
The Field of Origami-Constructible Numbers


The field of origami-constructible numbers is the field of all numbers that can be constructed on a sheet of paper by the intersection of two lines (or creases) caused by folding the paper given, that the paper has the two points 0 and 1 marked on it, where the paper represents the complex plane with the real axis going through the marked points and imaginary axis being perpendicular to it and passing through point 0. This seemingly elementary origami can be used to demonstrate all Euclidean constructions (these are defined as being straight-edge and compass constructions that are permissible by Euclid's 5 axioms) as well as some constructions that can't be achieved using a straight-edge and compass alone such as trisecting an arbitrary angle, constructing   and constructing regular Heptagons and nonagons.

Euclidean Constructions


Constructions comes from a need to demonstrate and therefore create certain objects for our proofs. In times of Plato, geometric constructions were restricted to the use of only a straight-edge and compass and no markings could be placed on the straight-edge to be used to make measurements[1]. Because of how critical and prominent these geometric constructions were in Euclid’s Elements, these constructions are sometimes known as Euclidean constructions. Such constructions lay at the heart of the three classical geometric problems: (1) squaring the circle, (2) doubling the cube, and (3) trisecting an arbitrary angle.[1] It took until the eighteenth and nineteenth century for the problems to be proved to be impossible.

Near the beginning of the first book of the Elements, Euclid gives five postulates (axioms) for plane geometry, in terms of constructions:

1. To draw a straight line from any point to any point.

2. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.

3. To draw a circle with any centre and radius.

4. That all right-angles are equal to one another.

5. The parallel postulate: If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which the angles are less than two right angles.

Huzita-Hatori Axioms


The field of all numbers can be constructed by a series of folds in the paper to create different lines. All these lines will be straight and the types of lines that we are able to create are defined by the Huzita-Hatori axioms. At the First International Meeting of Origami Science and Technology, Humiaki Huzita and Benedetto Scimemi presented a series of papers. One of which identified six uniquely different ways by which one could create a single crease by aligning one or more combinations of points and lines on a sheet of paper. Those six operations became known as the Huzita axioms. In 2002, Japanese had, through his own study, discovered a type of single-fold alignment that was not detailed in any of the six Huzita axioms. Thus, the 7 Huzita-Hatori axioms came into being (though some believe Huzita-Justin to be a more appropriate name as the seventh axiom is largely credited to Jacques Justin. In 1989, Justin published a paper in which he specified 7 possible combinations of alignments — which turned out to be the 6 Huzita axioms plus Hatori’s 7th.[2])

  • Axiom 1. Given points   and  , we can fold a line that goes through both.
    In a parameterised form, the equation for the line passing through the two points   and   would be:
  • Axiom 2. Given points   and  , we can fold   onto  .
    This is equivalent to finding a perpendicular bisector to the midpoint of the line connecting   and  . The parametric equation for this fold would therefore be: . With   being the midpoint between   and   and   being the vector perpendicular to the line segment  .
  • Axiom 3. Given two lines   and  , we can fold   onto   (i.e. bisect the angle between them).

This is equivalent to finding a bisector of the angle between   and  . Let   and   be any two points on  , and let   and   be any two points on  .

We let   and   be the unit direction vectors of the lines   and   respectively. That is:



If the two lines are parallel, they will have no point of intersection. The fold must be the line midway between the two and parallel to them. Should the two lines not be parallel, the point of intersection will be:




The direction of one of the bisectors is:


and, therefore, the parametric form of the equation of the fold will be:


  • Axiom 4. Given a point   and a line  , we can fold a line perpendicular to   that goes through  .
    This is equivalent to finding a perpendicular to   that passes through  . If we work out a vector   that is perpendicular to the line  , the parametric equation of the fold will be:


  • Axiom 5. Given two points   and   and a line  , we can fold   onto   with a line that goes through  .

This is equivalent to finding the intersection of a line with a circle. This means that it may have 0, 1, or 2 solutions. The line is defined by  , and the circle has its centre at  , and a radius equal to the distance between   and  . If the line does not meet the circle at any point, there are no solutions. If the line is tangent to the circle, there is one solution, and if the line intersects the circle in two places, there are two solutions.

The parametric equation of the folds are:



where  and  are solutions of the quadratic equation, using the combination of the general equation of the circle and the parametric form of line  .

  • Axiom 6. Given two points   and   and two lines   and  , we can fold   onto   and   onto   with a single line.
    This is equivalent to finding a line simultaneously tangent to two parabolas, and can be considered equivalent to solving a third-degree equation as there are in general three solutions. The two parabolas have foci at   and  , respectively, with directrices (lines used to define a curve or surface defined) by   and  , respectively. This fold is called the Beloch fold after Margharita P. Beloch, who in 1936 showed using it that origami can be used to solve general cubic equations.[3]
  • Axiom 7. Given one point   and two lines   and  , we can fold   onto   and is perpendicular to  .
    We have seen that Axiom 5 can have 0, 1, or 2 solutions and Axiom 6 can have 0, 1, 2, or 3 solutions. Because of this, the geometries of origami are considered stronger than the geometries of straight-edge and compass, where the maximum number of solutions an axiom can have is 2. Thus, compass and straightedge geometry solves second-degree equations, while so-called origami geometry, can solve third-degree equations, and solve problems such as angle trisection and doubling of the cube. It is worth noting, though, that the construction of the fold by Axiom 6 requires the "sliding" of the paper, which is not allowed in classical straight-edge and compass constructions[4]

Field operations


The field of all origami-constructible numbers forms a subfield of the field Complex numbers,  . For all   and   that exist within the field then   and   also exist and   exists if   .[1]

Elementary Operations


There are two elementary operations that are combinations of multiple axioms that help us to form create the more well known operations of addition, multiplication and inversion.

