ("lightning-bolt")
            3. Arges ("vivid-flash")
          2. The 3 Hecatoncheires ("hundred-handed")
            1. Cottus ("grudge, rancour")
            2. Gyes ("land, of the land")
            3. Briareus ("strong, stout")
          3. Tethys
          4. Theia
          5. Phoebe ("moon")
          6. Rhea
          7. Mnemosyne
          8. Themis
          9. Coeus
            1. Phoebe (Titanide) →
              1. Leto ("unobserverd")
              2. Asteria ("starry, falling star")
          10. Oceanus
            1. Tethys →
              1. & The 3000 Oceanids
          11. Hyperion
            1. Theia (Titanide) →
              1. Eos (Dawn; Aurora)
              2. Selene ("Moon")
              3. Helios ("Sun")
                1. Perseis (Oceanid) →
                  1. Circe
                  2. Aeëtes
                    1. ? →
                      1. Chalciope
                      2. Medea
                      3. Absyrtus
                2. ? →
                  1. Pasiphaë
                    1. The Cretan Bull →
                      1. The Minotaur
                3. Rhode (Oceanid) →
                  1. The Heliadae
                    1. Ochimus
                    2. Cercaphus
                    3. Macareus
                    4. Actis
                    5. Tenages
                    6. Triopas
                    7. Candalus
          12. Crius
            1. Eurybia →
              1. Astraeus ("of the stars")
                1. Eos →
                  1. The Anemoi (The Winds; The Venti)
                    1. Zephyrus (West wind; Favonius)
                      1. Podarge (The Harpy) →
                        1. Balius
                        2. Xanthus
                    2. Boreas (North wind; Aquilo)
                      1. Oreithyia →
                        1. Calais
                        2. Zetes
                    3. Notus (South wind; Auster)
                    4. Eurus (West wind; Vulturnus)
                  2. The 5 Astra Planeta ("wandering stars"; Planets)
                    1. Phaenon (Saturn)
                    2. Phaethon (Jupiter)
                    3. Pyroeis (Mars)
                    4. Eosphorus & Hesperus (Venus)
                    5. Stilbon (Mercury)
              2. Pallas ("war, spear-brandishing")
                1. Styx (Oceanid) →
                  1. Zelus (Rivalry)
                  2. Nike (Victory; Victoria)
                  3. Cratus (Strength, Power; Potestas)
                  4. Bia (Force; Vis)
              3. Perses ("destruction")
                1. Asteria →
                  1. Hecate (Trivia)
          13. Iapetus
            1. Clymene (Oceanid) →
              1. Atlas ("suffers, endures, dares")
                1. ? Pleione (Oceanid) →
                  1. The Pleiades ("ladies of plenty")
                    1. Maia or Maea ("good nursing mother")
                    2. Taygeta ("of Mount Taygetus")
                    3. Sterope ("flashing-face")
                    4. Merope ("sparkling-face")
                    5. Alcyone ("strong helper")
                    6. Electra ("amber-colored")
                    7. Celaeno ("black, dark")
                2. ? →
                  1. Calypso ("hidden, covered, veiled")
              2. Prometheus (Forethought)
                1. Pronoea (Oceanid) →
                  1. Deucalion
                    1. Pyrrha (daughter of Titan Epimetheus) →
                      1. Hellen
                        1. Orseis (Oceanid or Naiad) →
                          1. Aeolus
                            1. Enarete →
                              1. Sisyphus
                                1. Merope (daughter of Titan Atlas) →
                                  1. Glaucus I
                              2. Athamas
                                1. Nephele (Oceanid) →
                                  1. Phrixus
                                    1. Chalciope (daughter of King Aeëtes) →
                                      1. Argus
                                      2. Cytissorus
                                      3. Melas
                                      4. Phrontis
                                  2. Helle
                                2. Ino →
                                  1. Learches
                                  2. Melicertes
                                3. Themisto →
                                  1. Schoeneus
                                    1. ? →
                                      1. Atalanta
                              3. Cretheus
                                1. Tyro (daughter of Salmoneus) →
                                  1. Aeson
                                    1. ? Polymede
                                      1. Jason
                                        1. Medea (daughter of King Aeëtes) →
                                          1. Mermeros
                                            1. ? →
                                              1. Ilus
                                          2. Pheres
                                          3. ? Medus
                                      2. Promachus
                                  2. Pheres
                                  3. Amythaon
                              4. Salmoneus
                          2. Xuthus
                            1. Creüsa (daughter of Erechtheus) →
                              1. Achaeus
                              2. Diomede
                          3. Dorus
                      2. Amphictyon
                      3. Orestheus
                      4. Protogeneia
                      5. Pandora II
                      6. Thyia
              3. Epimetheus (Afterthought)
                1. Pandora I →
                  1. Pyrrha
              4. Menoetius
          14. Cronus
  3. Tartarus ("The Underworld")
  4. Eros ("Sexual desire")

