Template:Parenteral potencies and durations of nonsteroidal estrogens

Parenteral potencies and durations of nonsteroidal estrogens
Estrogen Form Major brand name(s) EPD (14 days) Duration
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Oil solution Metestrol 20 mg 1 mg ≈ 2–3 days; 3 mg ≈ 3 days
Diethylstilbestrol dipropionate Oil solution Cyren B 12.5–15 mg 2.5 mg ≈ 5 days
Aqueous suspension ? 5 mg ? mg = 21–28 days
Dimestrol (DES dimethyl ether) Oil solution Depot-Cyren, Depot-Oestromon, Retalon Retard 20–40 mg ?
Fosfestrol (DES diphosphate)a Aqueous solution Honvan ? <1 day
Dienestrol diacetate Aqueous suspension Farmacyrol-Kristallsuspension 50 mg ?
Hexestrol dipropionate Oil solution Hormoestrol, Retalon Oleosum 25 mg ?
Hexestrol diphosphatea Aqueous solution Cytostesin, Pharmestrin, Retalon Aquosum ? Very short
Note: All by intramuscular injection unless otherwise noted. Footnotes: a = By intravenous injection. Sources: [1][2][3][4][5]