E1. Given a point   and a line  , fold a line parallel to   that goes through  .

This can be done by two uses of A4. The first to construct a line through   perpendicular to   and the second to create a new line through   perpendicular to the first line created and hence parallel to the original line.

E2. Given a point   and a line  , reflect   across  .

This can be done by using A4 to construct a line through   perpendicular to   . Then by picking a point on   that is not on the new create line (such a point an be created by the intersection of   and a line passing through 0 or 1). Now using A5 on this new point,   and the new line to fold   across   and mark the line going through   and the new created point. This marks the new point which is the reflection of   across  .



To Multiply by a real number can be done by using A1 on points 0 and   and on 1 and   to create two new lines,   and   respectively. Then by applying E1 to   and the number to multiply by   This will create a new line that will intersect   at the point  .

To multiply by   we use A1 on 0 and   to create line   then use A4 on 0 and   to create line   then use A2 on   and   to create line  . Finally using E2 on   and   will create the point  .



Addition can be performed using E1 and A1. starting with the two points to be added:   and   and the point 0 then use A1 to create lines through   and 0 and   and 0. Then by using E1 twice to find the lines parallel to these lines that pass through the other point. This will create a parallelogram with points   and a forth point. this forth point is the addition of   and  .

This method only works if  ,   and 0 are not all on the same line. If this is the case a new method must be used. Using A1 to create a line through all three points and using A2 to fold   onto   so a new point   lies over 0. Using A4 on 0 and the line with the paper still folded creates a new point This will mark  , the sum of the two points.



The process to invert a number is very similar to multiplication. To start with two lines can be made using A1 on   and 0 and A1 on   and   Then a third line is made using E1 on 1 and the second created line. This line intersecting with the first will mark the inverse.

This can be done for complex numbers in the same manner as multiplication.

Other Constructions


Doubling the Cube


Doubling the cube can be done in origami by creating the length  . This can be done by taking a piece of square paper and folding it into 3 equal horizontal strips. A bottom corner is then moved onto the top edge where the mark at at the intersection of the bottom edge and one of the fold creases is place directly over the other crease. The point now marked at the top edge will be   times further from one corner than the other.[5]

Trisecting the Angle


Trisecting the angle can also be done by creating two parallel folds   and   with the distances   to   and   to a edge of the angle being equal and the angle is on the bottom left corner. The left edge of the fold   is the placed over the other edge of the angle with the bottom left corner being placed on the fold  . The points marked by the new positions of the bottom left corner and the left edge of   can then be used to trisect the angle by creating folds between them and the angle.[5]

Solving Polynomials


There are a few methods for solving polynomials using origami. A method of solving cubic equations such as   is to construct the points   and  and the lines   and  . Using Axiom 6 will create a new line   where   is the solution to the original equation.

This method can also be used to find cube roots by solving the equation  .

A method of solving polynomials to any degree called Lill's Method was adapted to solve cubic equations in origami by Margharita P. Beloch. This method uses connecting line segments with lengths of the coefficients of the polynomial and lines at certain   to find lengths equal to the roots of the polynomial. This method can be used to find the roots of polynomials of any degree using origami if simultaneous folds are allowed.

Power of Origami and Neusis


The advantage origami techniques have over regular compass and straight edge constructions comes from the ability to use Neusis construction as a method of solving problems. Neusis construction consists of fitting a line element of given length   in between two given lines ( and  ), in such a way that the line element, or its extension, passes through a given point  . That is, one end of the line element has to lie on  , the other end on  , while the line element is "inclined" towards P. This extra ability is the reason for all constructions available to origami, and not otherwise, including the neusis construction. This allows the construction of a common tangent line of two parabolas, trisecting angles, doubling the cube and many other constructions.

Other constructible numbers


Negative numbers can be constructed. Negating a number is equivalent to reflecting it across 0. We can do this using A1, A4 and E2 in order. Square and cube roots are also constructible. Square roots can be constructed by using circle geometry to create a point where a circle centred at   with radius   intersects the real axis at point  . Cube roots can be solved by solving cubic equations as mentioned above.

Another origami-constructibe number is   assuming that   itself if constructible. This can be constructed as a right angle triangle with 1 and   as the sides of the triangle and   as the hypotenuse.[6]

Any   sided regular polygon is constructible if and only if   where   and   are distinct primes of the form  .[1]

Extensions of the Field


The field of origami constructible numbers could possibly be extended in many ways. The most common method of doing so is to introduce new rules to allow the creation of new numbers. These include allowing the use of a compass. This can allow for the creation of circles and other curves but does not actually extend the field (no numbers that can be created by allowing the use of a compass can't be created without it).

Other possible ways of extending the field are to allow the use of tracing paper and allow cutting.[7]

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b c d "Euclidean Constructions" (PDF).
  2. ^ TASON (2015-09-23). "Huzita-Justin Axioms". Robert J. Lang Origami. Retrieved 2019-03-24.
  3. ^ Hull, Thomas C. (April 2011). ""Solving Cubics With Creases: The Work of Beloch and Lill"" (PDF).
  4. ^ "Huzita–Hatori axioms", Wikipedia, 2019-01-31, retrieved 2019-03-21
  5. ^ a b Oller, Antonio M. (2007). "Origami constructions". arXiv:0709.3270.
  6. ^
  7. ^