
{{ Sourcearchived | archiveurl | archivedate | url=… | deadurl=… }}


If values for any of the unnamed parameters contains an equals sign (“=”) then either the named parameter must be specified (e.g. “archiveurl=”) or it must be enclosed in a “<nowiki>=</nowiki>” structure or the “{{ =}}” template must be used (e.g. {{ Source archived|{{=}}Qm.9Rw}} ).  If this template is called by other templates, any parameter values passed from a calling process should be named to avoid potential problems.

Multiple archives are currently not supported due to the inability to generate pop-up windows with hyperlinks using templates.

Hover mouse over each icon to view different tooltip descriptions in various situations.
Source was archived! {{ Source archived}}
Source was archived! {{ Source archived| deadurl=no}}
Source was archived! {{ Source archived|}}
Source was archived! {{ Source archived|| June 16, 2015}}
Source was archived! June 16, 2015 {{ Source archived|| archivedate=June 16, 2015}}
Source was archived! June 16, 2015 {{ Source archived|| archivedate=June 16, 2015| url=}}
Source was archived! June 16, 2015 {{ Source archived|| archivedate=June 16, 2015| url=| deadurl=yes}}
Source was archived! June 16, 2015 {{ Source archived|| archivedate=June 16, 2015| url=| deadurl=no}}