WIKISOURCES It is an online digital library that consist of free textual sources. It is a platform whereby textual sources are collected and stores that contains historical or previously texts that had been published previously. Wikisources contains novels, short stories, poems, songs, letters, writing on traveling, non-fiction texts, speeches, news articles, constitutional documents, court rulings, and various other texts. Vandendorpe (2012; p.2) mentioned that “The original concept for Wikisource was as storage for useful or important historical texts. These texts were intended to support Wikipedia articles, by providing primary evidence and original source texts, and as an archive in its own right”.


What they offer: (Wikisource:What Is Wikisource? - Wikisource, n.d.) Wikisource is a multilingual project, texts and translation of texts are welcome in all languages that have no own subdomain. It is important to link and classify texts and translations so that they will be as accessible as possible to everybody. Wikisources includes: -Sources texts previously published by an author - Translation of original texts - Historical documents of national or international interest - Bibliographies of author whose work are in wikisources

How can a teacher use wiki sources: -Historical figure Instead of creating another boring academic paper about historical figures, create a fan site of Wiki Source to make research and documentation fun. Students can add and edit text, post photos, famous quotes, and links to references they use.

-student as editor Turn grammar into a challenging and competitive game. Have students use the wiki source to edit the grammatically incorrect text. The teacher divides the students into groups and the group with the most edits wins. Individual edits can also be counted.

-Join discussion team Using a set of written guidelines, teachers post topics for students to discuss using wiki sources for online forums. Teachers monitor discussions and debates, and students learn online debate etiquette.

-book and movie reviews Students can use the wiki source to write their assigned book or movie review. Other students can add to, comment on, and discuss the assessment in the monitored forums. language problem For math classes, teachers can publish word problems in the wiki source. Students work individually or in groups to solve problems.

-geography Wikisource can be used for geographic research by providing states and countries with their own wiki pages. Ask students to add useful and unique information about each region.

-Group assessment and test Consider using wiki group ratings as an alternative way to manage ratings. Students work together and help each other to succeed.

Conclusion Instead of creating another boring academic paper about historical figures, create a fan site of Wiki Source to make research and documentation fun. Students can add and edit text, post photos, famous quotes, and links to references they use.


Vandendorpe, Christian. (2012). Wikisource and the Scholarly Book. volume 3. issue 4. Scholarly and Research Communication. University of Ottawa. Retrieved from: Date: 20 September 2022

(2022). wiki source. Wikipedia.

(2011). How To Use Wiki In The Classroom. eLearning Industry. ​ Wikisource:What is Wikisource? - Wikisource. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2022, from (2011). How To Use Wiki In The Classroom. eLearning Industry.