The Man Back There, David Crouse's second collection of short fiction, was awarded the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction in 2007. Selected by judge Mary Gaitskill, the collection is a \portrayal of nine very different—but also very similar—men living on the margins of society.

Andre Dubus III, author of the best-selling House of Sand and Fog, says of The Man Back There, "In this virtuoso collection of stories, David Crouse guides us directly to where the shadow lies - the disorienting loss, the surprising heartache, the forgotten wound - those inevitable areas of the psyche we all share and through which only truth, illuminatedwith a such a light touch here, can deliver us; The Man Back There and Other Stories is the work of the real thing."[citation needed]

In her introduction to The Man Back There, Gaitskill writes simply, "I chose these stories because they made me feel...."[citation needed]
