Tony Culyer


Tony Culyer CBE (born 1 July 1942) is a well-known health economist. He holds the Research Chair in Health Policy and System Design at the University of Toronto and is a professor of economics at the University of York (England). He was Head of the Department of Economics & Related Studies at York (1986-2001) and was also Pro- and Deputy-Vice-Chancellor there (1991-1997). He is founding co-editor of the Journal of Health Economics, was the founding organizer of the Health Economists’ Study Group, the founding Vice-Chair of the National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE), and chaired the 1994 enquiry into Supporting Research & Development in the National Health Service (“the Culyer Report”). In 2003-6 he was Chief Scientist at the Institute for Work & Health, Toronto. He currently chairs the Research Advisory Committee of NICE and the Research Advisory Council of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario.

He has published extensively, mostly on health economics and health care policy. Details are on his web pages at

He is a trustee and member of the Council of the Royal School of Church Music, and is also a Director on the Board of the Royal School of Church Music (Canada).