

Replaces oo with and ee with , for that erudite pedantic flair. Works with any input string -- including ones where it is grammatically incorrect to produce the diæresis.

There are a few special cases coded in for stuff like "naïve" and "intraätomic".

  • We need to work {{newyorkerize|cooperatively}}.
We need to work coöperatively.
  • {{tny|Preeminent}} thinkers agree: many such cases.
Preëminent thinkers agree: many such cases.
  • Stealing the {{tny|reelection}} at least accomplishes something, {{tny|whereas}} stealing the {{tny|dais}} is simply {{tny|naive}}.
Stealing the reëlection at least accomplishes something, whereäs stealing the daïs is simply naïve.

Do not be lazy and just put the template around your entire sentence, or it will produce stupid stuff:

  • {{tny|Three geese preemptively coordinated shooting poop at geeks' boots all week.}}
Threë geëse preëmptively coördinated shoöting poöp at geëks' boöts all weëk.