List of Nereids

  1. Ploto (Translation:Sailing)
  2. Eucrante (Translation:Success)
  3. Amphitrite (Translation:Surrounding Third)
  4. Sao (Translation:Safety)
  5. Eudora (Translation:Good Giver)
  6. Thetis (Translation:Creator)
  7. Doris (Translation:Bountiful)
  8. Panopea (Translation:Panorama)
  9. Galatea (Translation:Milk White)
  10. Hippothoe (Translation:Running Horses)
  11. Hipponoe (Translation:Temper of Horses)
  12. Cymodoce (Translation:Ready for Waves)
  13. Galene (Translation:Calm)
  14. Galenaea (Translation:Calm)
  15. Glauce (Translation:Sea-Grey)
  16. Cymothoe (Translation:Wave Runner)
  17. Spio (Translation:Cave)
  18. Thoe (Translation:Running, Swift)
  19. Halia (Translation:Brine)
  20. Cymo (Translation:Waves)
  21. Eione (Translation:Beach Strand)
  22. Halimede (Translation:Brine Queen)
  23. Glauconome (Translation:Mastering the Grey)
  24. Pontoporea (Translation:Crossing the Sea)
  25. Leagore (Translation:Assembler)
  26. Pasithea (Translation:All Bright)
  27. Erato (Translation:Lovely)
  28. Eunice (Translation:Good Victory)
  29. Eulimene (Translation:Good Harbour)
  30. Melite (Translation:Calm, Honey Sweet)
  31. Agave (Translation:Illustrious)
  32. Evagora (Translation:Good Assembler)
  33. Laomedea (Translation:Stone Queen)
  34. Polynoe (Translation:Rich in Mind)
  35. Autonoe (Translation:With her Own Mind)
  36. Lysianassa (Translation:Royal Deliverer)
  37. Evarne (Translation:Well-Lambed ?)
  38. Doto (Translation:Giver)
  39. Proto First (Translation:)
  40. Dynamene (Translation:Power, Capable)
  41. Pherusa (Translation:Carry)
  42. Nesaea (Translation:Island)
  43. Actaea (Translation:Shore)
  44. Protomedea (Translation:First Queen)
  45. Psamathe (Translation:Sand Goddess)
  46. Menippe (Translation:Horse Strength)
  47. Neso (Translation:Island)
  48. Eupompe (Translation:Good Voyage)
  49. Themisto (Translation:Oracular Utterance)
  50. Pronoê (Translation:Forethought)
  51. Nemertes (Translation:Unerring)


  • Mates name in red small texts.
  • Light blue background colored texts are the names of Roman equivalents of Greek deities.
  • Yellow background colored texts are the personifications of Greek deities.
  • Navy colored texts are the names of The Twelve Titans.
  • Violet (gm) colored texts are the names of The Younger Titans.
  • !-sign before name means unknown gender.