Special:Prefixindex/User:ACP909 User:ACP909/subpage



I'm a visual artist mostly based in Paris who worked a lot with wikipedia. Since the beginning and almost every day I am a true enthusiast for this free encyclopaedia. My field of research are those of Art, USA, True crime, Artists, cities, Architecture, Medical field mostly psychological, Technical Terms or History related facts. It has helped me shape a certain angle of vision that I infuse in my body of work.

Why I created a wiki for ACP909


The possibility to create books and even further, to print them with PediaPress led me to create a new project called "On recollection processes to get a bigger boat". The work is a visual display of seven books on simple white shelve. All seven books made of wikipedia articles and printed with PediaPress. So far I started the first book, with already two versions printed. The first book is called: HERSTORY, a documentation on drag. I started it alone but soon asked a friend to join forces for his skills in that field and support, and because he had previously worked in the press. With his help with have now created a two part book focusing on 1. the history 2. the actors. We have printed a second book where we have finally choose all the pages of "real" actors and those how can not appear as "real drag" (sorry Divine you'll be in the next book). With the expertise of my assist, we came to the conclusion that a lot of Actors of the scene was deserving better pages on wiki, due to their talents or act of extreme revolution genre or just because they need better info box and at least a good picture in it. I also couldn't find a page for the documentary The Queen (1968) which is a very important document to understand the Drag history and why the gay black community went to created the ball culture and the House system. So I did created my ACP909 user to contribute as good as I can, as little as it can be, with all the precautions possible in this task. BOY! I didn't know where I was putting my hands on!