In mathematics, the Todd class is a certain construction now considered a part of the theory in algebraic topology of characteristic classes. The Todd class of a vector bundle can be defined by means of the theory of Chern classes, and is encountered where Chern classes exist — most notably in differential topology, the theory of complex manifolds and algebraic geometry. In rough terms, a Todd class acts like a reciprocal of a Chern class, or stands in relation to it as a conormal bundle does to a normal bundle.

The Todd class plays a fundamental role in generalising the classical Riemann–Roch theorem to higher dimensions, in the Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem and the Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem.



It is named for J. A. Todd, who introduced a special case of the concept in algebraic geometry in 1937, before the Chern classes were defined. The geometric idea involved is sometimes called the Todd-Eger class. The general definition in higher dimensions is due to Friedrich Hirzebruch.



To define the Todd class   where   is a complex vector bundle on a topological space  , it is usually possible to limit the definition to the case of a Whitney sum of line bundles, by means of a general device of characteristic class theory, the use of Chern roots (aka, the splitting principle). For the definition, let


be the formal power series with the property that the coefficient of   in   is 1, where   denotes the  -th Bernoulli number. Consider the coefficient of   in the product


for any  . This is symmetric in the  s and homogeneous of weight  : so can be expressed as a polynomial   in the elementary symmetric functions   of the  s. Then   defines the Todd polynomials: they form a multiplicative sequence with   as characteristic power series.

If   has the   as its Chern roots, then the Todd class


which is to be computed in the cohomology ring of   (or in its completion if one wants to consider infinite-dimensional manifolds).

The Todd class can be given explicitly as a formal power series in the Chern classes as follows:


where the cohomology classes   are the Chern classes of  , and lie in the cohomology group  . If   is finite-dimensional then most terms vanish and   is a polynomial in the Chern classes.

Properties of the Todd class


The Todd class is multiplicative:


Let   be the fundamental class of the hyperplane section. From multiplicativity and the Euler exact sequence for the tangent bundle of  


one obtains [1]


Computations of the Todd class


For any algebraic curve   the Todd class is just  . Since   is projective, it can be embedded into some   and we can find   using the normal sequence


and properties of chern classes. For example, if we have a degree   plane curve in  , we find the total chern class is


where   is the hyperplane class in   restricted to  .

Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula


For any coherent sheaf F on a smooth compact complex manifold M, one has


where   is its holomorphic Euler characteristic,


and   its Chern character.

See also





  • Todd, J. A. (1937), "The Arithmetical Invariants of Algebraic Loci", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 43 (1): 190–225, doi:10.1112/plms/s2-43.3.190, Zbl 0017.18504
  • Friedrich Hirzebruch, Topological methods in algebraic geometry, Springer (1978)
  • M.I. Voitsekhovskii (2001) [1994], "Todd class", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press