'''bold words'''

This is my sandbox page. I can use it to play around with wiki markup, make practice edits, and get started writing an article. It's a safe place where my work won't get delete before I figure out how things work. Cool!

Being bold is important on Wikipedia

Assignment 4:


List one problem or issue with the article.

Cite two references that do not already appear in the article's reference list that contain information relevant to this article.

  • I am still researching credible sources and reading historical information to get a better understanding of where to begin this article.

List two questions or comments for me regarding the article. I will address these on the Talk page of your group's sandbox.

  • Where should I begin? Would creating a rough outline of information I want to cover be a good starting point? I think that breaking down this article into History/Origin, Research Focus, Degree Programs Available, Past Graduates and where they are now, etc. would be very interesting! Are those topics good ideas or not on topic for what this assignment requires?
  • First of all, you must use published sources as much as possible. For example, there was an article published a while back that compared small-middle size psychology departments across the US. NDSU came out very well. I think you could also use any published materials from NDSU, like recruiting materials or the Bulletin and Graduate Bulletin. In addition, the APA publishes a guide to graduate education that has descriptive information on the department. Finally, we had a reunion a few years ago and the department newsletter had a department history in it. I think you could use all of this. Just don't make statements you can't back up with documentation. Citing from a department website is iffy. Best to have more credible backup.
  • Will I conduct all of my rough design in this sandbox? Is there a way to create a new page to have a separation between rough editing/jotting down ideas and more official/streamlined information for the final draft?
  • Yes. That is what the sandbox is for.
  • Just create new sections. Don't create whole new pages. J.R. Council (talk) 10:00, 1 March 2019 (UTC)

Amberfuller (talk) 20:49, 20 February 2019 (UTC)

Assignment 5


Section 1 - "To-Do List":

- Create a table of contents

- Create a reference section

- find sources recommended above

Section 2 - Outline:

- basic introduction

- history

- areas of study

- NDSU Psychology in the news (?) I decided not to include this section for the simple reason that it would look tacky to have outdated news on this page if it is not kept current.Amberfuller (talk) 21:03, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Section 3 - New References

- (2018-2019 bulletin) https://bulletin.ndsu.edu/programs-study/graduate/psychology/

- (APA) I used the search tool and NDSU is not listed under accredited graduate psychology programs

Amberfuller (talk) 15:39, 20 March 2019 (UTC)

Dr. Council's comments:


Good job on To-do list etc. for Assn. 5. Where is your work on the lead? J.R. Council (talk) 03:17, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

We need to talk. You seem to have dropped the ball on this project. A lot of points are at stake, and your grade in the class will suffer if you don't complete the Wikipedia project. If you are having problems, technical or otherwise, please let me know.

J.R. Council (talk) 07:10, 8 April 2019 (UTC)

Assignment 6:


Lead Section

The Psychology Department is a large part of the College of Science and Mathematics at North Dakota State University. Between the Undergraduate and Graduate programs offered, there are many fields of study to pursue. NDSU's Psychology Department has a rich history and continues to produce competent scientists for future generations. Amberfuller (talk) 19:23, 8 April 2019 (UTC)

Assignment 7:


Revisions to Lead Section
Amberfuller (talk) 19:33, 8 April 2019 (UTC)

Dr. Council, I was not sure what to do for revisions on the Lead Section. I did not receive feedback about what I had written so I continued onto Assignment 8. I am hoping that the ideas I have come up with are ok for this project. I am having a difficult time finding printed sources (or anything other than the NDSU website) to use as resources for this project. Even news articles are sparse. Please let me know if my progress is alright.
Amberfuller (talk) 20:42, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Dr. Council's comments on Assignment 7 and 8


Amber - I'm sorry I failed to comment on Assignment 6. My grade sheet indicates that I didn't find any work on this assgnment. Assignment 6 was due on March 25. The date stamp on your entry indicates you did this on April 28 - way late.

  • I can comment now. What you wrote for Assignment 6 is very sketchy. You need to fill in details about department history. I can help you out, but you need to communicate. I thought giving you a zero grade for the assignment should get your attention. Dr. Hinsz and Dr. Rokke could also help.
  • We have had two department reunions and for those events department histories were published in our newsletter. There is a collection of department newsletters you could look through.
  • Also, there was an article published years ago (Dr. Hinsz could give your the reference) that ranked our department as the best masters level department in the country.
  • Another thing you could include would be the positions our former grad students have achieved.
  • I am not writing you off, but you need to ask for help and get your assignments in on time. You can fix this up, but you need to include some narrative text in addition to the tables.
  • Finally, stick to the facts. In your lead you say some flattering but unsubstantiated things about our department.

