Article Evaluation

      • Intro: While all of the links work, several citations would be infringing copyright as they directly quote the source (1,2,5). Source (3) is a secondary citation, as the page listed also cites this fact as being from another source. Source (4) does not support the claim it is listed for.
      • Types: Several of the citations in this section are for print sources that are unavailable online (7,8). Source (6) is directly quoted and would infringe on copyright laws. Source (9) does not allow you to view the article without paying for a subscription
      • Intro: Many of the citations for the intro are secondary sources; these citations come from articles similar to wikipedia that cite other papers for their information. While the sources are seemingly neutral (CDC, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) they are not appropriate sources.Types: The first sentence in the section is a fact that is not currently cited at all. Additionally, there are numerous other points in each description of a type of NTD where facts and statistics are provided without any citation; only the link to the corresponding wikipedia page is given. In the subsection on Spina Bifida Occulta there are marked places where a citation is needed. This section could be greatly improved with a thorough evaluation and addition of citations.
      • Intro: Sources (1,3) is an article similar to a wikipedia article, with all references from 2012 or earlier. Source (2) is a report from 2012. Source (4) was last updated on October 12, 2016. Source (5) was last updated March 30, 2016. Nothing seems to be missing from the introduction.
      • Types: Source (6) has no publication date. Sources (7,8) were both published in 2010. Source (9) was published in 2008. In each of the descriptions about certain types of NTDs, there could be more information added in certain divisions about the disease, as several are more populated than others.