I have a few ideas for wikipedia pages that I could create/edit:

  1. Concerted Cultivation: This page exists but is quite small and has few sources. Also, on the talk page for concerted cultivation, there is a comment that the page is not neutral. In my wikipedia project, I would work to make the language more neutral. Also, I would add additional sources and information regarding the process of concerted cultivation, its' characteristics, and especially the outcomes associated with concerted cultivation. [[1]]
Another idea relating to Concerted Cultivation would be to add a section on the page that discusses how concerted cultivation shapes the lives of adolescents, what this looks like, and how it is related to certain outcomes such as achievement.
  1. Subjective Task Value: This is a component of the Expectancy Value Theory by Eccles and Wigfield, which is a motivational theory. There is no page for this term, so I would work on creating a page. Also, the Expectancy Value Theory page does not mention Eccles and Wigfield, so I might add to that page in order to situate this term. [[2]]
  2. Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset: There is no page for either fixed or growth mindset. So, I would work on creating one or both of these pages. The page on mindset mentions Carol Dweck and growth/fixed mindsets but does not discuss these terms and their implications deeply. [[3]]
Within the scope of mindset, I could add a section to the beginning mindset page on how it shapes outcomes in adolescence like achievement in school. I might also include a section that discusses the middle/high school context and strategies that can be used to improve students mindset.

4apar (talk) 22:25, 17 February 2014 (UTC)