
Al Imraan 190-200


9 th March 2013 & 15 th March 2013

Conclusion of this Surah Matches with Al-Baqarah 's Conclusion Ayah's.

Al-Baqarah's Conclusion talks about

1. Closeness with Allah.

2. Momin's life should improve Day by Day in good deeds.

Discussion on Al-imraan's 190-200 Ayah's.

In 181-190 faults of bani Israel are highlighted.

1. Allah's Greatness is missing in hearts (By calling Allah Fakir).

2. Killed Ambiya

3. Taurat ayah;s they concealed and sold.

This is the reason Imamat from this Umma is retreated.

In these Ayahs(190-200) Ulul Albaab and Ulul Abraar are highlighted.

183 ayah talks about People without understanding.190 Ayah talks about people of Understanding ( Ulul - Albaab).

Kafirs Position , Money and respect should delude people.

There are 3 qualities of Al Albaab

1. Fikr

Vastness of Creation

Orderliness of creation

Purposefulness of creation

Artistry in creation

Person can get to Guidance path from various things.

Thinking about Universe (Kaynaat)

His own Body (Insaan)


History (Zamana)

Adversities ( Tauba 9-126 )

Rasool (Wahi)

Study (Muthala)

Tour (Sayyahat)

Observe (Mushahida)

Discuss ( Mubahisa)

2. Zikr

Ibaadaath Dua -e masnoon Morning and evenings Zikr

Morning praise of Allah, evenings Panah from sins.

3. Dua.

By referring to Allah's names ( asma -e husna)

By getting Dua from man live

Mentioning his own good deeds.

Al Abrar people are

1. Have Imaan - Rejecting Kufr

2. do Hizrath - Leaving Darul Kufr

3. Do Zihaad - Batting against establishment of Kufr

The Six advices given in these ayah's

1. This World's Beauty shouldn't not deceive any Momin

2. Dont categorize People of book are bad, there are some people who are willing to accept this Quraan.

3. Sabr

4. Muqabila( Mental Preparation)

5. Murabitha ( Material Preparation)

6. Taqwa - God fearing ( this should encompass all above)