
A shortcut is a redirect that assigns an abbreviated title to a page in Wikipedia's behind-the-scenes namespaces. This lets you get to a page with fewer keystrokes.

Shortcuts to pages in the Wikipedia namespace start with "WP:". For example, the shortcut to Wikipedia:Department directory is WP:DIR.

When a page has one or more shortcuts to it, those shortcuts should be displayed on that page using the shortcut template.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}
The time at this user's location:
2024-05-31 14:36 UTC+8
This user is from China.
This user is a student.
This user supports the People's Republic of China and believes any political and social change in China must come about gradually through which the result does not necessarily have to be a Western-style democracy.

I support the Chinese language Wikipedia with my contributions.