This user knows the difference between beauty and trash.
A red rose, a symbol for beauty. This user is interested in beauty.
This user is an art lover.
This user is interested in
art history.
This user is a Symbolist.
This user is interested in the Romantic period.
This user is interested in the life and times of Ludwig II of Bavaria
This user is interested in the Victorian period.
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.
This user is interested in the Modernist period.
This user is a bardolater.
This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
This user knows that all good Wilde stories end in tragedy.
This user spends most of his free time thinking about random things...
This user opposes work.
This user loves the Autumn.
This user loves rainy days.
This user likes foggy days.
A fountain penThis user prefers to write with a fountain pen.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user enjoys reading poetry.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user loves opera.