Offside Trick is famous music group that was formed in 2001 in the island of Zanzibar by young talented artists, Mudathir Masoud (Mudachris), Said Hamdan (Lil Gheto), and Sultan as (Tani), the group has evolved in time, they have started with bongo flava style the new generation style of music that is well accepted in the society. In 2003 they have released their first album, the group was well known in zanzibar at that time but they have made very slow progress in terms of breaking into mainland charts. In 2006 offside trick break through came, releasing their new single Uwanjani Featuring AT and Dotcom. The song genre was different and it was known as Mduara, it has the touch of traditional music and modern instruments.

The second track released was Samaki and this has taken everyone by surprise, the band was growing in statue and at this point the Offside Trick made a major decision to move to Dar es Salaam to enhance their reputation. Dotcom was very influential figure in the Offside Trick band he was managing the group and trying his best to help them break into the big picture. Dotcom and Offside Trick decided to have their own recording studio and Lil Gheto as producer. Akhenaton Records was born. Their presence was well known and the success was accompanied by very huge feud involving Offside Trick and AT who emerged as rivalry. Kidudu Mtu Feat Baby J another young female talented artist from Zanzibar, the song was very controversial and it went and become the massive success, with the story behind it which was meant as a diss to AT.

The pressure was on for Offside Trick to sustain their reputation as the best mduara group, and everything they do was scrutinised by their fans and critics in every corner but they never disappoint, their next track Ahmada Featuring the Legendary artist from Zanzibar the one and only Bi kidude has taken everyone by surprise not just locally but even beyond the Tanzanian borders and by this point almost the entire swahili speaking nations knew Offside Trick.

Then came Bata another track featuring the king of Taarab Mzee Yussuf another very famous artist in Tanzania who came from Zanzibar, this song has been huge hit and did attract a lot of attention within the country, the song it self was very controversial, and the video eventually got banned in Zanzibar for being too explicit.

Then one of the band member Sultan decided to retire from music indefinitely due to family reasons. This hasn't halt the progress of the group the band was growing so fast and this has attracted a lot of attention outside the country.

Offside Trick went to perform in Oman, UAE, England, Scotland and the entire East and Central Africa.

Couple of songs were released and another massive track Dege featuring Hammer Q came out.

In 2012 Offside Trick lost one of the very important figure, Mudathir Masoud (Mudachris) decided to quit music indefinitely and get himself involve in religious issues. At this point Lil gheto was left on his own, and confused he decided to take Hammer Q in to steady the ship

They release the first track together "Babu Jinga" which is going stronger and stonger, the gap left by Mudacriss will always be missed but Offside Trick lives on. The anticipated new track Chatu which is expected to be huge hit will be out anytime from now.