J.R. Council (talk) 01:50, 17 April 2019 (UTC)

Dr. Council's comments on Assignment 8 and 9


I can't see that you've done any of the work I've suggested. This is still very incomplete and not ready for publication. J.R. Council (talk) 21:11, 25 April 2019 (UTC)

Assignment 9:



NDSU's Psychology Department was ranked in the top 200 programs in the nation by US News(2017).

At the beginning of the psychology department's establishment at the university, Dr. Ernest V. Estensen worked alone for fifteen years. Estensen began his career at NDSU in 1946, shortly after he completed his dissertation, "Motivation Through Basic Reading: A Study of the Motivational Content of Readers Used in Elementary Schools" (UND, 1943).
Amberfuller (talk) 19:45, 26 April 2019 (UTC)

Assignment 8:


Draft the Article Amberfuller (talk) 19:35, 8 April 2019 (UTC)

The Psychology Department is a large part of the College of Science and Mathematics at North Dakota State University. Between the Undergraduate and Graduate programs offered, there are many fields of study to pursue. NDSU's Psychology Department has a rich history and continues to produce competent scientists for future generations.

North Dakota State University's Department of Psychology was established in ***. Amberfuller (talk) 18:13, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Undergraduate Graduate
B.S. or B.A. - Natural Science Ph.D. in Psychological Clinical Science
B.S. or B.A. - Social Science Ph.D. in Health/Social Science
Ph.D. in Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience


Area(s) of Study Faculty Research Interest(s) More Information
Clinical Psychology James R. Council, Ph.D. History of psychology, personality, hypnosis
Clinical PsychologyandHealth PsychologyandSocial Psychology Clayton J. Hilmert, Ph.D. Stress, psychophysiology, and health https://hilmertlab.com/
Clinical PsychologyandHealth Psychology Leah Irish, Ph.D. Sleep, stress, health behaviors https://ndsusleeplab.com/
Clinical PsychologyandHealth PsychologyandSocial Psychology Michael Robinson, Ph.D. Personality, emotion, cognition, self-regulation
Clinical Psychology Paul D. Rokke, Ph.D. Cognition and emotion, cognitive vulnerability to depression https://www.ndsu.edu/pubweb/~rokke/index.htm
Health PsychologyandSocial Psychology Verlin B. Hinsz, Ph.D. Motivating food safety, health attitudes and behavior Lab Activities
Health PsychologyandSocial Psychology Kevin D. McCaul, Ph.D. Relationships between cognitions, feelings and self-protective health behaviors
Health PsychologyandSocial Psychology Clay Routledge, Ph.D. Existential motives, the self, nostalgia, psychological health and well-being https://www.clayroutledge.com/
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience PsychologyandDevelopmental Psychology Benjamin Balas, Ph.D. High-level vision, face recognition, visual development, ERPs https://sites.google.com/site/benjaminbalas/Home
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience PsychologyandDevelopmental Psychology Erin Conwell, Ph.D. Early childhood development https://www.ndsu.edu/centers/cvcn/labs/conwell/
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology Jeffrey S. Johnson, Ph.D. Behavior, attention, working memory https://www.ndsu.edu/centers/cvcn/
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience PsychologyandDevelopmental Psychology Linda Langley, Ph.D. Cognitive aging, attention, visual search, cognitive training https://www.ndsu.edu/centers/cvcn/labs/langley/
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology Mark Narwot, Ph.D. Visual neuroscience, eye movements, depth perception, visual disorders Visual Function Lab
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology Mark McCourt, Ph.D. Brightness/lightness perception, spatial attention, multisensory integration https://www.ndsu.edu/centers/cvcn/mccourt.php
Visual & Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology Laura E. Thomas, Ph.D. Links between action and cognition, embodied cognition, attention, eye movements https://www.ndsu.edu/centers/cvcn/labs/thomas/
Social Psychology Martin Coleman, Ph.D. Social cognition and emotion