
hey I'm ronnie

Michael Jackson started off small, living in a house with only two bedrooms that housed 11 people all together; This included two parents and 9 children.[1]

The first modern humans, originating from Africa, decided to break off and explore other continents such as Asia and Europe. [2]

Women Human Rights Defenders

This article stub is very underrepresented and I feel that it is important to add more to the article for more coverage. I believe that this article is relevant for today's time because it's a clear representation of women who are willing to defend EVERYBODY who faces discrimination because of their ethnicity , sexuality, etc. To me, this portrays the strong characteristics of women for us women already face the aspects of being belittled. These women are also advocating in countries that frown upon certain ethical views such as homosexuality and equal rights for women or anybody else. Upon searching online, I came across a lot of potential sites that seem legit and also give further coverage on the topic.

I feel that the article lacks some aspect as to why these women decided to become human rights defenders despite the position where they in society (even though it is clear). These women are adding on and making history for the strong women of the past and today's future who will no settle for anything less than what is deserves a human being in general. In the article it states that there is an International Women Human Rights Defenders day that is celebrated every November 29 since 2006. I can bet that many women are not aware of this so I believe I can find further information that can allow me to know what these women do to celebrate this day so I can add to the article.

Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) outline

United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner [1]

Research Agenda for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Nah, Alice M., et al. "A research agenda for the protection of human rights defenders." Journal of Human Rights Practice5.3 (2013): 401-420. [2]

Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractive Industries

Barcia, Inmaculada (2017) [3]

1. Who are they?

  • anybody that is "for the people" who wants to be a representative (any socio-economical, gender, race background)
  • strong people/ women who want to see a change their societies in areas where they see a negative impact from oppressors

2. What they do/represent?

  • represents right for ALL
  • cares about the well being of others, especially women and what it in their best interest (health, rights, etc.)[3]
  • advocates and stresses the utilization of rights (especially women)0
  • want to break societal norms placed upon women
  • defend rights LGBTQ (discriminated against)
  • believe that everybody has a say in communities and governmental policies

4. Problems/risks that are faced:

  • face violence from individuals who are against their positions
  • discrimination because they are beyond a "women's place"
  • have representatives across the nation that monitor the behavior and actions of others that are against them as well as ensuring their protection
  • oppression



I. International Women human rights defenders day[5]

  • recognized by the UN Human Rights Council for their hard work and representation
  • assures the safety of the women human rights defenders
  • checks on their environments making sure women/ representatives are not in harms way

II. Violence faced by women human rights defenders [6]

  • verbal and physical attacks/assault from individuals who do not like what they're doing
  • systematic decimation if they pose as threat
  • confined to stereotypical women's roles

III. Establishment [7]

  • any women/ individual from numerous backgrounds are able to advocate (i.e whites, blacks, LGBTQ, teacher, athlete etc)
  • most representatives originate in countries where human rights are more strict (i.e, sexuality, right to vote, say in community, physical body rights)
  • focuses on issues in society that has negative impact on the way people are living

Women Human Rights Defenders

This is the logo for the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition where they come together and discuss problematic issues dealing with human rights for all.

The United Nation resolution deals with human rights and resolutions to these issues that are presented at hand. It should be noted the resolutions developed are intended to be implied into the community but not legally enforcable under law.[8]

The Women Human Rights defenders are fairly overlooked by individuals inside their communities as well as higher political powers. For this reason, the women human rights defenders face discrimination and are at possible risk to violence. Most of the women human rights defenders advocate and are activists in foreign countries that are far more strict in regards to their different philosophies. [7] The women that work to fight for human rights for all, have numerous meetings with the UN Human Rights Council in conjunction with the LGBTQI defenders in Uganda who face prejudice and discrimination.

*this stub is harder than I thought because I feel as if it already is filled with information that is relevant and I cannot think of anything else to add without being redundant. How do you think or what do you think I should add to this article without looking as if I am repeating that they are saying in different wording?

Second Draft of Women Human Rights Defenders

This is the logo for the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition that represents the coming together and discussing problematic issues dealing with human rights for all.

The United Nations' resolution deals with human rights and resolutions to issues that are presented at hand. It should be noted that the resolutions developed are intended to be implemented into the communities of the world but not legally enforceable under law.[8]

The Women Human Rights defenders are fairly overlooked by individuals inside their communities as well as by higher political powers. Since women are predominantly shut out of political and/or community decision in many countries, they are constantly looked down upon while having many individuals that are against their purpose and want these women to cease their activism.[9] For this reason, the women human rights defenders often face discrimination and are at possible risk of violence. Most of the women human rights defenders are activists in foreign countries that are far more strict in regards to their different policies in regards to sexuality, beliefs, etc. [7] The women that work to fight for human rights have numerous meetings with the UN Human Rights Council in conjunction with the LGBTQI defenders in Uganda who face prejudice and discrimination as well for The Women Human Rights Defenders understand the struggles being endured.[10]


  1. ^ "Michael Jackson Biography - life, family, childhood, children, story, history, mother, young, son, book". Retrieved 2018-09-06.
  2. ^ "Start date for human civilization moved back 20,000 years or so". Christian Science Monitor. 2012-07-30. ISSN 0882-7729. Retrieved 2018-09-06.
  3. ^ Women's human rights step by step : a practical guide to using international human rights law and mechanisms to defend women's human rights. Schuler, Margaret A. Washington, D.C.: Women, Law & Development International. 2003. ISBN 1890832022. OCLC 66693776.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  4. ^ "Women Human Rights Defenders". AWID. 2014-12-17. Retrieved 2018-10-18.
  5. ^ "OHCHR | International Women Human Rights Defenders Day –29 November 2016". Retrieved 2018-10-18.
  6. ^ "women human rights defenders" (PDF).
  7. ^ a b c "Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractive Industries" (PDF).
  8. ^ a b "United Nations Resolution".
  9. ^ Affairs, Ministry of Foreign (2018-03-16). "Legitimating the work of women human rights defenders". Retrieved 2018-11-09.
  10. ^ "Our Work |". Retrieved 2018-11-08.